ITT Post people who unironically did nothing wrong

ITT Post people who unironically did nothing wrong.

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what i hate most about 8ch is that we can fucking delete /pol/ and everything will be fine, but there's no /leftypol/ equivalent we could delete on Veeky Forums

>Three commies one purged




why are there so many communists on Veeky Forums?

Because communism is the most rational, utopian form of government.

Veeky Forums is a high IQ board.




he only LARP'd as a commie to get free gibs from USSR and China when Americans turned their backs on him


>recently got unbanned because one of the pictures I had was a barneyfag crop
No way fuck that guy I'm still fucking paranoid at everything I see now.

Its a reaction to the /pol/tards who keep coming here
Also pic related did absolutely nothing wrong

You do realize many /pol/tards are commies at this point, right?


You can't honestly mean that, even if you're a Nazi.

Selective quote, that dude is leftist as fuck

>user in charge of not being retarded

Like pol pot

Communism is more edgy these days and gets you tons of (you)s. But it takes time to build up. We're still in the ironic stage.

The person /pol/ memes into office in 2024 after 8 years of Trump will be so far left they'll make Bernie Sanders look like Ted Cruz.

>murrica will get an unironic fullblown tankie as president in 2024


This guy

I don't get the big deal, it was just a joke

i don't get it

If it's because you think that's Trotsky, it's actually Kalinin


A victim of circumstance.

His arrest, torture, and execution served as an opportunity for established Spartans to reform their state and ensure continued, untrammeled success.



Only good answer

I know it's Kalinin, but I still don't get it.

Papa bless

He is right though

>this is what leftypol actually believes
Maybe if you manage to keep importing socially conservative 3rd worlders that vote left for the gibs and couldn't give a shit about your ideology.

Shut up shill

>stealing all of your "enemies'" "tactics" because you think this was why Trump was elected

So fucking cute! Leftists are always the cutest. I'd love to have a leftist bf to taunt endlessly.

Italian war crimes have never been proven!

Ave Victoria, Ave maria

You got me, pal! Guess I'm a commie now!

Fuck you

You mad, leftyboi?


*blows you the fuck out*


Pick one


>what is accelerationism?


*Tips head*

No shit


kek, hell was designed especially for people like him

>responsible for 9/11
>did nothing wrong

try harder /pol/, not even lefties like him anymore

he tried and failed

t. frenchie


not that guy, but:
>anyone who think communism is retarded is le /pol/
errytime. also nice 8gag filename :^) im sure we don't know where you're from :^)))

*teleports at your back*

Based Goering

Other way around at this point.

You leftyturds really are delusional.

>not even lefties like him anymore

they try to "raid" occasionally.

based Goering

Fuck this thread.


He also banned boyfucking and pedophilia, which magically reappeared when Americans (((liberated))) Afghanistan.


w8 wut?

>Lenin and Trotsky
Fucking what?

Found the 12-year-old

>Killed 61 million people between them
>nothing wrong

Back to leftypol you go

>falling for 60 year old 'lenin dindu nuffin' tankie propaganda

>muh 6168686349088 quadragazibzillion

>that guy in class who don't want to be bullied anymore

>Thinking this is Trotsky.

Only correct answer ITT

Not sure how the two are mutually exclusive. The only rational way for Singapore to develop was a trade hub due to its geographical position.

I thought that said Marx

They were all traitorous snakes and ignorant fools grasping for power purely based on their own ego.
They all should have been hung by the russian people, their crimes are just barely starting to lose effect now 26 years after the system they created fell do its completely illogical flaws and incompetence. It will take decades before the damage is at least halfway undone.

Communism was a mistake by ignorant hopefuls following egotistical greedy fools, following an uneducated and inexperienced lazy pretentious twat who thought his childish dream was perfect despite it being a completely empty and undetailed mess of wish dreams that ignore reality, skip over important details when changing all of society in a nation, and basically call for the destruction of all previous work, history, culture, stability, and safety to take from previous infrastructure and means of production to commit was is basically national slavery, which risks either the death of the millions who disagree or chaos after the failed attempt at a violent revolution. God help them if the infrastructure and means of production are already poor, then they have nothing to leach off of.

Fucking Heretics

Fucking Caesar; fucking toganiggers


It's been confirmed he's killed at least 18 million people intentionally, while 22 million were killed in WWII, which while not exactly by stalin's hand it could "technically" be seen by some as still the USSR's fault, although it was more of at fault of the german army, one could have prevented it, and the other could have not pulled the trigger

Of those who starved The total number of victims in the Soviet Union is estimated to be 6 – 8 millions, the 3.3 million or so inhabitants of Soviet Ukraine who died in 1932 and 1933 were victims of a deliberate killing policy related to nationality. In early 1930, Stalin had announced his intention to “liquidate” prosperous peasants (“kulaks”) as a class so that the state could control agriculture and use capital extracted from the countryside to build industry. Tens of thousands of people were shot by Soviet state police and hundreds of thousands deported. Those who remained lost their land and often went hungry as the state requisitioned food for export. The first victims of starvation were the nomads of Soviet Kazakhstan, where about 1.3 million people died. The famine spread to Soviet Russia and peaked in Soviet Ukraine. Stalin requisitioned grain in Soviet Ukraine knowing that such a policy would kill millions. Blaming Ukrainians for the failure of his own policy, he ordered a series of measures—such as sealing the borders of that Soviet republic—that ensured mass death. 2–3 million deaths in labor camps and exile colonies.

This isn't including the Russian civil war, there is the question of the total human cost. This is bound up less with Red troops fighting White troops or Cheka executions; what killed most were the dreadful epidemics that could have easily be prevented if wasn't for the distraction and ruin caused by a revolution. The official statistics show 890,000 deaths from typhus and typhoid in 1919, and 1,044,000 in 1920 (compared to 63,000 in 1917). In addition to that there was dysentery, cholera, and the Ispanka, the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1919. The effects of hunger were tremendous. One source estimated that 3 million or more deaths could have come from higher child mortality. (Another indication of the scale of the Russian tragedy were the 7 million bezprizornye, homeless children.)

estimated deaths for the period 1914-1926 by comparing census figures and taking into account changes in territory and the birth rate, the result is a figure of 16 million, which divided between 2 million military deaths and 14 million civilian. Subtracting 1.7 million killed in the World War and about 5 million who died in the 1921-1922 famine would leave 9-10 million deaths resulting directly or indirectly from the revolution.

Why is the 1937 population census, from which at least 9.8 million unnatural prewar deaths can be infered according to the lowest possible estimate (Maksudov, S. (Poteri naseleniya SSSR, 1989), missing from your chart tankie scum?



