>yfw when Pr*ssians are extinct
Yfw when Pr*ssians are extinct
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>tfw the eternal livonian will never again blight civilization
Wrong again, Veeky Forums
whats wrong with prussians?
Everything. They are the reason Germans are such autistic subhumans who try to destroy Europe every few decades.
Prussia was the last holdout against Hitlers weaponised autism
None of them was Prussian.
>yfw when White America is extinct
>we will never in a timeline where Prussia votes to secede in response to the budding Third Reich's attempts to strip its autonomy and the European equivalent of the American Civil War ensues between Prussian nobility preaching the virtues of states' rights and the hyper-centralized Nazi-dominated Weimar government in Berlin.
That would've happened if Hitler sided with Rohm instead of the Junkers.
borderline larp, germany will never fracture ever again, not back into the old countries that is. coming from a fan and descendant of prussia. it's dead jim
It's also the closest we can realistically get to a scenario where a sweet young German Belle named Anne has a romance with a dashing Prussian cavalier who fights to protect his ancestral homeland from the brutal excesses of National Socialism.
I'm totally not projecting my Scarlett O'Hara fantasies onto Anne Frank here.
>Prussian nobility
>giving a shit about muh states rights
>not reading the context
Try again
What happened to them, have they just been assimilated into Russians and Poles?
So Prussia now is some dudes with flags? lmao
They were driven out, partly through pogroms and partly through threats of it. Same with the germanic peoples in the Baltic.
Kaliningrad is like 5% german at most.
100% of those few Germans who remained in Koenigsberg after the war voluntarily got the fuck out of there as soon as Soviet government let them do it.
The Hohenzoller still exists Amerifag.
So be careful. 4th Reich in next 25 years!? Hopefully together with Russia against Shitmerica.
t. brainlet
>everybody posts German shit
Both old and new Prussians in fact.
>not in a timeline where a large faction of wehrmacht officers succeeded in rallying other Wehrmacht officers and soldiers to fight against the Nazi leadership
>tfw not in the timeline where WW2 never happened and was replaced by a German civil war between the Wehrmacht and the SS
Hitler just had to go too far and ruin Europe forever. Thanks for ruining the name of Prussia
>germany will never fracture ever again
>your face when when
wtf i love genocide now
>hating the most glorious and divine nation that God ever graced us with
Wilhelm I, Frederick III, and Wilhelm II were fucking mistakes.
Otto Von Bismarck was the true emperor of the German Empire and deserved to crown himself as such. Damn that fool for being a monarchist. Damn that fool for believing in divine right.
>tfw realized russia and prussia were two different places
I thought russia was in the EU
don't you have butter to churn with your muscular wife Helga
It is kind of poetic how the state responsible for so much of the world's troubles was flat-out erased- most of what used to be Prussia was ethnically cleansed and given to Poland, and now the average person (outside of G*rmans) doesn't know that those lands were ever German.
I thought the Nazis got the most support in the northeast and north-central (i.e. Prussia) and the least support in the south (e.g. Bavaria)?
>be prussian
>speak german
Pole here.
Prussia was an abomination, not a state.
Its identity was based on pursuing never ending war and hatred of Slavic people, which they wanted to exterminate since centuries.
I am glad this vile entity was erased.
In my hometown there are some fallen prussian statues and ruins in the park, we let dogs pee and shit on them.
Good riddance. We're still paying off the damage from last time, when the commies wrecked the east.
Bulgarian here
How about your sorry, barely Slavic, Commie rape baby, Catholic little ass reads up on some history instead of shit posting on Veeky Forums on why Prussia lifted up that whole shitty little region you call home and be appreciative for a change.
>outside of G*rmans
>implying Germans still learn that part of their history
Try Austrians, Russians and probably most of the "nations" in-between.
>telling me anything
>Wilhelm I, Frederick III, [...] were fucking mistakes.
Say that to my face, not online, see what happens
And they say karmic justice isn't real.
Kekkerino, that's still not an argument. And the worst is most Poles are cool guys, but people like you are the reason your country's been the young Swedish girl to Hitler and Stalin's unwashed Somali dicks
This is a German lady.
Whats the matter ? Angry that we didn't take any of your refugee brothers?
Sad isn't it?
Even if your grandpaerents are slavs if nobody talks Polish anymore and identifies as German you are German
You ever heard of Dinko, my Telephone Pole friend??
no it was just a theory. I was hoping that the poster would get back to me
The funniest thing is that the most of Prussiaboos are actually amerifat LARPers, proud of being 1/16 prussian, even if their prussian ancestors were not proud of their shithole at the time and they fled to the USA for a reason.
>ruining the name of Prussia
But it was a state formed from backstabbing and its preceding state was also a backstabber, and then later backstabbed its liege TWICE
>Bavaria will never secede from Germany and join Austria to form the Hapsbach kingdom
I am that poster. All I know is that her name is Camilla and she did some modelling for 3D.sk.
I'm a Prussiaboo and I have exactly zero Prussian blood.
And yet all those high class aristocrats who despised Hitler for being a brute from nowhere were all Prussians. Jealous.
And yet the Free State was run by a coalition of moderate parties until Von Papen fucked it all up and got outplayed by Hitler
The ones who survived Polish pogroms before the war, essentially starting the whole conflict (Danzig Massacre) were later expelled or killed by the Polish again after the war under the supervision of the allies.
>Danzig Massacre
Why did Germans murder their own people? What the fuck was their problem?
>German moderate parties
>"we only want to annex our neighbours and keep them as slaves"
Was that official SPD and Zentrum policy?
Why are brainlets even allowed to speak about history of the region they can't even point on the fucking map?
Let's face it. The only knowledge about history of Central and Eastern Europe comes from "The Greatest Story Never Told" and that's a piece of shit, not documentary.
>we only want to annex our neighbours
No, they only wanted the German lands that were taken back
>and keep them as slaves
>No, they only wanted the German lands that were taken back
Which they previously took from Poland.
are those russians?
Wrong, they're P(r)ussian now.
Stupid krauts got what they deserved.
>vote for a total war
>lose and get deported
>hurr durr muh evil soviets
Which they previously took from Germanics, which they previously took from Celts, which they previously took from some other group.
You're now comparing some shitty tribes that had nothing to do with Germans to begin with and never established their presence firmly in the region. They were on the move.
Poles on the other hand did establish their presence by erecting cities and entering the Western/Latin world by baptism.
You're a total brainlet, I suggest you do some reading.
>Germans and Germanics are synonyms
>Poles on the other hand did establish their presence by erecting cities and entering the Western/Latin world by baptism.
So did Germans from 1400 in Silesia, Eastern Pomerania, East Prussia and other regions (though they only formed large majorities in the three areas I mentioned).
Does that mean Germany has now the right to these lands and expulse the Poles there?
I didn't imply that, I just said the Poles took the land from someone as well at some point.
>So did Germans from 1400 in Silesia, Eastern Pomerania, East Prussia and other regions (though they only formed large majorities in the three areas I mentioned).
They didn't.
No they are russians in kaliningrad.
Some of them like to flirt a bit with the local history because its edgy and makes the oblastkeeper butthurt but they are not prussians who got absorbed and mixed into the german populations beyond the Oder.
Prussians were Germanized Slavs anyway so who cares. If Russians want to LARP as Prussians, let them.
They didn't form majority. Certainly not in Silesia and not in East Prussia. If you check the surnames of the people that were"Germans" there, they have Polish/Slavic surnames, Meaning Ostsiedlung didn't do its job properly.
Now let's look at actual sources instead of wiki.
>German settlers coming to Silesia since the second half of the 13th century, called the native Slavic population of this land "Wasserpolen", and in further centuries this name was also extended into slavic speech of inhabitants of Silesia: "Wasserpolnisch Michsprache". A German geographical description of Silesia from year 1689 notes - for example - that between Oława and Kąty Wrocławskie "sehr polnisch redet". In Kąty Wrocławskie (Kanth) in year 1641 almost half of all artisans / craftsmen belonged to a separate, "Polish artisan guild". One of first decrees of Frederick the Great from year 1764 was directed against the Polish language - by this decree German language was introduced as official language and by the same decree from 1764 it was forbidden to employ in schools teachers who did not use German language. Restrictions for Polish language in schools and offices were introduced.
>Initially, Germanization affected the area of Lower Silesia - especially all large cities located in that area. The city of Wroclaw (Breslau) thanks to German settlement became a bilingual city. Gradually Polish language was being replaced by German language in Wroclaw, but nevertheless for a very long time the right bank side of Wroclaw, located on the eastern side of the Oder River, was being called by Germans "Polnische seite". Even a document from as late as 1789 says that population living in the suburbs of Wroclaw was still using Polish language.
> (You)
In the 19th century Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie wrote:
>"The capital city of Silesia has many Polish-speaking inhabitants, because already 1,5 miles from Wroclaw there are entire Polish-speaking villages, and just 2 or 3 miles from Wroclaw there are entire parishes with majority of Polish-speaking populations, located at the Oder River."
In a brochure from 1791, an ethnic German pastor from Breslau - J. W. Pohleg - wrote:
(Source: J. W. Pohleg, "Der Oberschlesier verteidigt gegen seine Widersacher", published in 1791):
>"(...) What is the native language here in Silesia? Because rather not German? Basing on the names of cities and villages in a particular land, we can establish without any doubts, what was the most common language in this land when those cities and villages were built. What do words such as Glogau, Bunzlau, Wohlau, Jauer, Breslau, Brieg mean in German language? Nothing. On the other hand, in Polish language all these words have their meaning! Isn't the conclusion, that when those cities were built, Polish was the regional language in Silesia, true? Isn't this thus true, that accusing a Lower Silesian of speaking German language is more justified than accusing an Upper Silesian of speaking Polish language?* There is so much ignorance shown by your agitators**, who complain so loudly. The thing which they criticize,*** is rather worth praising. Honestly, how pitiful is a nation, which is jeering at people due to their mother tongue - people who are not at fault for using it - and the ones who are mocking, have not enough virtues to judge others genuinely and earnestly. (...)"
* He wrote this after Frederick the Great started oppressing Polish language in Silesia.
** He is writing about agitators of the Prussian king - Frederick William II.
*** And this thing is the fact that Upper Silesians spoke Polish language.
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski during his trip to Breslau from 1869 wrote:
>"(...) Germanization even until this day was not able to fully obliterate traces of old, Slavic extraction. Wroclaw is, we can already say this today, a half-polish city, because its part behind the Oder River, near Tum, even nowadays is called polish* and we can hear Polish language being spoken by inhabitants already in the suburbs of this city. (...)"
* This district of Breslau was called by Germans "Polnische seite".
And an ethnic German scholar - dr Partsch - in his book "Schlesien" from 1896 wrote:
>"(...) It is hard to believe, how could such a thing happen, that on the western side of the Oder River, in the Ohlau District as well as in the vincinity of parts of the Breslau District and the Strehlen District, there could survive completely compact territories of Polish-speaking inhabitants, which includes within its boundaries many important roads and which extends in all directions from the large center of transport that the city of Breslau is. (...)"
Balts also.
Some triple-people mix going good.
Eh, is better if they pretend to be heirs of prussia then to cling to the notion their Oblast is nothing more then a glorified rocketlauncher with a few concrete blocs attached.
but he's not wrong, there must be reason why World decide to ride off this abomination after war
As for the surnames of the "germans" in the East. Majority of them had surname ending with -ski and -wicz, which was later changed to -witz, like Clausewitz
*their Oblast is more then
I mean seriously, must be depressing to life there.
Yes no shit there are Slavic influences in the German people. These people still are Germans, they were assimilated and mixed since the middle ages and adopted German language & culture.
You didn't have to tell me there was a sizable Polish population in Upper Silesia, you can see that in the map I posted here: That doesn't work as evidence for the 12 million expelled Germans (minus ~2 million from Czechoslovakia) not being German...
But weren't Poles kicked out from their old territories as well? Who lost more territory?
>2,3 million vs 12 million
clearly not to the same extent, and it was land that Poland annexed from Belarus and Ukraine in 1921.
Also this is beside the point, what's your argument?
>Poland annexed from Belarus and Ukraine in 1921.
you mean annexed from Russians?
Well, Soviets if you want to be picky.
>poles kicked out from old terretories
Not during the medieval Ostsiedlung, that was basically just german massimmigration as the HRE had croprotation and thus surplus people whose farming experience and mettalurgic skills were thought after.
Now there were a few deportations of poles during the first empire when they couldnt prove that theyd lived in those areas already for a longer time as Bismark feared immigrants to polonize the land more again if given enough time but that didnt affect many people.
Or you mean during ww2?
let's be honest, that was Russians all along who conquer these lands in 1772-1795 and then again in 1939
>and then again in 1939
Yes, the evil Russians with their totally ethnically Russian 100% Russian nationalist ruler Stalin.
And this "other group" was Proto-Balto-Slavic R1a Corded Ware culture.
They should unironically start speaking German and pretend it's their ancestral land. I mean it worked for the Jews and Hebrew language.
Stalin was a Russian nationalist and consider himself as a "Russian with Greogrians orgins"
[citation needed]
I consider myself a black man with white origins