This much FUD for a 50m cap coin. Intredasting. Youre not gonna buy cheap LINKS retards.
This much FUD for a 50m cap coin. Intredasting. Youre not gonna buy cheap LINKS retards
Even Vitalik thinks it's overpriced.
Now below ICO price and you're calling it FUD. lmao at you.
keep trying to fud it nolinkies. you will never be able to buy at ICO price again
deluded. nolinkies
what does vitalik know about prices, he sold 25% of his ETH at $6 lmao.
Immensely undervalued, I could understand if this was at a $250m market cap right now, but it is a screaming buy at these levels. I hope it goes below ICO price so I can load up big, this will be a top 10 coin by Q2 2018. Please keep fudding.
It's not below ICO price.
Also, Vitalik thinks Ethereum shouldn't be worth more than $1bil.
>t. user who doesn't understand FUD
it will never be below ico price deluded noLINK
He thinks eth is worth $15 and 99% of coins should be worthless. He endorses Chainlink's project but doesn't agree with the crypto marketcap. Anyone with half a brain would have bought after his tweet.
its a meme buddy
they keep saying that & repeating it because NOLINK retards see it and then think "oh nvm not gonna buy now its DED". classic low level FUD tactics
Well, he was right. Eth is already below ICO price and a massive failure.
It's actually dropping, it's gonna go way below ICO price now that Vitalik destroyed it's reputation.
have a look at the coin supply. 1 Billion overal with 350 Millions in circulation.
yes, the price will go up, but not how you think it will go up.
this is not the unicorn you've waited for, it will not give you x100000.
Yes, gains are here, but not THIS gains.
So calm the fuck down.
ChainLink is a very good choice to keep pink wojak away, but it is not the fucking Ticket to the moon.
deluded NOLINKs. keep trying to fud this.
this will never be lower. you will never win.
>He endorses Chainlink's project
he literally said "oracles are awesome but endorse is a strong word"
why does biz FUD this coin so much? hooooly....
>He thinks eth is worth $15 and 99% of coins should be worthless
I don't follow meme-personalities, but to me that just sounds like someone who wants crypto to grow out of "babby's first stockmarket"-phase it's been in since 2010.
Since he made a crypto himself he probably thinks and hopes it can actually be useful in the future
they didnt get into best ICO of 2017 and try to shake out weak hands.
Strong hands hold atleast until October16 for easy 5x gains
people were shilling it on Veeky Forums 24/7 which is why it's fun to shit on it like digibyte and bancor
>you're not gonna buy cheap link
Just you fucking watch me
>as if coin supply means ANYTHING
god you fucking newfags are hopeless.
The future of this coin is amazing, but it is not what you think it is, as long the devs doesn't burn 500 Mills of the total supply.
350 Millions in circulation right now is a lot. And there is a BILLION more they're holding back.
Do the math.
what do you think it'll peak at?
See the chart, it is not affected by the Bear market at all.
I, for myself, am a presale-fag, i can sell anytime. But i am still accumulating and right about to go balls deep into this. I hope that it gets even lower over the weekend.
Buy now and sell at x2 in a week or two.
Don't listen to me, find out for yourself.
>what do you think it'll peak at?
Below ICO price.
People must have been really triggered by that ICO
Jelly nolinkies
wtf i hate chainlink now.
jelly cuz it is a top 3 coin
Any links / articles of Vitalik stating ETH is overpriced and is only worth $xx amount?