I start
>historical good guys
He save Spain
never lost, never talked about
>His sloppyness and hockey stick graph brought doubt to climate change, a very pressing issue
Misguided tragic hero at best
>blew his thumb off trying to dismantle a hand grenade
>this triggers the Lutheran
>Breaks Castillian law
>Steals Castillian money and land
>Expoils Castillian finances
>Endebts the Castillian crown
>Forces conscription on Castile
Charles was garbage and destroyed her grandmothers legacy
>Be Norman
>Some English scrub promises you the throne
>Cucks you and becomes king instead
>Invade England
>Brutally kill English cuck
>Crown yourself King
>Save England from filthy barbarians by bathing in Saxon blood, raping Saxon women, and burning Saxon towns
a true tragic hero
he lost in the end
you do realize he wanted nothing to do with all the wars the Germans, French and Turks dragged him into? The man was so tired and sick of it he just handed his crowns and went off to a monastery.
t, typical his retard
His autism caused 3 Italian wars because he wanted Burgandy back from the French and Francis didn't.He also literally captured Francis to sign a shitty treaty that was worth shit.
Then as he was an incompetent administrator he never bother reforming his empire and just used
>Castillian money and troops lol
Which destroyed the economy and demographics of the region
t.clueless moron
Pedro II
Augustus Caesar
Vlad Tepes
HItler but unironically
Augusto Pinochet
why is this fucker so smug?
I agree he was quite autistic about Burgundy, but he was quite young at that time. He ruled an empire way too big for a single man. His real mistake was to let his son rule both the united provinces and Spain. He should have made an independant burgudian kingdom, so that Spain could concentrate on the mediterranean theater instead of being forced to defend catholicism.
The Habsburgs in general were a generational tragedy.
Many were inept, some even retarded, some worse, women, but they were all based as fuck and their story is a generational tragedy until Karl's failed putsch and Otto's coerced forfeit of the Imperial claim
>Literally 1 miscarriage away from owning the world