
Actually, yep. Sorta.

It was one of my best/closest friends. As far as I know it wasn't a Ponzi. He hired a bunch of idiots with connections to the mafia to work for him, and they allegedly fucked him over.

Kid got goxxed years ago after turning $10,000 into several million. I know he can trade, which is why I'm not believing the court docket. He lost his millions to gox then started over with this company. I saw him working on this bot and saw initial results that looked promising. Once he turned it into a giant corporate thing I didn't involved myself because the people he hired were greedy fucks that had suspicious connections and did shady deals, so I distanced myself from the company but continued to hang with him. I never worked for his company myself in any official capacity.

Court docket claims he only had $600k in his accounts, but I've seen with my own eyes that he managed significantly more than that. He said he had 3 accounts.

AMA I guess? We're taking a road trip this weekend. He's out without bail.

Pretty surreal 24 hours for the both of us.

I'm not actually proclaiming his innocence, because after reading the entire docket there are plenty of suspicious details. I'm simply leaning towards his "partners" being more likely to lie and fuck him over than him being guilty.

Either way, will be interesting to see how this shakes out.

I'm really glad I ended up not being involved in his mess.

You might be too inclined to believe in his best intentions; it looks like a classic ponzi to me. Being closer to the situation means you see more, but you're also biased by what you know of the guy.
Also, put me in the screencap.

Yeah of course, that's why I'm not stating he's innocent, only that as someone close to him who has seen him do real trading many times successfully, multiplying his million 3-4x in the past on gox (seeing it with my own eyes, not just taking his word for it), it's just hard for me to buy that it is as simple as a ponzi.

Plus, the docket claims he only managed $600k. I've seen his business trading accounts with more than that. Information isn't adding up on either side.

The $600k is probably all they have hard evidence on. More than enough to put him in fuck me up the ass federal prison. Tell him to say hi to Shekreli for me

The CFTC suit is civil. You don't go to jail for civil. At worst he will have a nice chunk of his money taken for the rest of his life from every paycheck. Which is bad enough considering he'll have to live with that after being goxxed for millions and becoming a wagecuck.

What did he need to hire people for?

bitcoin packets?

He's socially autistic (SURPRISE!) and needed people with better business connections than him.

Is he a Jew? Sounds Jewish his name


>In an attempt to conceal the scheme, Gelfman staged a fake computer “hack” that
supposedly caused the loss of nearly all GBI Customer funds. This was a lie. Later, again trying
to conceal the full extent of the fraud, Gelfman claimed he had stolen only $25,000. But this too
was a lie. In fact, Defendants misappropriated virtually all of the approximately $600,000
solicited from GBI Customers. As a result, GBI Customers have lost most if not all of their
invested funds due to Defendants’ fraud and misappropriation.

Im still reading the docket, but it is worded as if the other employees for GBI were going around NY soliciting investments, getting 40k-60k+ each time while using material put together by Gelfman.

Thats just super odd, Id think most bitcoin investments happen online not in person.

Don't really know the details of this particular claim, but if this is true, he did me a favor by not involving me in it. If I ever get subpoena'd, I won't have to lie under oath in order to save his ass. He never admitted to any crimes to me. That's why I'm okay with posting about it here. As far as I know, it was a legitimate business. I took his word on the hack due to seeing his past performance on gox, but I personally have no proof or evidence of it being real or a ruse.

This is correct. The majority of investments were NOT solicited online. That's why he needed those goons for soliciting.

Is he fucking off to Israel now to avoid prosecution?

No. We're going on a road trip this weekend. His passport is revoked but other than that there's no condition on his release. Like I said, the case is civil, not criminal. He's not risking jailtime, just life-long garnishment (and if he ever comes into real money again the government will take it) if he loses the case.

is your friend actually you?

No. My information is public knowledge due to HWNDU.

wait a minute I must be stupid, there is a He will not divide us connection to this story? Im interested

Not directly. I just meant that you can prove I'm not the person being prosecuted because my information was leaked after HWNDU due to me throwing that huge party.

However, Jigsaw (that's not just the name of his bot, it's also his online moniker) showed up to HWNDU with me a few times. Shia invited us onto the pavement in his car as we blasted Shadilay (this was day 3 before he realized WE WUZ NAZIS N SHEIT).

After we got kicked out, someone tipped him off about us being from Veeky Forums and he threatened to slash his tires.

tell us more pls

about what

how rich are you?

Not at all.

are you jewish too? was the ''mafia" jewish?

Net worth: 0 ARK

The "mafia" was Russian AFAIK. No clue if they were Jewish.

I'm not Jewish according to Jews, but my dad is so technically half by blood.

Nah I have a bit of ARK again.