ARK just keeps on going
Expect a new ATH after the China charade.
ARK just keeps on going
Expect a new ATH after the China charade.
>transaction fee reduction to .01 ARK
ARK is literally unstoppable
Fuck yes
Fucking epic
buy high sell low
ich liebe Ark
>50 tx/sec throughput on mainnet, 200 tx/sec throughput on testnet, changes to allow this to scale to 2000 tx/sec
>tfw cant withdraw 30 ark in cryptopia due to "maintenance"
I thought Ark was a meme so I never bought it. Now I'm going to buy the ATH and sell it when it dips
Fucking finally their fee was full retard
Nice that's what I just did
Heavy bags confirmed
Is this what reaching the bottom looks like? The lows are getting closer together like a guitar's frets.
>delegates will be able to control transaction fees
Lol magnet could have scammed so much more if he'd hodled
>giving the delegates power to respond to attacks, network spam, or overloaded network transactions
The way I read this makes me suspicious that what they're actually doing is giving the delegates the responsibility to respond to those things.
It'll probably bottom out around 70k. After that it'll either stagnate for a while or go back to growing steadily.
I mean they're the ones essentially running the infrastructure. Do you expect the developers to do this?
I hope I get to play with the bot again.
Well, when you put it that way, I guess not.
>id 3 years why be easy
moon when?
in Veeky Forums terms, never. especially with that whale around
i remember those carefree days of kim ark memes, back when ark was like 50k and I bought it. good times.
Just bought 25 Ark cause I'm poor, how'd I do?
This mother fucking whale. Why this cocksucker walling?
keep trading, that's nothing if you're referring to staking gains
reminder that LSK is a shitcoin that offers nothing and is a whale playground due to its retarded dpos system
with that in mind, ark shall surpass it on this fact alone and reach highs much higher
next stop: mobile wallets, then simple deployable blockchains then virtual machine
get on board before it's too late, there's plenty of room on the ark
I plan on putting more in by the end of the week, that enough time?
yeah, expect it to go sideways for a bit longer, at least until btc decides where it's headed; pessimist in me says down but we'll see
once you've gathered more than like 300 ark start staking by voting for biz_classic, the comfiest of delegates with a thriving community on discord and bleeding edge tech development
Wow, seems like you actually know what you're talking about
2100 ark staking on biz_classic. Am I gonna make it?
I've been closely following ark since spring
I'm also holding it and voting with my stack for biz_classic
I follow ark's official slack and github and biz_classic discord
friendly reminder to never go all-in into a single coin, there're no guarantees in this market
yeah you will, that's like 1 ARK every other day, more with coming fee reduction
I predict 0.03-0.05 by EOY depending on the market and updates (the team has no schedule/deadlines) when they get announced
I predict 0.1 by EOY 2018
Would you mind explaining staking and biz_classic and whatnot to somebody who's new at this? I'm coming off of forex so I'm still learning...
Use your ark volume to vote for a delegate
Reap rewards
Some guy on reddit made up a calculator for all delegates and you input your total and it spits out what each would pay.
Huh, no shit. Cool.
there are 51 forging nodes that process transactions in the blockchain and get rewarded ARK for doing so; each one of them generates or "forges" 422 ARK daily
people buy ark, withdraw it to their wallet and vote with their balance for one of the delegates who run nodes, out of which only top 51 achieve forging status; the number of their votes is equal to the sum of wallet balances voting for them
see the ranking here:
each delegate offers something to voters, my fav biz_classic offers 90% of forged ARK to voters; calculation is: *422 ARK/
10 arks will be 1 BTC is that what you're fuckin saying
Why use the reddit calculator when the delegate site has one built in?
fuk I mistyped, add another zero to both numbers
It makes sense now why you said to wait until I had more Ark to chip in. Thanks for the info!
reminder that the lower ARK's price is, the better it is for Veeky Forums
Junk coin with whales horny to dump on retards that buy
1885 here, just trying to get to 2000
>tfw sold 5000/6000 ark at 1.25$
If I voted five days ago, will I start getting paid out soon?
You need at least 1.1 scheduled to get paid I think
Buy high, sell low. Classic fucking Veeky Forums playing into whale traps.
>that ID
witnessed the ID
I love this coin
You can register on to set up custom payout schedule. Standard is daily. Either way you need a minimum of 1.1 ark accumulated for the payment to roll out.
Of all the coins on this board that have been shamelessly shilled here, it's the only one that has had steady consistent growth. The "stoner dev team" is super on point, no set backs or delays, no broken promises.
I'm not just saying this shit either because my original 5,000 4x'd and made me money, I'm saying it because of how well they've stuck to their initial plan. The technology's good but I'm just impressed with the professionalism of a seemingly groundlevel outfit.
keep in mind that currently voting costs 1 ARK, so it is only worth it if you make 1 ARK in a short time
otherwise just wait for the fee reduction and vote then
its the whales. recurring half a million dollar sell walls are not okay, though a good sign that they want more i guess.
4,3k bigfish coming through. stay poor arklet
>voting/un-voting will now cost 0.02 Ark
Defer voting.
You're a Arklet when you're under 1630.
The moment you start paying taxes is when you're considered above the ideal size.
If he makes more than the cost to vote by staking his wallet from now until the vote fee change, then it's more profitable to pay the current vote fee.
True. Also dub dubs