how do muslims justify polygamy and harems? isn't it incredibly lustful and completely temporal? I thought Eve was meant to be a companion to Adam and they were made to be a pair? I don't know much about islamic theology so please tell me more
How do muslims justify polygamy and harems? isn't it incredibly lustful and completely temporal...
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You fuck what you conquer.
They worship a moon devil so it's not out of their heretic zone
>>The heat of the climate inflames the blood of the Arabs; and their libidinous complexion has been noticed by the writers of antiquity. 159 Their incontinence was regulated by the civil and religious laws of the Koran: their incestuous alliances were blamed; the boundless license of polygamy was reduced to four legitimate wives or concubines; their rights both of bed and of dowry were equitably determined; the freedom of divorce was discouraged, adultery was condemned as a capital offence; and fornication, in either sex, was punished with a hundred stripes. 160 Such were the calm and rational precepts of the legislator: but in his private conduct, Mahomet indulged the appetites of a man, and abused the claims of a prophet. A special revelation dispensed him from the laws which he had imposed on his nation: the female sex, without reserve, was abandoned to his desires; and this singular prerogative excited the envy, rather than the scandal, the veneration, rather than the envy, of the devout Mussulmans. If we remember the seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines of the wise Solomon, we shall applaud the modesty of the Arabian, who espoused no more than seventeen or fifteen wives; eleven are enumerated who occupied at Medina their separate apartments round the house of the apostle, and enjoyed in their turns the favor of his conjugal society. What is singular enough, they were all widows, excepting only Ayesha, the daughter of Abubeker. She was doubtless a virgin, since Mahomet consummated his nuptials (such is the premature ripeness of the climate) when she was only nine years of age. The youth, the beauty, the spirit of Ayesha, gave her a superior ascendant: she was beloved and trusted by the prophet; and, after his death, the daughter of Abubeker was long revered as the mother of the faithful.
Islam isn't about morals it's about emulating the autistic and ocd behavior of a 7th century arab war Lord.
>>Her behavior had been ambiguous and indiscreet: in a nocturnal march she was accidentally left behind; and in the morning Ayesha returned to the camp with a man. The temper of Mahomet was inclined to jealousy; but a divine revelation assured him of her innocence: he chastised her accusers, and published a law of domestic peace, that no woman should be condemned unless four male witnesses had seen her in the act of adultery. 161 In his adventures with Zeineb, the wife of Zeid, and with Mary, an Egyptian captive, the amorous prophet forgot the interest of his reputation. At the house of Zeid, his freedman and adopted son, he beheld, in a loose undress, the beauty of Zeineb, and burst forth into an ejaculation of devotion and desire. The servile, or grateful, freedman understood the hint, and yielded without hesitation to the love of his benefactor. But as the filial relation had excited some doubt and scandal, the angel Gabriel descended from heaven to ratify the deed, to annul the adoption, and gently to reprove the apostle for distrusting the indulgence of his God. One of his wives, Hafna, the daughter of Omar, surprised him on her own bed, in the embraces of his Egyptian captive: she promised secrecy and forgiveness, he swore that he would renounce the possession of Mary. Both parties forgot their engagements; and Gabriel again descended with a chapter of the Koran, to absolve him from his oath, and to exhort him freely to enjoy his captives and concubines, without listening to the clamors of his wives.
polygamy & harems = more muslim kiddos = islam spreads/survives more
fuck Aisha btw
but you can make 12 babies with one wife just as easily, france had the largest population for a while. and I thought harems were literally just for the pleasure of the sultan?
pleasure & baby-making
and sure you can have 12 babies with one wife, but you cant have 12 babies at one time with one wife. With polygamy, the ol caliph can get a buncha kids happening on a regular basis instead of waiting 9 months for one to pop out before starting to job over again.
Islam is all about spreading, as the Quran puts it, that "underrated fluid." Make more Muslims and make them fast is the idea.
Lots of men were killed in the war between Mecca and Medina, leaving behind widows and children. It was just to take multiple wives and to provide for them in a society that disallowed a independent life for women.
to expand upon this, there is a sura in the Quran that commands Muslims to give their wives to the Prophet if they don't want them. (the same with orphans)
In the Quran, having multiple wives is displayed as a charitable act, because otherwise those women would be without income and support.
Does islam not forbid lust in the same way that christianity does? Also, that practice seems zergy, but makes sense.
would they not expect there to be plenty of men during peace time? and based on that book it seems they're deriving allah's allowance of polygamy through the practices of muhammad? is muhammad that revered to that extent in islam?
The Koran is said to be the dictated word of Allah to Muhammad.
is there anything allah said specifically to muhammad about polygamy?
According to some to even say that Muhammad is the author is blasphemy.
There's a quote in the page I posted.
Islam has Rape and Sex grooming and pedophile culture
Read the yellowtext
is that it? alright, thanks for the answers, makes more sense now.
Being martial faith made polygamy required to replenish the surplus male die-offs. Also cult leaders using cults to exceed their pussy ration is cults 101.
It's only in the western imagination. Harems were in reality a pain in the ass for the owner. He had to follow very strict rules on which spouse he had in his bed at some time of the year, considering her rank and diplomatic relations. Also a significant portion of the year was dedicated to sexual abstinence.
They never banged several highly selected barely legal girls at once in sex orgies. Stop dreaming
Christian missionary: Come be Christian, youre eternal soul will be saved and no more sacrificing your best animals to have a good crop.
Arab warlord: great! Ill convert, how does it work?
Missionary: well we just dip your head in some water, you renounce your sins, and praise Jesus Christ our lord and savior.
Warlord: thats it?
Missionary: yup then you give up half your land to the church, give us 20% of your wealth as a tithe, have your subjects give us half of their wealth as a tithe, relieve your mistresses and wifes limiting them to just one wife that you cant divorce unless we say so, give up your slaves to the church so we can use them to build a monastery on the land you gave us, stop conquering other christian land, and submit yourself to self torture or by law torture or be sentenced death if you disobey the Church.
Warlord: ...
Missionary: oh and no more transgressive materials, only the holy book and Religious related content. Also no touching yourself
Warlord: fuck that!
*travels around Arabia
*writes a book
*travels to Jerusalem
*becomes prophet
Only Muhammad was allowed to have more than 4 wives. Everyone else was just being a shitty Muslim, especially the Ottoman Sultans who had no issues with fucking young boys.
Polygamy is recommended by Muhammad (SAWS) and four wives are permitted. This is actually perfect because women naturally outnumber men by virtue of men dying earlier, dying in wars, and naturally a surplus of women. All societies are polygamous because humanity could not survive otherwise. Even in classic Christian western society it was normal for a man to have a family in one town and another wife in a town down the road.
This is beneficial for women as well because it reduces the work load for raising children, and they enjoy the camaraderie of working together to satisfy their husband and take care of their children. You would be surprised how many women revert back to Islam because they are attracted to the patriarchal polygamous family unit.
In regards to the harems these are women bought at the slave market or captured, which is natural. After all would you beat your enemies and then force their women to have to fend for themselves? The concept of sex being sinful is not present in Islam, and sex is highly encouraged in the form of sex with your wives or those women your right hand posses.
Not true.
Muhammad (SAWS) married many widows and poor women and was permitted more. But other men are allowed four wives and any concubines. The shariah also mandates that you provide you women with clothes, food, and shelter, and all that they need.
Well to finish this up here is a three part lecture on Islamic polygamy by a mufti if you want to thoroughly understand the Islamic position.
Peace guys. Here is a picture of the guy that has spent his entire life feeding cats and giving treats to people at the Al Aqsa mosque.
I've read some stuff about Topkapi Palace. Man it was the ultimate shit, I'd convert to whatever religion to live that life.
You could get around all that shit by being an 'imperfect muslim' right?
Take the good with the bad. Get all the 30 wives, then just do what you want and apologise later.
If Christianity had endorsed polygamy from its inception, instead of following the Judaic route, nobody would be worried about polygamy today, it's just cultural determined morality.
is the Quran just a long autistic /r9k/ post ?
holy shit, the amount of just plain bullshit in there is amazing.
They were usually bought not conquered.
gee it's almost as if religions are just hypocritical bullshit the ruling classes use to control the unwashed masses
It leads to a loss of genetic diversity. You end up with a bunch of people who are half siblings.
It doesn't seem healthy. It might explain a lot about Islamic societies though.
The first one is from a Hadith, I dunno if the second is from the koran or not.
The Hadiths basically are autistic /r9k/ posts. I haven't read the koran in arabic, so I can't really speak to it.
It's no different than a monogamous relationship besides the fact that one have multiple of them. One could argue that polygamy is better seeing as it is much more suited to handle the human tendency of wanting some extra on the side.
>how do muslims justify polygamy and harems?
>fuck Aisha btw
Don't encourage pedophilia.
>give up your slaves to the church
Out of all your grievous errors this was perhaps the most wrong.
>how do muslims justify polygamy
A family consisting of one man and one woman can generate only one child per year. A family consisting of one man and four women can generate as many as four children per year. Polygyny is much better than monogamy at maintaing above replacement fertility rates. It also makes sure that only the most successful males reproduce.
i really like this guy
>conquer entire country
>only fuck whores
why are muslims so pathetic?
Muslims are notoriously inbred. Cousin marriage is not only allowed bu encouraged and multiple generations of cousin marriage has pretty disasterous results which can be seen in IQ and rates of birth defects.
I've dated 3 muslims cause Ive got an arab fetish and a lot are muslim
2 of the 3 had 1 mildly deformed bones. Nothing visible, you'd need to feel it to notice it. But now that you mention it.
The other one I can't think of anything wrong with her, she was short, I suppose that's not great, 5'0.
>Polygyny is much better than monogamy at maintaing above replacement fertility rates.
That's not how math works.
How so?
For one rich man who has 4 wives, you have 3 blueballed poorfags.
Blueballed men have tendency to act like violent chimps (unless they embrace japanese waifu culture)
>For one rich man who has 4 wives, you have 3 blueballed poorfags.
But that’s a good thing. This way, only the most intelligent, strong, beautiful and charismatic males get to reproduce. Polygyny has a eugenic effect.
Only because they can funnel all the sexless surplus males into an invasive force driven on pure libido. And that process manifests as the present day migration situation. Jihad was about sex tourism on top of everything else.
so kind to enslave and rape the widows of the men you've slaughtered instead of leaving them to fend for themselves. Truly the religion of peace
>Chad has a massive excess of women
Why am I not surprised