why is ETH going up if BTC is going down?
Why is ETH going up if BTC is going down?
The flippening is under way
Im shorting, and you should to.
show us the short then pussy
put your money where ur mouth is
i already did which is the problem
Still under my stoploss, we are going down 30min chart says so
Everyone who is not long i eth now during the flip should be ashamed!
four words: oracle problem solved faggot
Because ethereum is on an upward trend against fiat and bitcoin but currently in a dip caused by bitcoin. If bitcoin goes down fast enough Ethereum will drop as well though.
This is cause by three things, 1. because Ethereum is simply in an upward tread, 2 because Ether is more than just a store of value, its technology. Its the most advanced and most used coin on the market. 3 because its getting a huge update at the end of the month which will make it unstoppable.
>Because ethereum is on an upward trend against fiat
looks more like a double top to me, not sure what you're looking at...
I look at everything. all time, monthly, weekly, daily.
fake news
>Eth is upward trend against bitcoin
No it's not. What the fuck are you even looking at. Eth is down against fiat, and down against bitcoin, for months.
I didnt say it was up, I said it was on an upward trend. Learn the difference.
do you think BTC is in upward trend? Because all what ETH is doing for months is just closely following BTC price like everything else on the market
stop being delusional. If BTC goes down so is your random bags
I was the user who requested this precise edit. Thank you.
Sorry I don't speak in brain damage.
Only to a certain degree. Big swings in bitcoin will effect other things but bitcoin is still headed down while Ether has already hit the bottom and is starting to curve. Not withstanding any unforeseen crashes or bull runs. No point in trying to make you see it if you lack the ability to do so. You will just have to wait with your pink and green wojacks like the other average people when obvious prices changes occur.
Now get rekt bulls. Seeya on your funeral
>he didn't buy the dip
oh user...