Never quit a job before starting a new one, biz... it was a huge mistake.
Never quit a job before starting a new one, biz... it was a huge mistake
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Why not?
I've done it a number of times to travel. I make better money than my last job every time I do it and have 'multicultural' stories at interviews related to my travel.
Stop being such a fag.
I've done that before. It will eventually work out, but you will have to waddle through a river of shit before it does.
I cant find a new job now.
why are you posting about this 10x a day?
Look at a market where there are more jobs then. It literally took me 2 weeks to get hired after moving to a new city where I didn't know anybody.
Get a suit from Goodwill.
Take it to a tailor and have it fitted.
Find places on a job site that are hiring.
Go there in your fitted suit and ask to talk to the hiring manager.
I cant even get an interview. I've applied everywhere.
>Go there in your fitted suit and ask to talk to the hiring manager.
Work harder to get one. No employers look through all the shit resumes they get by the 100s. They want go getters.
Wtf am I suppose to say to them then if it's a cuck job "hello im user I would really like to work for you for $12/hr"?
don't talk about the salary clown talk about how you can help the business and what you offer
don't bring up money
It's fine to quit without a new job if you are like senior level and can easily find a new job.
If your some retard who ragequit and entry level position good fucking luck
>If your some retard who ragequit and entry level position good fucking luck
I'm in Canada though.
go forth and plumb my son
OP dont listen to these boomers telling you to look the guy in the eye and give him a firm handshake and shit
what you need are cover letters (if youre applying online that is)
its going to take a little extra time, and youre going to have to do a lot of bullshitting, but its whats going to separate you from the stack of pleb resumes theyre receiving as well
that, or its time to start lying on your resume.
Do employers really read cover letters? As for lying, people always suggest closed companies. Where can I find a list of some of those?
never lied on my resume, but what i can says is that the place that just hired me was a smaller company, i had to email their general manager directly, and i had to have a cover letter.
try applying to smaller places that you know will actually take the time to read what you send them as well
I'm applying everywhere man. Big or small, any place I can get to by bus. Honestly thinking lying about shit I can easily do or learn to do might be right here.
Guess who is broke again.
yeah anything computer related put on your resume as well
basic image/video editing, microsoft office, basic scripting/programming languages