Big Goals Thread

Can we get one of these going?

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Instead of dreaming, how about you shut the fuck up and actually put the work in to make cash. Then we'll talk about a penthouse in NYC.

> can we
No. You didn't even start the thread with your own big goals, faggot.


Dad? How did you find this place?

Most of 432 park pic related is owned by foreign shitbags that don't even live there. They buy it up to park their wealth safely in the US where their govts can't touch it

fuck I meant it to say Veeky Forums goals thread

This is very a nice and comfy looking new york apartment designed by some specialist.

>letting drones take pictures of you naked while you masturbate in your tub

no thanks

this is like 1000 sq ft for 5 million

fuck NYC

>while you masturbate in your tub
Who the fuck does this?

My goal is 250M

>he doesn't shoot his semen into luke warm bathwater while scented candles are lit in the back.


what coin is this?

not on topic with thread but my short term financial goal is to afford a nice mountain bike. longer term is afford a snowboard trip out west this season.

My big goal? Pretty small really as £1mil would do for me - enough for a few hectares of land+big house where I live (extremely remote/rural) and to buy 4-5 apartments in cities to ensure I can live off rental income.


damn that's comfy



The only way to get rich is to strike a lucky homerun.


so much feels. reminds me of my childhood dream for some reason.

by that analogy not working is like going up to the plate without a bat

I'll take 800 acres out on the bayou


so plastic

looks great, fuck off

It's literally CGI.

yeah but it looks nice

You have SHIT taste.

>oh hurr durr I'm so fucking deep because I like older looking shit made from wood or whatever i have such sophisticated taste blah blah blah plasting something something modern consumerism NO SOUL REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
kys you little nigger piece of shit

>the bayou

Sounds horrible. Enjoy your heat, humidity and insects

comfy small cottage in the scottish highlands

oh and forgetting how i should have had an $8k gain with my first ever crypto trade but i didnt know what the fuck i was doing and sold neo at a loss after losing coins trying to time the market when i bought it for FUCKING THREE DOLLARS AHHHHHHHHHHRHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


The dream, to achieve this easily and live comfortable. Enjoy it for what it should be - The Ultimate Toy.

ugly imo

I have to agree, it looks like plastic. Please acquire some taste.



Nothing short of world domination

T. Mental infant

t. faggot

>Comfy lake house
>boat that you can take around the lake
>passive income so you don't have to work
>a mean ass battle station where i can shitpost on Veeky Forums and trade
>pretty wife and kids
>a couple of good friends

yeah but then they have some of the nicest places to stay in the city the one or two times they do come to USA.

You're the perfect example of the typical Veeky Forumsness kiddy.

you're the perfect example of a faggot

jesus fucking christ


I think the view is dank obviously. not everyone is impressed by cityscapes though.

lol bro I meant jfc in a good way chill out.


>you're the perfect example of a faggot
Really, out-classing me with these dank insults, bro.

The issue is not the view, it's the interior. It's about as soulless as it gets.

literally the first place that will go down in a hurricane and you already know theres a fatass with a telescoping peering through the windows at you

>not everyone is impressed by cityscapes
literally on the train to Kyoto right now

my goal is 2-3m. depending on ones lifestyle you'll need anywhere from 600k-6million saved up to retire and live off passive income. 500k you could do it but you'd have to live off about 20k a year which is totally doable.


god damn i want to go to Japan. i'm jealous

Yes, I love city views though, so I've come to accept that there will probably be some fat guy spying on me, it's unavoidable really

Exactly this but also an apartment in NYC

have another

Wow, great job at elaborating about how your taste is so superior to us plebs.

elaborate on "soulless."

>paying millions to live in a place with a non-white/ non-asian majority

I don't get it.

It's a computer generated shitty piece of photoshop art. It looks like shit because it isn't real. You would know this if you ever left your mother's basement you FAT WEEB FUCK.

Sure. That exact same layout is found in EVERY single up-scale apartment development. No creativity, just copy and paste.

I estimate BTC will be worth around 25k by 2022.

That means I need 40 BTC to have a million dollars and retire at 35.

I have 17 so far. I believe my goal is realistic.

This is a woman's dream

I'm 23, I just want to get braces to fix my smile

Kek, hoes love makin pussy soup.

I feel for you my dude.

I know, it's not the exact thing I want but something along those lines, just really anything modern-looking with a nice view of the city

valid qualm, what about this? Google images isn't exactly turning up a lot of what I'm looking for, or maybe you just don't like anything modern-looking

just redecorate it gosh
this is the anti-goal. this i the end of the path of mediocrity


>maybe you just don't like anything modern-looking
Bingo. My upper-limit of 'modern' architecture is Art-Deco.

Moving furniture around would not improve it.

idk maybe something like this

nice, reminds me of spanish colonial

Enough to buy land and build a small house with enough left over to live on that land until I die. Displaying your wealth is tribalistic, subhuman behavior.

I would love to get something like that for my parents.

Not myself, I plan to live alone so something more simple and humble.

is a man not entitled to /comfy/?

>that "climate"
>all those windows


this desu, met one of my dads old friends from school a month or so ago, stayed with us for a week, great guy, drove a 1990 ford country and wore dungaree and workboots around, found out from my dad he was worth $20+ million, image isnt a mean of a mans wealth.

sunlight is good for you, user


>tfw you hoped for a 'Ghost In Shell' future
>instead got Irobot future

amen to that

7am still high on cocaine birds are chirping loud af and the sun comes up

flaunting status through luxury goods is feminine and faggotry.

this is why most rich guys get divorce-cucked even though they're millionaires. they use their wealth to attract gold diggers only after the luxury, status and money. they don't care about the guy and will probably cheat on him.

thus any reference to lambos is degenerate.

you can love the lambo for its beauty as a work of engineering and automotive craft but be conscious of what it can attract: awful people.

i saw an asian guy get out of a maclaren once, and two hot white teens asked him if it was his car immediately....the "gold digger prank" videos on youtube are absolutely reflective of reality.

great aesthetic on both, great taste.

> New York
Who the fuck wants to stay there if you can afford to live somewhere else?

living in New York would be pretty sweet, why dont you like it user?

> Montana

Less than 40% whites? Get me the fuck out of New York ....

Montana is cozy if you've got a warm place.

new york state is pretty comfy, same as some parts of NJ, fuck living in NYC though, great to visit, shit to live.


woah wtf thats pretty damn neat right there

It's really fun how all of you want a big-ass house, when you probably have no more than 3 friends that you like to hang out with ...
Goals ?
Be happy.
Cars? No thanks.
A house, an apartment, a villa ? Meh.
Time is what you need. A lot of money will buy you time. Time to figure out what makes you happy and if in the end it's cars a big houses - fuck this shit, you are just a fucking normie and you didn't deserve all you've got in the 1st place.

> Big house
Need a big house to fill it with children. Can't live in a studio like a Neet with 7 children, desu.

I just want to be /cozy/

>Time is what you need. A lot of money will buy you time. Time to figure out what makes you happy
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them

Its good to have dreams user, so long as they aint a fantasy.