get an actual fucking job, you useless faggot. Because I promise you, how you are right now, this will NOT work for you.
Youve moved to another country planning to earn from online income streams without even HAVING AN INCOME in the first place, nor any fucking idea of what to do.
You are now going to invite responses from the LARP kiddies, who will further fuel your delusions.
And no what you're doing isn't uniquely stupid or anything else. Thousands, perhaps even millions of foreigners do this in thailand every year, and almost every one of them ends up the same way: lives the "dream" for a few months, then runs out of money and turns to acts of desperation or run back home.
The smarter ones get a fucking clue and go work a job.
Jack Perez
henlo boomer remember to change your adult diapers today and don't get too excited if the S&P500 moves up 2% because you might get a heart attack. faggot.
Robert James
Tyler Murphy
i make $3k playing minecraft and uploading to youtube
just lol at the thought of working
Julian Hall
OP Ive been making money online since 2012, fulltime since 2014 and I lived 2,5 years in thailand (currently in europe because I got sick of all the monkey shit over there).
First of all, I do hope you already know the basics of online marketing, freelancing, etc and do have SOME kind of online income.
But it does sound more like you just have 10k in savings, no idea wtf youre gonna do and moved out there on a whim. And while it is possible to do that and be successful... its highly unlikely and very stressful.
Ideally you build up your online income at home PLUS your savings. Then you move out there when you already got a somewhat solid online income.
Just moving out there with some savings and no fucking clue is what most people do. And most "digital nomads" are wannabes that just live off savings and end up broke after a couple of months. I sincerely hop youre smarter than that and can figure out. Feel free to AMA of course.
Isaac Robinson
Where did u move op? I've spent the last 10 winters in southern thailand. Back then I was in online gambling business and now in crypto and FBA
Luis Jackson
sorry dude you will be disappointed. bangkok is very dirty and the economy is going down. politicians here will just milk your $10,000 until you have nothing left
Caleb Anderson
Buy shit in Thailand. Sell it on eBay. You fuckin' scum.
Henry Campbell
My plan is teach English online if my other stuff doesn't work out. No, I'm a newbie to IM, freelance, etc. I used to try get gigs on Odesk/Upwork, but they're unreliable and hard to come by. Lots of competition with pajeets.
What do you do online to make money? What's a good introduction website where I can learn IM and other stuff?
Dominic Martinez
I did this OP. If you have any questions I can answer. Although for the time being I'm in the states right now, and it wasn't Thailand that I moved to.
I'd recommend not moving unless you already have a job online.
Sebastian Nguyen
> response to common sense is now to unironically call people "boomers"
this is very revealing. As in, you are actually retarded.
Ian Phillips
I'm in Bangkok and I'm trying to get into FBA and Shopify.
Any tips?
Eli Phillips
>Buy shit, sell on ebay
Like what?
Xavier Nelson
Just start a brick and mortar business and hire a competent manager.
Why go through the needless struggle, when you can make money easy as fuck in any 1st world country. Endless supply of Pajeets destroys most online money making methods. The money is in convincing retards and boomers that they can make money online or being some sort of middleman to them.
Amazon for example doesn't sell many products directly, they mostly do fulfillment. Aka taking a large chunk of money from people selling online. They know that's where the money is.
Adrian Brown
If you're willing to do a sort of a skilled "trade" (transcription--it takes a while to be efficient) then I would check out
I average $400 a week there working six hours a day. However, I am very good at what I do. I am actually their top earner in the company's history for a single month at around $3000 for that month. They don't advertise that though because they know it's not really achievable for the average person.
Levi Murphy
I started out on Odesk/Upwork writing shit articles for SEO. It is extremely hard to make decent money on these sites because its full with bottom feeders (both clients and service providers).
Now I work as copywriter/marketing consultant for a 9 figure company. I cleared 6 grand last month and planning to crack six figures next year. But it took me YEARS to get there. Sorry to say, but your chances are not really good because you are obviously missing the basics.
As a good intro to online marketing Id recommend Jeff Walkers book "launch". It gives a good overview of whats possible in online marketing and the different aspects of it. You could also look into FBA (Im not familiar with that) or Copywriting.
Logan Fisher
Oh and Stackthatmoney is a good resource for affiliate marketing. But you need money for that.
Thomas Edwards
>$10 an hour doing skilled labor >Top earner
Meanwhile I do fuck all most days running a small trucking company and make 400K+/year
Aiden Brown
10k isn't enough to retire in some 3rd world shithole, at best you might get 1-2 good fun years out of it if you live cheap as fuck
better to gamble the 10k and hope for a couple double ups or invest it in some cheap coin like LINK or whatever else and pray it goes up to like $10+ in coming months and you'll turn your 10k into few hundred k then move to thailand.
Gavin Robinson
to be fair its a lot harder to make 400k online than with a brick and mortar business. Meatspace its easier to make money. Online is harder but you have more flexibility and can just pack up your shit and leave. Always tradeoffs to everything I guess...
Angel Rodriguez
If not LARPing damn I'm jelly
Asher Richardson
no reason to lie on the interwebs bud
Ryan Rivera
> niggers moving to 1st world > Whites wanting to 3rd world Sth is fucked up...
Luis Lewis
The issue with most people running brick and mortars is they are fulfill job functions that are are essential to their operations. I have pretty much assigned away all responsibility at this point in daily operations and am seeking to grow my business. That means some days I do nothing, and some days I spend talking to new clients and negotiating terms with our biggest clients. If I got up and left for a month, I'd still be making the same amount of money.
Hudson Wright
It's because feminism and liberal ideology ruined 1st world countries.
1st world money and benefits are great, but the society today sucks.
Adam Miller
Here is something easy as long as you can live with parents
>wageslave/invest/save until you can put 20% down on a house >buy one in college town >cram as many college cucks as you can in there, they like it too because it is cheaper individually for them and they want to live with friends >rent pays itself while you still work, you may even make excess if they are stupid which is likely and you can use that to improve the house >eventually pay off house >evaluate whether it is better to sell the home or keep renting it >move to thailand without having to worry about money ever again as long as you dont act nigger rich
Wish I did this but im 22 and hate working
Anthony Myers
Thats awesome, congrats! How did you end up in that market specifically? How long did it take you to get to that point? And 400k revenue or profit?
This. Most smart and capable people I know have already left for Eeastern Europe, South East Asia and the likes and make money online.
My homecountry has like 50% income tax. On top of that you got VAT, social security, capital gains tax, real estate tax. After all is said and done they let you keep maybe one third of your money. And then they use your shekels to flood every village with niggers or build stupid bridges that lead nowhere.
I would like nothing more than to stay in the little village I grew up in. But its impossible to make money here, they will just take everything away from you. Cant wait until we get a civil war and heads are rolling.
Aaron Hill
Pitch a cryptocurrency to bank chains in Thailand. Don't actually develop anything and make a billion dollars.
Juan Foster
you are a fucking retard. i am from a third world shithole and am desperate to get the fuck away from this hell. i have 50k in the bank in cash, and still it isn't enough to get out.
Oliver Jenkins
Depends on which third world shit hole. I'd never want to live in Somalia or some African / South American shit hole even if I could retire there right now.
It's a damn shame when hard working first worlders are being cannibalized by the lazy, worthless masses and the politicians that enable them, and as a thank you flood the country with more useless brown people who vote overwhelmingly for more taxes and cannibalization of business and industry. I make $17 an hour online and live on and off overseas in a cheaper, more fun place. I still pay taxes, but I get more bang for my buck at least.
Oliver Wood
> There are actually people like this out there.
What makes you think that your chance to 'make it' in one of those 3rd world shit holes is higher than back home, especially if you literally have no fucking plan or skills whatsoever?
Nathaniel Turner
I did it, but I already had a job online. And I have no regrets.
If you are too chickenshit you can keep doing what you are doing, no one will stop you.
Owen Nelson
Can I sugest you to be a regular nomad and living in a constat travel hitchhiking from city to city and spend almost 0 money?
>This is the question everybody asks. In Toulouse, I average at 32 EUR (around 35 USD), but I make sure to pick the best hour in the day (mornings, between 9 and 10 AM). On a sunny Saturday morning it can be doubled, on a cloudy Tuesday afternoon you might get half. Of course it also depends on which traffic light you perform at.
No hard feelings, especially since you already had a biz up and running.
Jayden Flores
Scary how true this is. My boy did this from 2015-2017 came back and is now couch surfing. Lol remote job
Jaxson Rogers
And why the fuck would you call yourself a "digital nomad"
That term sounds extremely fucking gay, you might as well call yourself a pansexual hippie vegan
Chase Wilson
>doesn't get a method of generating online income while in the US or whatever home country of residence >moves to a foreign country and just expects money to appear from heaven
Nigger you have no idea how hard it is to extract shekels online, it's easier being a McCuck burger flipper and making ends meet barely scrapping by.
Here's my #1 hot tip to being a digital nomad, invest in crypto. Cause anyone with two brain cells can make money but be aware these are the gravy train days.
Luke Powell
No worries. I do think OP is a retard for even considering moving overseas without a solid plan, especially with as little as $10,000 to his name.
He needs to get a job online or figure out some sort of way to get steady income before he even thinks about it. He's trying to do step B before he even knows how to do step A.
Jonathan Russell
its a fucking daydream for losers, and by losers I mean people who were dysfunctional in their home country, but somehow imagine they will be hyper-functional in a foreign country where they are not citizens, do not speak the language, have no sense of the culture, etc.
Mostly its just a bunch of fluffy bullshit surrounding the actual reason, which is to escape, even if temporarily, and spend money on distractions (like hired pussy and drugs, which replace the previous distractions of jerking off and video games) and plenty of delusional self-reassurances ("haah third world living is cheap, i can survive on this 10k for years! ill figure it out later!").
Point in fact, it is entirely possible to for 1st worlders to go to 2nd world countries like thailand is due to scaling live like kings in comparison, but the people who successfully do this already have employment lined up and arent delusional about reality.
The few "digital nomads" I know who are successful, work like fucking dogs. Allegedly, they get a kick out the lifestyle, but its the antithesis of what NEETs want/imagine it to be; that is to say, they are almost constantly working, and they move frequently. Its more like a working to pay for travel, rather than working to support an imaginary lifestyle where you hang out in thailand in an all mod-cons condo and just do whatever you want like some sin city disney land.
Oliver Peterson
It's just a new form of colonialism.
With my $400/week online job I could live like a king in most third world countries.
Jaxson Butler
>With my $400/week online job I could live like a king in most third world countries. Pretty much this. You get an amazing condo for $400 a month condo in thailand. I'm also going to Thailand soon op. How long is your stay and how did you get visa to stay longer than a year.
Camden King
do you have any skills whatsoever op?
"copywriting" "dropshipping" "translation" and "freelance consulting/programming/design" do not apply.
Mason Watson
Travel is cheaper than be in a normal sedentary person. When I travel I make money and don't even buy my own food. My primary reason to travel is that in this way I don't need to work.
You don't need a solid plan to make money. You can make money on the go.
This guy would be a good read. I don't advise, since he doesn't busk/juggle/do artcrafts/beg, but it is good for moralfag traveler.
The truth is you can just panhandle your travel in any place in the World, even poverty countries. And you can do this even at old age.
Lincoln Wilson
to be fair most self-described "digital nomads" are broke losers. but I know tons of guys who are very successful in online marketing.
A french dude who makes 30k a month (revenue) with FBA. German guy making half a million a year selling language courses. Aussie dude who makes six figures per month(!) selling shit on clickbank (hes got multiple top offers in various niches there). 2 German guys who make 25k a month with affiliate marketing.
You can meet tons of people like that if you go the proper conferences or even just hang out in coworking spaces. But they would mostly cringe at the label "digital nomad".
But yeah making money online is real and very doable, though hard to pull off. I barely know any people who work a real job at this point.
Zachary Robinson
>copywriting >not a real skill
you do realize that top copywriters can make 7 figures a year user? of course Im not talking about dipshits writing articles for $5 a piece on odesk.
desu it boggles my mind how clueless Veeky Forums is about online marketing in general. youd think a board full of nerds who like money would be more on the ball in this regard.
Anthony Walker
I lived in rural Kenya for a while, life was pretty good.. but getting your dick sucked by young girls because they old want a free ticket to Europe get's boring after a while...
Hudson Clark
>of course Im not talking about dipshits writing articles for $5 a piece on odesk then we're in agreement.
besides, the "top copywriters" making 7 figures are about as numerous as those "top affiliate marketers" who want to sell you their tricks to getting 7 figures shoving their affiliate spam everywhere.
Mason Walker
this is the real redpill and will be quite the reality clash for all these dudes dreaming of cheap third world pussy.
living in some monkey-tier shithole banging cheap hookers is a depressing and empty existence. just take a look at all the miserable, burnt-out, crusty expats hanging out in thailand and you can see where this lifestyle leads.
Tyler Nelson
>The few "digital nomads" I know who are successful, work like fucking dogs. Allegedly, they get a kick out the lifestyle,
I'm one of those.. Had to work 14 hours a day with very little time for other things... I got a burn out after 4 years and went back home.
Wyatt Barnes
>I am depressed because I have too much asian pussy
Jose Campbell
not asian, SE asian, there's a difference.
Cooper Perez
>Im a virgin who tinks pussy will make me happy >I dont realize how shallow it is to bang asian hookers >Ultimately I want a real conection with a woman that I can reate to, but Im so misguided it will take me years to figure that out
yeah 7 figure guys are the cream of the crop six figures is pretty standard.
and just to clarify, as most people have no clue whatsoever what copywriting even is. It is NOT writing blogarticles. copywriters produce SALES materials that generate revenue for their customers. Emails, webinar scripts, sales letters. Very specialized task and a good copywriter can make a fortune.
Blake Rodriguez
Trust me... You can fuck 10 women per night for a handful of cash. That's reality in some countries.
How long are you going to do that ? Are you going to do that for years ?
Of course not.. after a few weeks you will think... fuck of with all this boring nonsense..
even 1 girl a night get's boring very fast
Thomas Clark
>copywriters produce SALES materials that generate revenue for their customers. Emails, webinar scripts, sales letters.
I have a talent for writing and sales.. Is there any introduction online to those kind of things.. or any books you would recommend for example ?
would it be useful to learn how to use photo editting software ?
Is there any way I can reach you by email ? As I'm seriously interested.
Btw this is how I started myself. And how Im going to train junior writers for a 9 figure publisher.
But last time I posted this link on Veeky Forums I got accused of shilling affiliate links. Even though its literally a link to a FREE newsletter archive from a copywriting-legend who died years ago.
Just goes to show how utterly retarded Veeky Forums really is.
Aiden Butler
Veeky Forums is full of retards like OP
Jacob Garcia
I HATE these fkn clowns, honestly. Grew up in a small village in the country side and when I first moved into a bigger city I was tempted to run them over, no kidding. Attentionwhoring fuckers. I can juggle 3 balls, too. So? Best annoy people with it?
Begging is cancerous, but being annoying on top just makes me want to punch them in the dick.
Jacob Brown
Boipucci and/or heroin, but you didn't hear that from me
Juan Williams
Any recommendations for a mechanical engineer making money online?
Samuel Lopez
Are you hot?
Jordan Davis
>So I just moved to Thailand and plan to be a digital nomad remote location passive income earner type guy. > >I have $10,000 left, but I'm afraid I will burn through it quick if I don't get some stable income from an online job. > >In what ways does Veeky Forums earn their money online these days? Are you retarded? Why didn't you start the online business before leaving? Now you have no job and no online business. Good work
Dylan Sanders
Fuck me. I grew up like 2km next to this exact crossroads.
Samuel Ward
Just become a english teacher.
Angel Bennett
Just Move to Mexico Same Shit.
Something tells me you just want thai lady boys.
Mason Collins
>Most smart and capable people I know have already left for Eeastern Europe >smart >Eastern Europe
Nice try retard, Eastern Europe is a shithole, there's a fucking reason why millions of Poles have immigrated to Germany, UK, France, Canada, US, etc over the last 20 years, because even Poland, the best East Euro country, is a shithole. Shouldn't have fallen for the /pol/ meme buddy, it's just a meme after all. Don't glorify that place when millions are leaving from there because it has no jobs...
South East Asia is another story though, that's where all the money is being made and in 10 years will be the wealthiest region on Earth. By the way, are you Canadian by any chance?
Nicholas Garcia
>move to Thailand >get killed >nobody cares
Bentley Smith
>Eastern Europe is a shithole
for poors is, for peoples with money is a paradise, you probable are poor
Aiden Cruz
>Poland, the best East Euro country mfw
Jacob Hernandez
i ran into one of these dudes. He was hustling for the dart show. it's thailand I can't imagine any non-thai would work for those wages unless they were desperate
Leo Lee
Link or larp
Christian Ward
you moved to tailand to work online... and dont know any jobs to work online... uselessfag
Blake Rivera
It's true. I once uploaded a video of myself fucking a goat to YouTube and now I'm a millionaire.
Luis Miller
So how many times have you been to Poland, Romania, Czech Republic user? Let me guess, Zero.
People are leaving these countries because they are poor as fuck and have zero job opportunities. If you make a western income you can have a very nice life there. Plus they have MUCH lower taxes, way more freedom and hotter chicks than western europe.