Overnight Billionaire

If I had an idea that is marketable and worth potentially billions who would I safely converse with to assure maximum profets stayed with the originator of the idea? I will share 5% of total profits with the best answer. I am currently UK based.

A patent attorney. They have a duty to protect your ideas. I will take my 5% in slags please.



Ideas are worthless.

If you're not willing to carry the weight and do the work, then you're going to get left behind by those that do.

Not everyone has good ideas. Not everyone has a concept that affects every single need: Water for example.

You're not going to get far.

I think what OP is asking is for somebody he could safely turn to for advice on how to get started
carrying the weight is the easy part, getting a good grip on the package is another thing entirely

The person I would least trust is a patent attorney.

True. It's the work behind the idea that is valuable. A mere idea is worth exactly shit.

Profits. Did I just jump to a further place in your imaginary class placement?

Myself if you need software engineering/microelectronics/signalling/embedded skills.

Doing my PhD and I need the cash.

Won't help if you idea is shit. Most likely is.

don't trust anyone.

if your idea is good enough that it really is worth billions (or millions, or even hundreds of thousands) then it's worth stealing.

if you take it to a rich friend, they'll just want to be richer. if you take it to a poor friend, they'll just want to find a way to cut you out/not share.

no - buckle down, and get it done on your own. double mortgage your doublewide, take loans out it your neighbor's name - put yourself on the line if you believe in it.

Then you are a retard. They have a fiduciary obligation to protect your trade secrets, and if they violate that duty you sue them for their malpractice coverage which is significant for any reputable firm.

don't research your ideas through google or any other search engine

I will start again. I am not a new fag. I trust nobody. I am vintage pol. I have an idea that (((they))) will fall over backwards for. It is not an invention. It is a concept that could become very easily global.

Ideas are near worthless. Execution is almost everything.

So can you help me execute my idea?

Your idea isn't worth billions.

Ok, you can tell me about it and I'll give you 5% of the prophets. No need to share.

Shark Tank or Dragon's Den would be the most credible strategic step you could make after asking /pol/

An idea is worthless on it's own. OP would have to provide a substantial cut and most likely a salaried position to people with the correct skillset in order to take this on. Best bet is to propose your idea to venture capitalists and hope they believe in you, then negotiate well.

If it's a fully documented concept however, then OP should get his idea patented, or at least begin that application process before sharing his idea. Once that is done, attempt to hire engineers, primarily on equity, and seek venture capital in return for a minimal stake.

A patent/copyright lawyer would be your best bet if that's the case.

It is worth billions, possibly trillions. I base this estimation on globalisation, and standardized water and food distribution.

Makes you think

Physicist and have 3 patents, my first two stolen.
I gave my next one away for free and sold the next three after they realised I would open source again just to see the look on their faces.
If you have an idea, make sure it's moral to your people, if it's not in your peoples benefit and you make cash alone, open source it, just to fuck with them.


The fact that you doubled down with nuh uh it's worth "trillions" pretty much shows this thread is worthless

And always remember the first law of invention:
"If You Have an Idea, Someone else has it too."
It's all about getting to the patent first, you can beat the system very cheaply by posting your own idea to yourself with a sealed envelope.
It is then time stamped by the fed/Royal Mail.

Most people get lots of profit making ideas, but they remain ideas. OP on the other hand is man of action and fortitude

So basically this:
Crypto markets have moved to Japan which has a large market for arcade and pachinko games. These games often require an in-house currency a la Chuck-e-Cheese's. A decentralized blockchain currency marketed toward use in arcades could be the next big thing in the Japan market.

Trillions is not immediate but based on Universal standardization. Think of the conception of Universal currency. It is not there yet. But globalists would die for the the global Phoenix currency. Sometimes wealth isn't made overnight.

>I'm an ideas guy

Sorry to hear about your losses, user. My idea is both moral and Universal. It is based around food.

I do not underestand your comment. Please expand.

Didn't Einstein become famous as a Patent Clerk based on his readings of other Scientist's Patents?

You sound like a faggot

>globalists would die for the the global Phoenix currency

No they wouldn't.

Know how I know?

Cause they haven't already.

FOREX holds more slush and hush than all the world's drugs combined. The amount of bullshit money to be made in pumping Fiats is way too big for anyone to ever want a single fucking currency.

It's like you accuse the global elite of putting greed above all else, and then you accuse them of things that are fundamentally contrary to their greed.
