What is the history behind this, other people like Jamaicans, cubans, haitians, african americans are proud of being black
Why people of the Dominican Republic hate being black?
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nobody wants to be black
t. blackman
They don't want to be associated with Haiti
They only need to look next door to see what African society looks like
Ask Dominican
They pretend to be nativeamericans, Taino, but lets be honest they ajust arent.
Damn he looked so much better before, now is creepy pasty weirdo with gum hair
They wuz Roman n Shiett
Is that the namefag who posts here?
According to creole historians the americans were the first slave colony in americas. Our story of Baal. One side was the farm the other was the masters haciendas. They would screw black women which was something never to be done. Black and Chinese were considered animals. And like Christianity used to say the war started because ppl mated with animals. However men became enamored with their children and took them to the otherside. It wasnt even spanish it was portuguese. The portuguese got another claim and took them somewhere else. To piss the spanish off theyd leave africans on their coasts because the spanish gave them nation on water. They kept illegally importing slaves to haiti from french africa. When it was time for african american history they didnt even want to admit. They blamed colombia for it. Which made american black kill over 300,000 colombians on american soil. Searching for drugs. Until this day they play holy.
Disgust towards their murdering cunt gotten what they deserved for being warmongering pieces of shit neighbours.
so why you made this thread?
are you butthurt?
They took an english deal. In the US there is a bi partisan agreement. They are working on a bipartisan deal. One of their most popular names is testament to this epoch Col-lado. So one kisses ass.
Being a society that was for most of its history more mixed, the elite recognized the importance of hypodescent (that is one can white away). in doing so Dominicans were able to decouple themselves from an eternal blackness that hindered blacks on other islands.
Then you have Trujillo and other populations who just conflated blackness with Haitians even when like Trujillo they descended from Haitian mixed race people's.
Haitians are easy scapegoats, blacks are easy scapegoats for government corruption and things beyond most black people's control.
It's because the word black is bad. Dark/Brown/Indian are seen as respectful, just as one doesn't call someone who's black in the US negroe anymore.
Can you elaborate?
Basically one portuguese side got puerto rico. Another side to Cuba. The rest stayed and suffered like crap under trujillo thats why they left. Many dont even go back. Thats why they call it tiempo de las mariposas. Si tiene alas sal. Trujillo was cruel he created an ashokas hell. They have a high crime rate and cant admit it.
Basically most of americas didnt have african slavery. They had indian slavery. Blacks in south america to the coast were bought by haitian sailors and later by scots trying to put political pressure in panama. Which made panamanians mad because they are who they are. Pacific black people started with 160 black people. North south american black with 600. Honduran black people were bought from an island the english acquired and put there for pressure.
Those poor farmers lived like mennonites. The north american african community was started by the acadians up in canada and used to move south by contract work or bought by the dutch.
>proud of being black
t. cuban
Americans were not in the business of buying but selling. They ate nothing but meat and potatoes. Rice wasnt even a main staple until late 1800s and dressed in nothing but wool or llama. If you were catholic and most likely you were you had to learn to read and right for the communion and confirmation. had to speak language properly.
They didnt eat plantains it was introduced they ate yucca. Nobody really exported much fruit so it made no money until industrial revolution. The caribbean grew exotic veggies. Things would spoil quick beans kept well though.
Most Cubans are actually white.
Thats why every one supported the native american and the coolies. They were the only ones that admitted it where it hurt. So chavez took curacao to just say have a heart. Because half of it is way over exagerated. I come
From a black family that knows its truth. They were descended from a black family that swam away from the caribbean and established a small community that outbred with coolies, natives and whites.
They didnt even slave but inbred and fished. Did nothing else but fished and occupied the little portion of land allowed. Native American renegades didnt even hurt them but they did fire a white town killing 50k people.
>from an eternal blackness that hindered blacks on other islands.
All those anti-black sentiments and anti-hatianism was from the DR elite cementing those beliefs as a part of Dominican culture and part of social manipulation.
>Then you have Trujillo and other populations who just conflated blackness with Haitians even when like Trujillo they descended from Haitian mixed race people's.
That shit was WAY before Trujillo user. Hell his massacre is interesting in that not a single Dominican civilian joined in. It was all the army that did it.
You do know that whites supremacists use the bible to say that they descended from americas and conquered asia through indian peninsula. And western eurasia through the mediteranean. Its the 2000yr war. Due to it they lost part of their native land in americas by those foraging. Thats a different conspiracy. We're all mixed today.
My grandma was indian and she remembers seing very few indians not even her mother was indian. The only ones dark as her were descendants of berbers and turks. It was not until those living in forests started multiplying like crazy for recent govt considerstions and programs. Witnessed poverty greater than ever. When they didnt get what they wanted they started taking peoples farmlands as they spent majority
of their time in larger towns with hospitals. They lived close to their marketplace and hospitals.
Using the greater light method. Where they are at. The lesser light the farthest point they invaded. And the flashed spot where they greater light shines too.
Its racist but if you see how our cousins, brothers, parents, grandparents have had over two dozen kids each. Way above 2-4 average per couple per generation. Its a conspiracy all in itself.
Fought an independence war against Haiti and had pretty bad relations with them for a long time, so I figured they just defined themselves in opposition to Haitians. And as all Haitians were legally black...
I have curly hair, but pale skin, people think i am canadian or italian when abroad, could there be some black ancestor or curliness comes form other source?
Dominicans are some of the last mullato-ish people that haven't gone full kill whitey and Revere white people instead. Most dominicanas are snow melters (coal burning for non whites who desire white people).
No namefag, not butthurt. Go troll some Hitler threads.
>Most dominicanas are snow melters (coal burning for non whites who desire white people).
>being this mad
Nice persecution complex white boy.
Yeah curliness is a spectrum there's peppercorn hair at its most extreme to weaker levels in Europe
Leaving niggers on your shores. Best pratical prank ever.
Funny thing is Sammy Sosa is a Haitian nigger larping as a Dominican.
It has nothing to do with DR "elites", most DR elites are very pro-Haitian. Majority of newspapers in DR have an open border golbalist/neo-liberal slant and are in favour of Haitian migration. Haitians are the cheapest labour force in the Caribbean and have played a critical roles in DR's economic development, they are the perpetual under-class/slaves of DR society, so they're needed but unwanted. Who else is going to clean all the toilets in toilets in Punta Cana?
Why can't people of non-european descent just have a balanced view? Not kill whitey SJW tier views, or completely denying the looks and heritage of their people and revering whiteness.
Is a sane perspective really so difficult for most people?
Eww nigger bitches. You can find more mestizo looking Dominicans in the central region of the island.
Thanks brother
I wonder why they don't want to be niggers like their prosperous neighbor.
Dominicans don't revere white people as much they simply despise blackess. They live next to Haiti so they associate blackness with the worst type of poverty, uglyness, and subhumanity in the western hemisphere. Haiti is the absolute epitome of niggerdom.
Most people in Cuba are niggers now, that's why the country is a shithole. After Castro took over most white Cubans went to South Florida and took their wealth with them. Cuba is like the Detroit of the Caribbean.
Sosa has a splotches of pale skin so he wants to be even all over instead of the splotches
>That look on the right
They're mixed
proud of being black
Niggers suck.
Hate being black?? I think the thing you all dont realize that is that a majority of dominicans will not identify as either black or white. Just ask one . So its more like people confuse them for blacks and and they reject that decription.
Because niggers are subhuman shits. I shit out niggers from my asshole, oh wait I mixed niggers up with my shit due to the color kek. We're mostly a white Spanish country.
lol hahahah, im not using that username, copy this
i have never done that
top fucking kek that guy isn't me either. Do I really need to get a trip?
Everyone from the DR I have ever met has been a pleasure to be around.
Everyone from Massachusetts has been terrible.
>Everyone from the DR I have ever met has been a pleasure to be around.
Just tell them you're Puerto Rican and see how nice they really are.
>Just tell them you're Puerto Rican and see how nice they really are.
what do you mean?
do you think every people from DR hate puerto ricans?
that is only the low uneducated trash that have a weird feud with puerto ricans
educated people here are normal to them
>Everyone from Massachusetts has been terrible
because its always the poor low uneducated class that migrate to other nations, they act the same here and get even worse in US as US dont prohibit things that arent prohibited here
you will meet the type of people if you come here and go to a poor neighborhood
the tyranny of small differences
it's like how (i think from lawrence of arabia, known for its historiocity) arabs can only truly be friends with non arabs
>tyranny of small differences
Yugoslavia took this trope and cranked it up to infinity
Yeah, they have to share an island with these human sized cockroaches called Haitians.
DR is a pretty mixed place not black only, wasn't for all the haitians illegally residing here, people wouldn't have such a skewed perception of our demography.
I see 3 mulattas and 1 black chic, left one is a cutie.
they are mulattas.
>that guy on the right
I'm starting to think that meme magic is real
Ridiculing a man with a genetic disorder.
Vitiligo is a terrible, terrible disorder.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Is it bad that I saw the white and orange in the thumbnail and just assumed it was a picture of prisoners? Never met one of these people, the only exposure I have is through American movies and shit, where they're all just gang members living in New York or Miami.
Are you posting from Cuba?
because they don't want to be associated with Haití
Nevertheless, they're way more niggers that the want to admit. Come on, point another country of Latin America with a higher proportion of blacks within its population
>inb4 Argentina
>the americans were the first slave colony in americas
Basically decades of corruption and dictator controlling Haiti ruined the country. All the educated and able bodied Haitians booked it to the US, Canada, or Europe, leaving the poor farmers behind.
do you know how i know you've literally never seen a cuban before?
Yeah Canada had a Haitan governor general.
West Point just had a FOB Hatian graduate who became West Point’s top graduate in physics, earning the school’s Brigadier General Gerald A. Counts Memorial Award and Rudy Moise. Lots of people who are undercover Hatians (just like a lot of people who are under cover Caribbeans or of notable Caribbean descent).
They bar Blacks from tourism jobs (those pay pretty well) because of "image". Also lots of de facto discrimination.
All the Haitians live in certain areas general away form DR's 6% tops.
Have you actually seen the stuff the upper class came up with bacjk then?
Just use makeup like every other brownie/blackie with a similar condition.
He doesn't even HAVE VITILGO
What is his genetic disorder?
If people confuse you for black..then I got bad news for you.
>DR is a pretty mixed place
Posts image of a group of people who would be seen as black anywhere outside DR. In most parts of the world a brown mullato=nigger.
jamaican girls are the ugliest girls in the caribbean
>I have is through American movies and shit, where they're all just gang members living in New York or Miami.
Oh well could you give me some examples? dominicans don't have that much exposure in american media such as cubans, ricans and mexicans.
>Come on, point another country of Latin America with a higher proportion of blacks within its population.
We are the niggest among hispanics, but among latinos Haiti is the niggest(if we consider creole a latin language). Cuba, Colombia and Panama also have high concentrations of black people and there are mulattoes all over the place in Brazil, Venezuela and Puerto Rico aswell.
>All the Haitians live in certain areas general away form DR's 6% tops.
They are as far away from our elite as our common population are away from them, haitians are now all over the place it's not like in the past when they stayed in their bateys.
>Posts image of a group of people who would be seen as black anywhere outside DR.
Why should i do that?
>To piss the spanish off theyd leave africans on their coasts because the spanish gave them nation on water
Literally the geopolitical equivalent of leaving a flaming bag of dogshit on your neighbor's porch ringing the doorbell and running away.
>Jamaicans, haitians, african americans
Are mostly black so they have no choice but to embrace it
No. Cubans have a more defined racial hierarchy than DR and PR. Cuba was a sucessful plantion eco0nomy where racial norms were solidified, DR and PR were mix-raced backwaters from the start.
Dominicans black it up if they are in all black neighborhoods in the states, but if they dont have to they wont. There is no tangible benefit to being black.