Could it have been classified as self defense?
Could it have been classified as self defense?
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Yes because communists aren't human
More like pest control.
yes, also not murder
Not self defense, national defense. He saved his country.
le epik le XDDD le praise le kek ebin XDDD!!!!
t. communist
I mean no, technically. he just ran up and murdered someone who was behind a podium.
Stay mad, commietard. No one likes your failed ideology.
It's like killing a pigeon. Animal cruelty at worst, but more like culling.
>anyone who isn't like me is a le communist
t. person that thinks he'd surely be at the head of the death squads killing those awful communists
why is /pol/ so obsessed with a literal who murdering a literal who
Name a better assassination
>when you justify murder with dehumanization
So much for the libertarian right
we've noticed that they tend to dehumanize us first for the exact same goal, so we're forced to do something about it
>punch a Nazi XD
>Guy LARPing as a Samurai kills a man LARPing as Mao Zedong
Who was the DM for this shit?
>It is okay when we do it, it not okay when they do it
Just own up to your tribalism
Spotted the commie
>murdering some literal who who even managed to rustle his fellow leftists by being such a Mao shill
>gets hyped by retarded teenagers today as saving Japan from leftism
one of the most overrated moments in history, apart from horrifying the general public
>mentally unstable Japanese boy throws his life away to kill a politician with little to no power
All these pepemaga /pol/ brainlets need to stop worshipping this fucking kid. Asanuma wasn't going to deliver Japan to da gommunists. The Japanese people weren't interested in communism and the United States had such a large military presence there that any gommie uprising would be put down with ease. This poor crazy kid threw away his life for fucking nothing.
>If you hate commies you are pol
It was a self defense situation
redditor detected
What is wrong with tribalism? Its the system that works the best
>mentally unstable Japanese boy
What do you base this on?
>politician with little to no power
You don't know anything about the situation in postwar Japan. Japan never had much of a democratic tradition which was further eroded by the militarists, the removal of the militarists and disenchantment with the war left a massive power vacuum as well as a vacuum in the Japanese psyche. It would be decades before prosperity returned to Japan and the proportion of the population who were desperate and angry diminished. Of the 2 powers left, Russia and America, colluding with America was seen as cowardice and submission.
This provided a fertile ground for the far-left and the SDPJ routinely obtained about 1/3 of the vote. By the late 50s they were at the peak of their power and figures like Inejiro were colluding with the Maoists just across the sea, likely to organize a violent overthrow of Japan's democratic "bourgeois" institutions. With the support of 1/3 of the population this was completely feasible, they just needed a few well placed military personnel and a host of dedicated civilian protestors as well as a sense of legitimacy among the general populace being a major political party. There was a good chance of success. It has happened before.
Because they are fucking retards who actually believe communism is relevant in 2017.
ya until we start killing everyone in your tribe. then you quote retarded ivory tower shitheads and run the printing press on full squeel mode
He's a cuteboy who killed/died for his ideology. Young men get excited about that sort of thing because it's romantic.
Yes. Anyone who describes themselves as a communist is inherently violent, by definition. Killing communists is always legitimate self defense, no exceptions.
> self defense
you could call it that
tee hee
>be /leftypol/
>get stabbed
No need too. Communists aren't human.
Fashwave is quite aesthetic not gonna lie
he was a cuck that shilled for Japanese puppet government of the US while Asanuma wanted to be free from Burgers
and a puppet government of the vindictive chink
just jokes to me
>its perfectly fine to murder politicians you don't like because they aren't human
As in assassinations that were actually you know, relevant?
Franz Ferdinand
Byzantine emperors every other year
All of them involved people who were actually relevant instead of some meaningless person from a powerless party who was never going to accomplish anything of note in his life who got stabbed by some insane university student who was never gong to accomplish anything of note in his life.
Pffft check out the /leftypol/ virgin with the tu quoque AGAIN
wow look at these ebin numbers which peak at 9.8% and generally are around 2-4% but are apparently 33%.
>heh looks like I caught you in a logical fallacy kid, welcome to my world
like clockwork
>Ignoring socialism as a whole being voted for
>Not understanding how the overton window works
Demsoc leads to... What again? What comes after socialism?
>Tfw I used to be an anarchist
>moving the goalposts this hard
first the claim was communists, now apparently everybody on the left is a communist too and their votes are amalgamated
>It's a leftist doesn't understand his own ideology kind of meme
The end goal of socialism is communism, neither ancoms, demsocs, or tankies think otherwise
>The Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) was established in 1960 by a breakaway group (led by Suehiro Nishio) of the Japan Socialist Party.[1] It was made up of many members of the former Rightist Socialist Party of Japan,
>The DSP supported the construction of a welfare state, opposed totalitarianism, and strongly backed the Japan-US alliance
Wow, pro-America rightist '''socialists'''. How dangerous, how subversive.
The king have no plan to kill innocent civilians
The commie plan to kill a whole group of people just because they happen to be ''bourgeois''
Thus killing commie is self defense
>Supporting the US means you are no longer a socialist party that wants to make the workers their own owners and establish communism
>Even though it had ties to the
Socialism is socialism, tovarsiche. Just because it doesn't advocate for a dictatorship of the proletariat doesn't mean the end goal is anything else but communism
ya but they don't have a cool picture like this guy
>Just because it doesn't advocate for a dictatorship of the proletariat doesn't mean the end goal is anything else but communism
>just because it supports the foremost imperialist power and doesn't advocate for socialism doesn't mean it isn't socialist
rlly made me think senpai
Kings killed people all the time. What's more, there are many communists that don't advocate mass murder.
ebin le XDDD!
>literal thoughtcrime
>HEY DUDE! I'm going to kill you, but you can't do anything to me until I actually kill you, in which case it doesn't matter because you are already dead LOL
Are you really this retarded?
How is saying they want the workers to own factories the equivalent of a unique death threat?
You'll hang soon enough
Enjoy your GULAG.
>Communism is dependent on Marxism
>Supports the foremost imperialist power
>Lefty nations organized in a socialistic fashion need to not trade with capitalist countries
Pffffftttt the workers either become their owners and seize the means of production or they don't kiddo , doesn't mean they can't trade with other nations.
Communism and Marxism are not synonyms btw
>end goal of social democrats is to estabilish communism
Enjoy your PURGE by your own comrades
>there are many communists that don't advocate mass murder
(not true by the way)
Again, not synonymous you brainlet. Nice selfie btw
>if you support walfare state, you are communist
Because the only way they can achieve that (which by the way, is stealing) is through violence, which includes mass murder.
Workers can own factories under capitalism if they themselves start the factory or buy it. In fact, that has already happened (but it works like shit).
>brainlet wojak reaction.png
>from a powerless party who was never going to accomplish anything of note in his life
it's cool how you have the ability to see in to other timelines where he wasn't stabbed to death so you can state this as fact. Tell me your secret!
You think right wing nationalists deny tribalism? Are you retarded? It's the leftards who deny their own tribalism, but spoiler alert: it's human nature. It's as natural as breathing and seeing faces whenever there are two dots above a line, you can't rid yourself of tribalism.
>He says after I already said that socialism is the workers becoming their owner and seizing the means of production
Fucks sake user, lrn2 read. You cant even read your own fucking wiki links and realize that the current party of socdem used be broadly socialist and democracy and different times, meanwhile communists had 4%-5% turnouts
They are succdem now, they weren't before.
Asanuma is not exactly a commie but a chink puppet, so good riddance
The only way governments theoretically can get anything done is by force, which may include murder. This is acknowledged by everyone from Locke to Hobbes. Should we kill anyone who supports a government, lest they support us being killed?
i talk about socdem as whole, not about some specific party
It's absolutely true. They don't cease to exist because some ivory tower """libertarian""" says that all communists MUST support mass murder. That's putting theory before practice.
We were talking about socialism in Japan
No, because state force is actually just if it's used to defend the life and property of its citizens.
>there are communists who believe they can take away the means of production without mass murder
Delusional as fuck.
Ghandi was vicious and one of the most badass, if I may say so, myself.
hey it's a step up at least. in the past threads they were calling him a "literally who".
>No, because state force is actually just if it's used to defend the life and property of its citizens.
Are you delusional or just naive?
Also, you're just repeating the pseudo libertarian bullshit that all communists and socialists MUST support mass murder otherwise they're not REAL communists
>commies endorsing killing anyone who doesn't toe the party line or just for the sake of getting rid of opponents
>fascists endorse murdering commies cause theyre not actuslly human, and also anyone with any left leaning thoughts
And they say horseshoe theory is a meme
Am I wrong? The laws and everything regarding their implementation defend life and property, and that's just, the notion that killing and stealing is immoral is a universal concept.
And yes, communists HAVE to be in favor of mass murder, otherwise they can't achieve their goals.
Jokes on you, I'm a centrist.
>Am I wrong? The laws and everything regarding their implementation defend life and property, and that's just, the notion that killing and stealing is immoral is a universal concept.
And yet the majority of states have breached this at least a few times. Some violate it regularly.
>And yes, communists HAVE to be in favor of mass murder, otherwise they can't achieve their goals.
>what is democracy
>what is decentralization
Yeah, obviously, no state is perfect, but the trend is clear.
Democracy a la Stalin, you mean? What a joke.
>just read up about this
Kek the Japanese don't fuck around, do they?
Iron front all the way bb
t. leftist retard
>How dare these sheep react with violent tendencies when we threaten them with systemic violence
that's not what's actually happening though, the communist left labels anyone they don't like (anyone center rightwards) a "Nazi", and then justify violence against them.
You're literally mad about people insulting communists so yea you are one
Calling people out for justifying murder doesn't make me communist.
>Democracy a la Stalin
>Franz Ferdinand
The virgin shooter vs the chad samurai