Did knights ever get ptsd?
Did knights ever get ptsd?
Probably not very often.
I read that PTSD is caused by staying in combat for extended periods of time. In medieval times battles were rare and comparatively brief, and sieges mostly just involved waiting outside the walls.
This is why it started appearing in the trenches in WW1, or in Vietnam, where the helicopter's ability to constantly shuffle around troops meant that they spent much more hours in combat than soldiers in previous wars.
>be captain
>see half your unit crushed from a Calvary charge
>start to get asphyxiation from stirred up dust, heat and lose visabilty from the dust of said calvary charge
>panic and think youre alone becuase you literally cant tell who is on your side anymore
>flee the battle only to think your being chased by what is actually the rest of your unit
Yes. Ptsd happened.
Try reading more. PTSD can be caused by any traumatic event, not just sustained combat.
t. feminist
What makes you say that user?
Yes. There a accounts of soldiers with similar symptoms going back to ancient Greece. Shakespeare provides an extremely vivid account of one of his characters suffering from it in Henry IV.
Modern soldiers like to pretend it's only a recent thing because they want to be special snowfakes and not admit they're just like every other generation of soldiers.
He is right.
Thats not what he was implying
Yes, but back then it was just called being a man and besides that, pretty much everyone was batshit crazy so no one could tell the difference
Bullshit, poor Ajax offes himself because of it 3000 years ago.
>did people have emotions
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no not at all
Men don't have emotions that's a liberal lie to subvert Western civilization.
This. Even the Odysee can be read as a treaty on PTSD
Emotions or at least the expression of emotions (which is really the same) are historically contingent tho. So is the need to be "therapeutic" which is a very modern idea. So yeah psychological diseases are to a certain extend a modern invention.
Having said this is right. We have many accounts of people having symptoms similiar to what we now call PTSD. What is important though that before modern medicine the mortality rates of people who have been in actual combat was much higher. It is really only since Vietnam, where a lot of injured soliders were evacd in a matter of minutes, that PTSD has become a mass phenomenon. And yeah, I know about WWI but if you look at the numbers the numbers of post 1945 are much, much higher.
>where a lot of soldiers were evac'd quickly
user, most of the people who get PTSD weren't wounded; in fact, many of them left the war entirely physically unscathed.
In WW 1 PTSD could have landed you in front of a firing squad in a hurry.
the ancient world was so ridiculously brutal that it's likely every single person had ptsd
Ok, I should have said in danger of being wounded in case of Iraq and Aghanistan. Former wars had rather stable front lines. I think only like 8% of American forces were actually in combat in WWII. Asymmetrical warfare+better medicine=more PTSD. At least this was the prevalent theory when I read papers about that like 5 years ago.
And yet you have tons of accounts about people being psychological fucked after WWI. Even to the extend that scholars links PTSD to the rise of Nazism.
Also the meme needs to die. France had the biggest military strike in history and the war literally triggerd a revolution in Germany. Not everyone was retardedly brave in WWI.
i think in charlemagne's time after shedding the blood of 4000 saxon man alot of the soldiers were pretty disturbed
so the pope issued that for each person you killed you had to do 1 year of penance or something
basicly ptsd therapy?
Whites weren't pussies during Middle Age thus the answer is "No"
The evolution of the Satanic occult societies:
1. Babylonian mystery schools
2. Gnosticism and Kabbalah
3. Knight's Templars and Rosicrucians
4. The Jesuit Order
5. Freemasonry and the Illuminati
Daily reminder that Roman Catholicism is the Beast system spoken of in Revelation. Popes are antichrists.
these guys had to watch a huge chunk of their fellows get executed i bet that gave them a few bad dreams
Absolutely unequivocally false
Ok i know not all of you are retarded but im replied to yall anyways
PTSD is due to abnormal neurological changes that are caused when the brain needs to adapt to a new enviroment where your or someone elses life or health is at serious risk and you go into fight-or-flight response regularly. It can also develop as a result of a single event due to the same mechanism.
Its your survival instinct adapting to a certain enviroment which will cause serious issues when you are taken out of that enviroment because its easier for the brain and your psycho to learn new things than to rewire itself and un-learn those things.
Ofc it also involved psychological stuff on top of the crude, neurological explanation of the disorder but at root its caused by neurological changes.
How people experience and deal with PTSD may have changed with time, same with how the society views it. But at essence its still the same thing and the apparent rise in the number of PTSD diagnosis and all the publicity on it is simply due to increased awareness.
Its absurd to imply that "people have PTSD these days because they are special snowflakes" or "men these days cant handle war" when the whole disorder is based on how your brain adapts to shit and humans are good at adapting, if you think that changed within the past 100 years you are retarded.
Its the same erroneous conclusion people make when they think that people didnt have cancer back in the day like 300 years ago just because there was less written material on it and the people in general didnt have even the most basic idea of what cancer is. People didnt talk about cancer or hear any information on it, unless they went to see a doctor to check out a weird lump and got told they have more lumps and they are fucked basically.
Um no. Not unless you deserted and i bet 99% of the time it wasnt PTSD that made people desert. PTSD surfaces later on, not during acute combat stress. It was mainly due to the mental fatigue and terror from being under constant artillery fire. People stop caring about dying at a certain point when things get real shit and they might decide to rather die trying to flee than to get mowed down on no mans land by shrapnel and machineguns
Absolutely false. People get PTSD from watching someone get shot, which takes no more than a second.
Fuck off prottie scum
I agree with everyone here who say it was around, I'm curious though about if they managed it better, or got over it. People are not built for chronic stress, the kind modern warfare can bring, where you can get sniped out of nowhere at any second. Comparably I would think pre-gunpowder warfare was mostly instances of acute stress, something humans handle far better. You're actually able to understand and process what just occurred, and mentally "take a break" from it.
do you all think that PTSD, while it existed, was less widespread in ancient/medieval times because of this?
>do you all think that PTSD, while it existed, was less widespread in ancient/medieval times because of this?
Its important to note that PTSD doesn't just come from battle. Any traumatic experience can cause PTSD.
To answer your question I don't think it was less widespread at all. Yes modern warfare may bring stressful events, but there is nothing as traumatic as stabbing someone with a sword and watching them die.
t. brainlet