Im beyond fucked if I don’t get $100 in 3 hours

Like someone is going to come break my legs fucked. I’ve essentially accepted my fate at this point because it’s my fault but I figured I’d beg here before shit hits the fan.

Pic related is BTC address. Please help me Veeky Forums I can’t believe this place is my last hope but it’s all I got.

step one, grab sharpie

Step two, bend over

Step two, remove pants and undies

I literally have no monetary problems right now and am just leaving my ETH address here, 'cause I like free crypto

Can we redo your step as Step three?

Leg it, beggar fuck.

Step four, sharpie in pooper.

Give us some proof

I’ve got some top tier never before seen noodz if that would be worth anything.

Pic related.

sharpie, pooper.

you know the drill by now.
pic related + time stamp

Nice touch telling him to insert without lube. Can't make begging too easy on them, you know.

Hey, send BTC to me instead, just to fuck with this guy:


Doesn't look hot enough.
is your only option.

>Trying to get BTC with photos of women.

You must be a newfag, Veeky Forums contains only faggots.

just take a credit.

loan from the bank you know.....
or pimp will really break your legs to show it to others as example.

Go for the soft tissues before they lay a hand on you. eyes and throat, it doesnt take much. Kick them in the groin. Then break their fuckin leg and make them cripple. Dont be a fuckin cuck, man up and run afterwards. Dont get caught.

Oh, and guys like these:
They don't even pay out anymore for such degrading photos. True scumbags.

come on larper, get your shit together.

keeping an ... eye.. on this thread

How can I provide proof? I borrowed money from a neighbors when my car died and I was supposed to pay him back today. He’s been pretty menacing when he reminds me today is the day and I found out my company direct deposited my check into my bank account that got closed last week.

Also, I already know I’d do the sharpie in the pooper and then never see a cent.


Pee for me.

thanks for the .2 BTC user!!
I will turn my life around with this!!!

Accept your fate.

lol you will not turn your life around with this. you'll spend it all on hookers and blow and be back here tomorrow with a sharpie.

Break your own legs so he wont be able to.

Roll to save

If dubs, I will be saved.



lmao that's me. I shouldve never posted it, got nothing for it.

Who the fuck is going to kill you over a hundred bucks..

You've got some shitty dealers - move out of Niggertown user.

I grew up broke as fuck and my parents both went to jail when I turned 17. This place is the best I could do and I have no means of going anywhere else. All I wanted was to do science and build shit and now I’m just doomed to have the shit kicked out of time and then starve.

jokes on you user.
I just scored an ounce of powder and now looking forwards to my last shift at the glory hole
hahahahah... seeya looseers

It's about making a point, a dealer with no reputation is easy pickings

If someone is coming to break your legs because of money, you probably deserve it. Further more, if someone shows up to unjustly break your legs and you don't shoot them to death, you deserve it.

Here's my address just because fuck you,


I remember, I told you to do it,
sorry user.
learn any lessons from that?

>legs broken over $100
niggers detected

If you want to do the sharpie challenge I'll pay you $150 in BTC op.

You aren't going to be able to receive that BTC and cash it out in three hours. Enjoy your broken legs!

seriously op, i will send you money if you get on all 4's and pee for me. Get a good view =)

Don't look now, but chicks getting railed by animal dick is my fetish

Would you seriously? I’m at the point where I just don’t care any more.

your young mind is probably running wild.
go give the guy whatever money you can put towards it, and tell him when you can pay the rest....
the guy is not going to risk aggravated assault for a hundred bucks.
he will just want to know your not fucking around on him.

either that or... your just begging on /biz for drug money ... either way stop wasting our time

Literally all of my money for the next two weeks is gone. Have you seriously never met someone that would fuck up your day for $100?

nice, please film and share

i swear ill pay up .02btc for a sharpie pooper w time stamp

Send me $50 and I’ll do it and then you can send the rest.

>learn any lessons from that?

Yes, gotta try harder.


Yes, I seriously would. Make sure there's a timestamp

>top tier


>the guy is not going to risk aggravated assault for a hundred bucks.
dude niggers lmao

the sharpie meme is the best lmao

I just looked around and don’t have a sharpie.
What do

Fruit works too user, carrots...

Bump with more OC

Damn, that toothbrush has seen better days

still no time stamp.
clock is STILL ticking
get it together quick

OP tell the bully that I will send him $100 if he puts a sharpie in your butt with pics, but NOT if he breaks your legs.

there I just saved you.

>that double chin

Is a regular pen sufficient?


I will send $200 only if the the potential assassin
sharpies at least 3 innocent bystanders before the hit,
then breaks his own legs,

(((with a sharpie)))

I'll send you some BTC if you use a carrot user, for real this time.

Reminds me of The Sopranos. Good show.

Cool, I hope you die. Enjoy your ban ;^)

Pencil, hairbrush, whatever


it's pic related simple


Oh shit, is that actual proof of bigfoot?

i've never been a broke pussy, so no.
just go on whining about it and begging people on the internet for money.
it sounds like your the type of person that makes an excuse for everything...
good luck sticking a sharpie up your asshole.

Whoever puts a carrot up his ass gets 0,1 BTC

Just realized I seriously considered putting something up my ass and taking a photo to try and escape getting the shit kicked out of me. I know that the second I posted something like that, not only would I never receive any money, but I would get the shit kicked out of me and lose any dignity I have left.

Fuck this planet. I tried everything I could for as long as I could. I’m finished. I’m just going to accept being broken and homeless but I’ll do so with my ass sharpie free. Farewell anons. This is a magical place where the apathetic cruelty is only truly appreciated from the eyes of the forsaken.


hasn't everyone who;s done the sharpy challenge been paid? Pretty sure. There is no dignity on an anonymous bored

that's ewok boi pussy user.
what are you a fag??!?

How many of these pics have you got so far? Do a collage when you have enough.

Only seen one that was actually paid. The pioneer himsel wasn't even paid.

perfect example of a use for smart contracts. Quick, someone make the first sharpie in the pooper contract.

But what about the



This was supposed to be an reply to

fuck off with your larp, if true, hope you get the shit kicked out of your neat face

will do..
you can make it happen faster tho.
winkey face!

I thought the sharpie was an eye on a really ugly face

lol this is fucking awesome.

The oracle can also put a shapry in her pooper.

that was the original sharpie pooper.

sergay to the rescue!


Alright anons,

Due to pure terror as motivation, I wrote a sharpie in the pooper smart contract in solidity and am currently hosting it on a cheap node server. Deal is, when the ETH address hits 0.5 ETH, the image displays to the public. Here’s the website and yes I know it’s a bootleg/sketchy IP address but I don’t have time or money for a domain name. Please reward my desperate creation. Here’s the link

Also, second dubs in a row

you best shave that wookie behind first.
nice try though. 7/10
Post results here though first ay?
BTC is wating.

I already took the picture. It will display on the site I provided in the previous post when 0.5 ETH is deposited in the provided wallet.

there is no website on that link you scamming fuck

Invest in nav or Kore, they're booming atm.


i will tell a funny joke if you send me bitcoin


you know the drill by now..
do pic related for free gibs