>Study history
>Becomes Fascist Theocratic Monarchist
Who else?
Study history
Other urls found in this thread:
>Study history
>Become die hard Lutheran
Who else?
>study history
>become constitutional monarchist
Who else?
The more I study history, the more I believe the Bible.
these, but unironically
Who said I was being ironic?
In what capacity? The philosophy? Moral teachings?
Childhood is believing the Bible
Adolescence is rejecting it
Adulthood is still rejecting it because your morals dont come from a higher being that serves only itself
>Study history
>Become Enlightened Absolutist
Who else?
>study history
>implying you aren't just browsing wiki
Me, I want Nappy back so badly.
T. Dutchman
Reading the account of the Dutch sappers giving their lives in the frozen rivers of Russia to save the rest of their comrades gets me in the feels every time.
>Reading the account of the Dutch sappers giving their lives in the frozen rivers of Russia to save the rest of their comrades gets me in the feels every time.
Do you have an online readable account of this?
It's from Napoleon: A life. Stick around and I can try to either get a picture of it or I'll type it up in a few minutes.
By Andrew Roberts?
No need, I'll just read the entire thing.
That's the one. Finished it in two weeks in Cuba. Amusingly enough there's even a museum of Napoleon in Havanna.
Even Exodus and the 40 years in Sinai ?
When Napoleon became emperor of Western Europe, he placed his brother Lodewijk as the local king of the lowlands. He was devoted into being a benevolent absolute ruler of the land which motivated him to speak fluent Dutch in merely a few years. Building a palace in the middle of the capital to have a stronger presence for the people and assured liberty, safety and prosperity for the commoners.
Then he was replaced by an English nobleman with incredibly weak ties to William of Orange, who was so incompentent it led to the loss of Belgium and a grandson who was so utterly useless that he chose a parliamental constitutional monarchy in favour of total rejection of responsibility as king.
>There are people in this world that aren't born Lutheran
Why would anyone condemn their children to Hell like that?
>study history
>become anarcho-monarchist
>Study history
>Became neoliberal absurdist
Hating freedom is for incels too lazy to compete, who know deep down that the only way that they could succeed is if society was blatantly rigged in their favor, and who would genuinely welcome a jackboot pressing down on their throats if it meant avoiding taking responsibility for their own failings in life.
lmao did you not read up to the 30 years war yet
dude, the thirty years war was totally Martin Luthers doing. G*rm*ns ain't I rite :DDDDDD
>freedom = capitalistic individualism
umm, no sweetie.
But the bible is historically inadequate for most parts. Kings and Judges have some use historically, even the prophets because most of their "prophecies" were events that already happened. Even then, a lot of it requires to be corroborated with bot biblical sources before it can be taken seriously.
>Theocratic Monarchy
>Not a Secular Elective Fascist Dictatorship
>freedom = building a wall to keep people from leaving and then only giving people one political party to vote for and one factory to work at.
you can keep your command economy.
It's always the same pictures
Nothing about this graph kills the traditionalist
Would be interesting to know whether it's adjusted for sex and ethnicity, because if it isn't, then it's just saying that women and immigrants vote left, old fucking news.
1. It was adjusted for sex, it's only really statistically significant for males
2. The first study was done in the UK, the second was done in Australia. Combined with statistically significance it's fair to say that is not a factor
>The first study was done in the UK, the second was done in Australia.
So both countries with a large amount of manlet minorities? If it's not accounted for, it would mean a significant aberration.
You're hurting my brain. An increase in 1 inch of height = 0.6% swing towards conservative political views. That is way to statistically significant to be blamed on minorities. This isn't le 52% country we're talking about here mate
I want to put a small picture of Kant on my wall. Is this weird?
When I think about Kant's life and works, I smile.
Hello Kantbot. Quick question, when are you coming out of the closet?
>After controlling for poverty rate, percent African American and Latino populations, educational attainment, and spatial autocorrelation in the error term, we found that higher county-level obesity prevalence rates were associated with higher levels of support for the 2012 Republican Party presidential candidate
>Study history
>Favor Aristocratic Republicanism
Anyone else for this feel?
>2012 Republican Party presidential candidate
Sounds about right, the only person who could vote for Romney are Boomer conservatives, and of course the Mid West and South have been hit hardest by the opioid and obesity epidemics caused by corn subsidies and the DEA / FDA
Unless you missed the latest 60 minutes.
>study history
>become pan-german irredentist
Who else?
>Study history
>Sacrifice children to Ba'al
Who else?
>study history
>become Socialist Atheist Anarchist
Who else?
>Study history
Who else?
>"Study" history
>Romanticize a particular period and escape there in my daydreams
>Start to fall in love with certain historical figures of that time
every fucking time
wow bro nice pop-sci headline!
>study history
>realize democracy is a meme
anyone else?
reminder that dolan zrumpf won more of the educated white vote.
>Study History
>Become a Technocratic Saint-Simonian Europeist
Who else?
And less of the total educated vote
And that there's a negative correlation between voting for trump and education
me desu
shaniqua and her negro studies "degree" aren't worth shit. educated white people, and whites in general were more likely to vote for dolan.
Studying history made me a communist, an anti imperialist, and a supporter of Syria and Hezbollah and Iran
>Adulthood is still rejecting it because your morals dont come from a higher being that serves only itself
No that is childhood
Study history more. And stop being 12.
>only blacks get meme degrees
Citation needed
Got a lot of Hezbollah 12 year olds where you live?
blacks don't matter.
>study history
>become constitutional monarchist
Nice scapegoat
Btw, most engineers are democrats
most educated and well earning whites voted for zrumpf.
>All the non shit tier engineers are either right wing or moderate
lul, nice environmental engineer you have there
12 year olds are far more likely to be "BASED ISRAEL" types
>Doesn't break it down to individual data
>Doesn't adjust for age
>Is blatantly written to push an agenda
>muh whites
>civil engineering
>non shit
I've read every major work on the history of capitalism and the history of socialism, and wrote my thesis on Soviet state ideology. Most of my coursework at uni was about the development of labor movements in the US, Europe, and Asia and how these movements were shaped by the World Wars and the Cold War.
Studying more history won't make me less of a leftist.
>this kills the traditionalist
It only kills the anti capitalists desu
Face it bro. Right wingers are statistically taller, stronger, more attractive, wealthier, more happy, more sexually satisfied, and less mentally ill
Sorry if it hurts your feelings
Wikipedia has a left wing bias though.
I hope you're from the US and in a stupid amount of debt
>study history
>become adept of Catholic Constitutional Executive Social Monarchist Habsburg Globalism
It has a "radical centrist" bias if anything
>study history
>becone a jew
>being this assblasted bout being incapable of rebutting an argument
You know what correlation has been observed study after study? Right-wingers have lower IQs ;^)
I'm American but not in too much debt, because I got a merit scholarship to go to college and have a kind of decent job working for a TV station.
But I will say that working has made me realize that socialism is not just an inevitable development, but a very good way to overcome the stressors of market society.
Go to Stalin or Fidel pages. They are not considered dictators over there. Now go to the pages of Hitler (literally democratically elected) and see him labeled as a dictator (yes, he was, I'm just pointing the bias though).
>soldiers, who are less than 1% of the population, prefer a certain candidate
>therefore this candidate's ideas must be correct
Subject to cultural and historical circumstances. Read up on Brazil and South Africa.
Also, literally the exact opposite for fiscal conservatism and libertarianism
Also, it's like 3 points lmao
But negroes vote Democrat
>muh blacks and mexicans
self hating becky detected.
so do your dem voting darkies :^)
also educated and well off whiteys voted zrumpf
Maybe you're just really dumb then. Please don't have any babies or get into any positions of power
Most of those tests he's referring to substitute republican party for social conservatism, and black people are very socially conservative
My gf wants to marry me and have kids.
She's also brown so I'm a race traitor as well :)
>study history
>abandon previous socialist beliefs and become a Roger Scruton style traditionalist conservative
Only social conservatives. The economic right wing has the highest IQ of them all, particularly among Libertarians :^)
>"Are conservatives simply less intelligent than liberals, and less able to obtain PhDs and faculty positions? The evidence does not support this view… published studies are mixed. Part of the complexity is that… Social conservatism correlates with lower cognitive ability test scores, but economic conservatism correlates with higher scores (Iyer, Koleva, Graham, Ditto, & Haidt, 2012; Kemmelmeier 2008). Libertarians are the political group with the highest IQ, yet they are underrepresented in the social sciences other than economics.
I wonder how much of the very late actual diminuation of the absolute poverty is litteraly China and his mixed economy...
>I'm a retard and my kids will look like turds, you jelly
>study history
>become misogynist
I actually don't give a fuck please stop pretending I do
*breathes in*
this and unironically too
does a catholic national syndicalist monarchist count?
commies btfo
Literally pick one
NeoOligarchy is more accurate
>People in the Navy overwhelmingly want the Johnson