>99% of people who ever lived were “nobodies” whose existence is lost to history
99% of people who ever lived were “nobodies” whose existence is lost to history
Just read some microhistory, nigger
what kind of autist devotes their life to microhistory? I'm genuinely curious
we had a couple of threads based on ancient Pompeii shitposting
they each made a contribution to the whole
Diaries are patrician uezsmdf
like tears in rain t_t
and we are all one of them
If we say there are 1million "somebodies", thats still not 1% of all the people who've ever lived. Its not even 1% for the current world. Its only 0.01%. 100 million somebodies only crack the current world's 1%. The total sum of all people that ever lived (so far) is somewhere around 100 billion.
So its not 99% of people are nobodies, but rather more accurately, 99.9999% are nobodies.
>they were spared from getting memed on Veeky Forums
They were the lucky ones desu.
why would they do that
I unironically might.
Or at least part of it.
Sounds really interesting. The daily life of random fucking people.
other forms of government trigger them so they can only read small historical socialist articles in the back of the ad section
Unironically my grandfather
He even drives to bumfuck nowhere towns to buy a €50 book written by some old photographer on the history of the town.
that sounds patrician as fuck
So, you can't say "they're history?"
Who /collector/ here?
I have a memoir of the 1936 Ethiopian war by an Italian soldier that I think is the only copy in the world.
Then copy it
>the only copy
>I have a memoir of the 1936 Ethiopian war by an Italian soldier that I think is the only copy in the world.
Who cares. The people who remember them are faggots and die anyway
It’s in Italian. I will dig it out.
I got it off Italian amazon several years ago. I’ve literally never seen it for sale since or could find anything about it beyond basic info- title, author, etc.
>whose existence is lost in history
Where do you think you come from? You're literally made out of their dick juice