You guys scare the crap put of me

Hey gang,

My first time as a Veeky Forums OP and I'm bracing for impact.

The media says you are all really mean — like nasty just for the sport of it. I'm a "grown-ass-man" though. Whatever happens... I should be able to get over it... eventually.

All half-joking aside, a fellow who's opinion I respect on the topic of ICOs has been urging me to engage with you all here at Veeky Forums. In his opinion, this is one of the best places to get well-informed grassroots feedback on our project's ICO.

So that why I'm here; to dip my toes into your community —to see see if our project resonates with you all.

HERE'S THE THING; I'm not trying to act like some nube, and disrespect you guys with, what could be perceived as, self-promotion.

So that is my question, beyond buying a Veeky Forums pass (done), and gaining credibility over time by commenting etc., in what other ways can I demonstrate but I am not not a shill? I genuinely only want to be here if the community wants us to be here because our project is interesting.

Ok, I just realized that what I'm doing. Out of respect, what I am doing is asking for permission to post. I know I don't need permission, per se, but I don't know how it works and I want to start off on the right foot.

Awkwardly yours,

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this a fucking joke?

9/10 copypasta tho.

Nice orange shirt fucking colorblind piece of shit

Fake and gay

how dare you take the real Charlies name? Begone imposter.

Did you mean to look like Carl Sagan?

>So that is my question, beyond buying a Veeky Forums pass (done), and gaining credibility over time by commenting etc.,
kek you dont understand Veeky Forums at all
though you have a legitimate use case for a name / trip

In case you're actually real, impersonating people is as common as you might expect from an anonymous board.

Provide a link explaining who you are because no one knows you and post a timestamped picture. Otherwise, quit wasting everybody's time.

Was it Boyd who sent you?

Ok ok

Are you some kind of faggot?
You sure sound like one

Nah, dude, the hike was in the City of Orange in CA where I live.

>reverse image search
>0 matches


Not fake, not sure if my post is "gay" or if I'm "gay". Either way, I'd rather not respond, other than to say, if my post comes off meekly, it is truly out of respect for the influence you all have. I'll tone it down once I learn my way around

nah I typed it out. It took a few times so I copied it a bunch to my Flycut clipboard

My god. You are in the wrong place buddy. I suggest visiting reddit where you can talk to your fellow normies.

You got skills bro, I want to punch you so hard. I gotta go to work but I'll be back to check out all the butthurt you've harvested.

love that show. 2 startups ago anything to do with spreadsheets was called "Charlie Work"

I don't recognize this pasta.....
.... This is pasta, right?

I'd love to see the pic where I look like that guy

kill yourself

>not not a shill
8/10 this could be the start of something beautiful

>name / trip
yes, so ty for what appears to be the beginning of what I am hoping to bring to the table

I had to google "kek" for the record.
So I googled "name / trip Veeky Forums" and I'm not sure I understand what you are suggesting I do here.

Could you please expand?

what in the flaming fuck is this. it's really an excellent meme though. and the fact you're making people angry is really respectable. all in all, I'd give this bait a strong 9 to a light 10

see this is exactly what I was hoping someone would ask me to do

>hey gang

No, just no

look normie if you want to prove to every one this is real and not a larp (joke) take a picture of yourself with the current date and time and every one will believe if not GTFO
INB4 Sharpie

Unless you're fake and gay, you should never reveal your identity here.

This community is like a masquerade party where everyone can change masks at any moment and become a completely different person. You just came into the party without wearing your mask and now you will forever been known as that guy.

You brought an identity into a community who choose the act as one.

We are user, You are Charlie.

Get. The. Fuck. Out. Charlie

>I want to start off on the right foot
You should start off by killing yourself you stupid fucking faggot

Hey guys disregard that, I suck dicks

I love dick

>beyond buying a Veeky Forums pass

I'm a huge faggot please rape my face

To use a trip, you put an exclamation mark in the name field followed by some secret password or phrase, and it gives your post a tripcode. For example, I used the tripcode !Charlieisafaggot. If you were to also use the tripcode !Charlieisafaggot your post would have the same tripcode as mine, but a different colored ID.

It's useful in cases where you are the developer of some software or an ICO project, for example, and you want to keep people from impersonating you. It is highly frowned upon to use a trip when it's not needed, because you're just jacking off your ego with it, which you have the entire rest of the internet for. Being anonymous is sacred here because it allows us to make mistakes and learn from them, not double down in our wrongness because we need to be right. That said, if you stay here you will never be the same. You will be less happy. Enjoy!

meh, we're probably a lot more alike than you think. It's just that I'm representing a project and I need to behave with professionalism even if that is not the norm here exactly. does that make sense?

I thought that might be the case, but I wanted to give it a shot nonetheless.

These anons speak the truth. You tumbled blindly into the wrong space. It's the wrong place for a normie like you, and it's the wrong place for what you are trying to do. Please leave

Wait so it goes in the options field?
I never trip, but I guess I am also a faggot.

The first time I used Veeky Forums I typed "anonymous" manually in the name field

what is your ico so i can fucking end it

What about two exclamations
You shut the fuck up Charlie, I'm using your thread to experiment.

This place is a shitshow, these people don't know how to communicate other without being animals. Call them faggots and they will respect you.


what about a number sign

mootykins disabled trips back in 2010 famalam

I'm pretty sure this is a picture of my landlord


How do I tripcode?

I literally lolz'd. I know that how I'm going about this is unusual. I'm just trying to own that and I'm willing to deal with the "b-hurt" while I learn how to balance my need to represent our project well, while not being offensively "normy"

t. heterosexual functioning member of society


Yes, this is how you use a tripcode. Charlie take note, we're going to want to save our best abuse for you I think, and if you don't use a tripcode we won't know for sure it's you.

>I thought that might be the case, but I wanted to give it a shot nonetheless.

Well spit it out Charlie, what in the fuck are you trying to shill us? You can't leave us hanging like that faggot.

He was like a mod or something, until hiroshima nagasaki fired him

Fucking kill yourself

and then i forget the image
what a fucking trainwreck

Wtf is it with all these guys who don't know how to respond whenever a nice noob makes his first thread on Veeky Forums? You are actually all newfags.

Hi. Glad to have you here. What is your company interested in doing and why? You gain credibility automatically just by being genuine and forthcoming on this board; you're certainly in the right place for feedback.

In all honesty m8, professionalism here is fine and well received, but the weird passive niceness you have is creepy. Don't be afraid to call someone a cunt.

Reason why people recommend biz is because the depths of the depths get scoured and come through for whats hot with money. Crypto is the song of the year, may take us somewhere else.

What's your peoject and what are you shilling? If I see more than 10 buzzwords im gonna kill myself

What's the fucking coin charlie


Toasting in legendairy bread

Wtf is it with all these guys who don't know how to respond whenever a nice noob makes his first thread on Veeky Forums? You are actually all newfags.

Hi. Glad to have you here. What is your company interested in doing and why? You gain credibility automatically just by being genuine and forthcoming on this board; you're certainly in the right place for feedback.

> dad is home

Sorry mister, uh Charles, sir. May I get you a glass of water or help with your luggage?


It's like doge coin, but instead of being a pump and dump it's a pump and pump.
It'll never go down

this is what charlie wants your shekels for

Hello, nice to meet you :v)


>2 startups ago
nice touch

Why would anyone ever buy briefs? That's the shittiest name for a coin that I've heard.

Ebin Post good sir! We are anonymous end we are lesgion! Charlie we will hack0rz u. You'll regret your time here!

There are a couple ways to prove your identity here, one is a picture of your face with an agreed-upon variant, like someone asks you to put a shoe on your head, or hold a piece of paper with today's date and "I'm a huge gaylord" written on it. This is less than advisable, for obvious reasons. Another way would be to tweet something with your official account, that you tell us about beforehand. It should probably be discreet, Veeky Forums still carries the stigma of kiddy porn from years past. Put plainly, you shouldn't talk about coming here, and that's the way we like it. So just tell us you'll tweet you're going to the grocery store or something, then do it while we watch.

See you could have gotten this anywhere. Do it again with a paper that says GAYLORD.

Leave now or your very fragile soul will be locked inside a cage of eternal damnation.

Get a note card in the frame with date and time and Veeky Forums.

I was not aware of that. I will leave in a moment after I reply to the people who have replied to me. I was trying to go far out of my way not to offend; apparently that is offensive. lolz

Hey Charlie, great to have you as a positive part of the Veeky Forums community

What's your favorite subreddit?

>decentralized exchange
>gift cards

Dropped. What a piece of shit Charlie. Why can't I just use TenX prepaid. The fuck I need gift cards for you dumbass

Sharpie in pooper with timestamp or it's fake. You know the rules.

Oh god you're real. Biz is either going to adorn you or hate you lol. Your ICO is either is gonna moon or be burned to the ground

No, not Veeky Forums, the picture will get out and draw more dipshit normals here.

Charlie's coin is the next Etherium! No! Bitcoin!
To the moon!
>using Bitcoin
>not using Charliecoin

wew lad

I fucked up. How about /fag/.

I need a moment to fully grasp this. TYVM for helping me get it —i did not at all. Also, ty for not losing the opportunity to insult me. Your help would not be the same without it and it sells the point in a meta sort of way as well. ty man!

Jeff is my landlord too

fuck it ill invest $200, wheres the ico link?

Man reply is clever


jesus christ are you mentally ill?

Gift cards?
You're selling gift cards?
Where's the coin?

You're very welcome.

Start shilling Charlie why should we want your shit?


It sounds like Charlie Faggot wants to recruit us to be his personal advisor service. It rubs me the wrong way. Why doesn't he just post his questions like everyone else?

>skimmed your paper lad
>need some shilling so I can hook u up

Man, ty. This was a breath of fresh air. My/our project is

sorry for the creepy "hey gang" stuff. I'll find a balance here soon.

Charlie if you're not a troll, please remember Veeky Forums is not all full of edgy teenagers. I've been here since I was an edgy teenager and grew into a jaded but relatively optimistic adult.

25 now and 10 years later you just learn to see the world from a contrarian point of view. Also buy bitbean.

ae ya gonna revolutionize the blockchainnnnnrlie. quuuuantum computer resistant genius contracts? does it prove faster than light charlie? are you funding a paradigm shifting platform for shitcoins that only go down? whats the gag. at least make a fucking logo and shill that
We are going to connect all closed loop gift card values together with our project's token. The BRIF token will be the basis of a gift card balance exchange.

This is a journalist. Probably a woman and possibly a jew.