100x leverage trading
100x leverage trading
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how much have you made so far?
Good luck, user!
why tho
See you at @BitmexRekt twitter.com
Good luck and also good eye on that metal, good time to scoop some more up for sure.
more like gambling
sadly I'm American otherwise I'd love to try this out
>Mexican National living in US.
>I'm still subject to bitcoin taxation by IRS
might as well go to the casino at this point
i started like a week ago and am so far negative but i have a strategy that works well now after doing more research about scalping.
thanks user
what's wrong with it? it's a great indicator
fuck yeah, metal is awesome
it's not gambling, it's trading. you say it's gambling because you don't know how to trade
>you don't know how to trade
>i started like a week ago and am so far negative
>but i have a strategy that works well now after doing more research about scalping.
nice fake news faggot
Can Americans trade on there if they use a proxy? Or do you have to give personal informtation as well? Imagine if you would've went long a couple months ago when BTC was at $2000 with 100X leverage.
1% in the wrong direction margin calls you doesnt it?
x50 and x100 leverage is for gamblers.
If you're new I would highly recommend staying at x10 max for all your trades. Or you'll end up like the many missing names from the Bitmex trollbox. REKT
wait wtf
why the fuck are you on 100x margin if you JUST started? why not be a non retard and scalp off margin?
it's not gambling, it's trading. you say it's gambling because you don't know how to trade
pride comes before the fall
currenciex 5x, stocks 3-4x, crypto? 2x.. 100x is like handing money to a broker. here you go.
as if he knows shit
trading ponzi schemes doesn't make you a genius faggot
Can anyone explain leverage trading to me like I'm a dog?
>You borrow money to trade
>You keep all the profits?
>What happens if price suddenly tanks?
>i started like a week ago and am so far negative but i have a strategy that works well now after doing more research about scalping.
you're in debt and kys
i wrote a bot to trade on bitmex, been up and running for about 24 hours now. each trade is 100x leverage using 5% of capital. i was up $20 after 12 hours and down $40 since then, but whatever, i felt an odd sense of achievement just getting the damn thing working
here is what it's showing rn
That's cute, he's already in the self-denial phase of a gambler
On the crypto exchanges your position usually gets liquidated (you lose all of it) if the price goes so far in the wrong direction that the entire position is worth just enough to pay all the borrowed money back.
For example on a 2x long position, if the price dips 50% you get liquidated.
I've never traded or entertained the idea of trading on leverage. Is there interest on the borrowed sum?
there is a rollover fee
if you can't pay that fee you will be forced to liquidate all positions
So wait, ur telling me, I can bet 1000EU on BTC, for if it goes 2x, I would have 200k?
Short the top, Long the bottom
Don't fuck around in between, or you will get burned
But what happens if it gets liquidated?
Do they require you to have a certain amount of collateral?
I don't understand margin trading desu
3 scary for me.
>time the market
It's just that easy, senpai.
I just don't get how they're gonna pay out 200k. That's a lot of money. If a lot of people bought at the bottom and everyone sells at BTC/USD 5000, who's paying for all the 100k.
I don't mind gambling 1k for a chance for 100k though. That's a pretty good risk / reward.
You have to go back
thats wrong. most of the time its enough to make between -30% / -42.5% per trade to get liquidated. and you don't lose all, you still have your maintenance left.
are you serious?
ok, so you have 1 BTC
you margin long 100x BTC at 3000 (meaning you use your 1 btc as collateral to borrow the 100 bitcoins worth you buy in the long)
if the price goes to 3100, you get 100 dollars for every bitcoin you longed or 10000
if the price goes to 2970 you get liquidated because the price of selling all of your long and capital is equal to the price you longed at (3000 dollars x 100 = 300,000, 2970 x 101 = 299970, you'd actually get liquidated around 2973ish)
really easy to get burnt desu