Did he do anything wrong?
Ned Kelly
Being Irish
No leg armor
Yes, but the cops were RACYYST
Also, gauntlets.
Honestly, it was a good but ultimately irish effort.
ah sure t'was all he could manage
He's a handsome bastard he should have raised a proper army and started a revolution
Yep. He failed.
Otherwise no.
Ned "The Turanian" Kelly.
Now, I truly see...
His eyebrows look like they were drawn on
Remember kids, never skip leg day.
Had no backup plan for when he failed to derail and massacre the 60+ cops coming at him via train.
He didn't kill enough crooked cops
>look up Ned Kelly
>find out the term for Australian land ownership is literally the "Squattocracy"
Holy fuck, can Australia get any more retarded?
Nah mate he was a full-time sick cunt who enjoyed crackin open a cold one with the boys.
Top Bloke who was unfairly hung for a string of robberies and an brilliant last stand which made the Victorian police look like a bunch of soft cunts.
Statue in front of Parliament House when?
To be fair, his armor was pretty heavy. I'd imagine he would have no mobility with leg armor.
>t. Niall U Briain
I don't think he planned on running anywhere with it
eyebrows on fleek
Confirmed secret Turk Gallipoli was simply irredentism
Why do we put emus on the national crest?
The fact that his first known crime is robbing a guy named Ah Fook is fucking hilarious
Great Emu War was just a bit of banter man, they're alright
Australia really is one tremendous shitpost
They cannot go backwards, just like the kangaroo
You can't shoulder a rifle with plate armor that shape
Should've gotten the swimmer's cut
>Holy fuck, can Australia get any more retarded?
Let me translate this to American for you
"A period of time where wealthy ranchers gained a great deal of power and wealth by illegally using public land for their flocks"
No /thread
>Kelly's first documented brush with the law was on 15 October 1869 at the age of 14 when he was charged with the assault and robbery of Ah Fook
>Ah Fook
Saw this movie years back I can't remember a thing about it.
Didn't he plan to start a republic with himself installed as king?
Is the Heath Ledger movie any good?
I only saw the 1906 version. Or the bits that survived.
Yes he had plenty of supporters. He would have done that had he successfully derailed the train
Yeah it's a pretty good movie heath ledger is very good in it
Don't know how that pic was posted lmaoi
Uh yeah he was a fucking murderer everyone hypes up for no reason
No, he was /ourguy/
Fug u