Nocoiners gonna get wrecked

Nocoiners gonna get wrecked.
September 23rd is the day of the stock market crash and general crypto-boom.
Expect to see posts tomorrow offering sex services for crypto in the mass FOMO hysteria.
>There are people on Veeky Forums right now who are nocoiners.
pick 2 random coins and you'll Thank me tomorrow.

please be true

Pls OP i fucking need this in my life

I'd recommend making more of these.
Sharing them before midnight might help too.

September 23rd is the end of the world bud


I mean its not that I want to be a nocoiner, its just a fucking mess to setup and trade.

how is the stock market going to crash on a saturday you braindead coinlet

>average coincuck iq

Why in the world would everything just crash all of a sudden? On a fuckin' Saturday?

Question, would a stock market crash really be a positive for crypto? The way I see it, people will FUD out of their crypto investments too, people would be less money to invest in Crypto. Am I wrong?

I suspect the same thing. If the stock market goes down 60%, crypto will go down 70%.

>He thinks the trades that matter happen on public exchanges
ask /x/

I doubt it. Currently it's a form of asset storage, albeit volatile, like gold. It should go up as people lose faith in fiat markets.

nice just bought 50k bitbean and 50k bat

Now why would crypto suddenly explode because some dumb nocoiners realise the world didn't end?

you guys don't get it do you. you are all hyping LINK and its going shit because the time you guys find out about things the whales are already selling and taking your profits. you gotta realize the money is in the shitcoins. people think they are shit and they cost fuck all. AKA FAPcoin. people calling it memecoin and shitcoin and you are most likely right but these coins get the best return on your money. you can buy millions for cheaps and all it takes is for them to get shilled and pumped for one day to take it to 10cents and then you cash out. seriously. FAPcoin is currently being traded at etherdelta for a pittence. next week its going on and also this will increase the price atleast X50. but go ahead and keep buying these popular coins that are being dumped and shilled with little to no return on your investments. i expect all the Link people to have a cry over my post because they have put all their pocket money in a coin that won't move. i see it time and time again. early days of dogecoin i made 44k off a 2k investment.i then put that towards other lesser known alts and also eth in the early days. yes i still work but i own my house because of this style of trading. my wage goes straight to me and i don't need to pay a mortage. i drive a nice car and have the ability to travel when i want to. long story short. buy the lesser known alts. not all will make it but it only takes one to change your life. My crypto tip this month is obviously FAPcoin as its currently being traded on etherdelta. you can find it by clicking the coin drop down and going down the bottom and select "other" then inputting the address:0x6467882316dc6e206feef05fba6deaa69277f155
Name: FAP

there is not much left but people are already trading it while in ICO period for UNDER ICO price. yes, people are already making money off this shitcoin while you guys are loosing money on the big name coins.

Goodluck and GG

The end of the world isn't always chaos and destruction.
It's a paradigm shift. The old world phases out for the new one.
The world as we know it will end.
Crypto 2.0 is coming.

>September 23rd is the day of the stock market crash

Let me guess, Shemitah 2.0 ?

shadilay, brother


If litecoin doesn't moon soon I'll kms

Welcome new beaner. We have been awaiting you.

>stock market crashes
>on a saturday
>when markets are closed

Cool! You fucking retard!

Hi, I'm retarded. Do I need ETH to buy fapcoin?