Historically, is Brazil the only example of a post-racial society to come about?
Historically, is Brazil the only example of a post-racial society to come about?
No because there is no mono race in Brazil its either:
Let's keep the racism at a low pls
monkey stew > melting pot
Oh, i'm sorry, let me revise that list:
Porch Monkey
Brazil is whiter than le 52% land.
What's with this recent wave of Yuropoor butthurt?
There are actually more blacks in Brazil than in North America, Brazil is literally Africa in the South America.
It can be any country, dummy
Colombia has 5 million blacks
does this absolute mess look like a post-racial society to you user?
>It can be any country, dummy
What countries outside of Europe would be obsessed with "muh whiteness %"?
>Porch monkey
He's bringing it back, boys
>Colombia has 5 million blacks
All shunted into a coastal zone of poverty and rotting there.
Stop fucking sending them to Chile, we're fucking full, thanks
More like pre-racial tbqh famalam
I swear Latin America was the worst thing to happen to Veeky Forums.
Isn't beazil one of the only places to still have segragation?
Not really our government doesn't even conduct statistics on race. Argentines are not obsessed with race, other countries are the ones obsessed, it's like the idea of a white-majority South American nation baffles them and confuses them because Americans have this weird concept that "latinos" are a single race.
This is because Americans (unlike Europeans or even Australians or Japanese which usually know more about us) are generally very ignorant and uninterested in Argentine history, geography, etc.
American knowledge south of the border doesn't extend beyond Mexico generally.
>implying argentina is white
Exhibit A
I didn't say there wasn't any racism.
All countries have racism to larger degree or not. But there's no history of racial strife here the way there is in North America. No "white nationalism". No alt right calling to ban immigration even though we have millios of Bolivians, Peruvians, Colombians, Chileans, Chinese immigrants.
Slavery was abolished in 1812 and the first President of Argentina (Rivadavia) had part black ancestry.
This doesn't mean there isn't racism but this is not a race-obsessed society.
No, we have 60k murders a year
Brazil is racist as fuck and they are a country of savage favela niggers ready to kill you for your flip flops. Stop being a retard OP
Just wait..the Jews are playing the long-game.
even countries with highly integrated culture and relatively peaceful and monogeneous population have identification based on race
Malaysia and Singapore is one example,there's still racial lines though things such as interracial mixing is common
Can't really be post-racial when most of it's citizens were Italian.
No. There is a lot of racism here.
nice avatar you have there
Racism in Brasil is marginal, it's mostly related to economic factors, like in most places of the world, except race-mixing made races distribute around the social classes more equally than say, in the U.S.
There's no reason to be racist when you actually talk to people of all races who have the same social and economical status as you.
Complete Bullshit
Muh dikk
Sorry wrong reply
You killed off your blacks and natives though
So basically you solved your problem quite easily.
This isnt /tv/ so that meme doesnt aply here but i still keked
Anyways heres your (you)
Where did this meme of Brazil being post racial come from? The only reason that racism isn't that big here is because 80% of the country is mixed race (according to genetic studies), and it's been that way for a long time. The only region that have an actual white majority (the south) have a lot of racist scandals. Veiled racism is also extremely common here, I only discovered that my dad is basically a white supremacist last year, and he has black friends and treat everyone really nicely.
t. G*rmanic savage.
Go fuck your son and burn down your neighbor's hut.
t. Heuheuheuheuh
Yes, but he is right, y'know.
>Argentina mentioned
Massive shitfest and thread derailed in 3... 2... 1...
Oh wait
Did you ask him about the discrepancies between his personal views and social life?
I lived in Argentina and they are arguably worse than Americans with race. An utter obsession with being white.
Well it fucking sucks that's for sure. It's not post-racial yet, but it's closer than most.
This. Negro boliviano.
USA and Canada are up there too
>Post Racial.
So you have never talked to a brasilian? And of course you have never been there.
At the battle of Pharsalus there was an order to not kill Italians, but kill every other race present. I'm pretty sure the Romans viewed any race but Italian as foreign, that doesn't happen in Brazil.
>Killing superior beings
>being anything but a tragedy
Go back to europe, subhuman.
We killed patagonia natives only, the revolutionary leaders were literally incaboos who wanted to make the country a monarchy styled after the Inca empire.
We killed the natives to take their lands, not because of any racial thing.
>you killed off your blacks
There were very little blacks to begin with.
Population at independence was 500 thousand of which roughly 20% were blacks. 7.5 million European immigrants arrived over the century and swarmed this small colonial population.
Blacks were not killed, they assimilated into the wider population and became an insignificant percentage.
If you want to use the one drop rule, genetic studies show 5% of the population has some distant African ancestor so their traces are there.
I live in Brasil and one of these days a favela nigger literally threatened to shoot me over my flip flops
They died off due to attrition.
Murica has 39 million niggers.