where were you when you realised this guy was completely fucking nuts?
Where were you when you realised this guy was completely fucking nuts?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everybody is different on the internet than in real life. But I'm sure he'd stab Euronymous to death with a pocket knife all over again if he got the chance
Either watching his video where he claims that civilisation was created by mulattoes because they couldn't survive as hunter-gatherers due to being ill-adapted to their climate as a result of mixing, or watching his video where he says that illiteracy is superior because passing down knowledge verbally requires more intelligence than writing knowledge down.
when he said he hopes society collapses so he can become an alpha male and lead a stone age tribe, wtf...
Makes ya think
Wow hmm
>when you see South Europeans
everytime I see this webm, I cannot stop laughing how cringy it is
They're right
They're right about Christianity but I will never advocate that neckbeards go into the woods and wear chainmail, throw spears around and pretend to worship an elemental god.
I think I was about 12, when I first heard about him and his murder spree and thought "dude what a sociopath lol"
Then I grew up, saw how much h more complicated the world was and realized that hose crimes were politically motivated and not really devoid of empathy. There is a difference between liking the act of killing, doing it for the greater good, and doing it for self defense. Varg is a mix of the latter two options
there are always irrational results of any sound ideology. the important part is learning to view human history (and future) in terms of cultural traits, and seeing which are healthier and which are detrimental.
he did it because of his personal philosophies i believe. an odd justification but not entirely viceful
I mean they aren't wrong, Europeans kill European regardless of being pagan, Christian, or athiest. Also some of trying worst wars in Europe we're over religious Christian tensions, like the 30 Years War
Pretty much, I mean he definitely would score extremely high in trait disagreeableness , but he isn't someone who is devoid of empathy. There is nuanced different between the two traits that is just don't think I understood when I was younger
He's not exactly sociopath or sadist tier but he's still crazy.
>he isn't someone who is devoid of empathy
Which is why he teaches his kids to treat all blacks like criminals buying hilariously racist Polish toys for them?
2006 when I was a fucking high school freshman. Do people really think Varg is sane?
HE IS 44????
Day after day i understand him more. He is the misunderstood genius of his generation.
i agree with like 60% of the things he says
He should be rotting in a prison cell
>live in the woods building a big white family with autistic qt wife making music, political videos espousing your crazy thoughts, and making tabletop rpgs.
Say what you like about him but he lives the fucking life
pseud: the post
Can I get tl;dr on who the fuck this guy is and why he's practicing geriatric karate in his pajamas?
I have researched intensiley about him and have come to the conclusion that his beliefs are partially insane (For example his theories about "aryan creation").Although I myself am rightwing he is a pure extremist and a disgusting neopaganist anti christian
>Although I myself am rightwing
No, he just disagrees with you on topics which you can't empathize with, so you dehumanize him instead
>Oh no, he believes in race
>Therefore he is a psychopath
I didn't know 80% of Russian anthropologists were psychopaths?
Autism: the user
>is unironically a neopagan
>convicted murderer
>destroyed several medieval churches for the sake of being edgy
>spreads pseudoscience and pseudohistory
i am a nationalist, but what the fuck?
Way before his face got posted all over Veeky Forums. In fact, I'm pretty sure Veeky Forums didn't even exist at the time.
>Must be a pseud
M8 I probably know more athiests and Christians who spew more pseudo science out than Varg, the worst he does is Flat Earth and some weird shit about how blue eyes see better in the dark and avert snow blindness somehow. Everyone has their idiosyncracies
there is madness to his genius
its cringy, but for his age it's still a tad impressive
It wouldn't even be the right adverb if you spelled it correctly
I ain't a native english speaker you darn britbongistani
There's a difference between believing in race and thinking that all blacks are criminals.
As soon as I first heard about him, I realized there's about a 99% chance he's insane. Yeah, it's possible he killed Euronymous in self-defense, but if you actually read about what happened that night, it starts to seem extremely unlikely. He drove across the whole country to see Euronymous, then stabbed the guy because he might have been going for a weapon (might have!), then kept stabbing him as he was running away.
Yeah... my bet is on insanity.
When he burned down that house.
>thinking that all blacks are criminals
literally no-one above 6 thinks this, stop exaggerating the claims of the opposition to make your stance look better. if you were really correct you wouldnt need to do things like that
I was replying to someone who replied to this:
>Which is why he teaches his kids to treat all blacks like criminals buying hilariously racist Polish toys for them?
With this:
>Oh no, he believes in race. Therefore he is a psychopath.
oh sorry
am i being too easily trolled here? i see things like black supremacists sometimes on Veeky Forums and i dont know whether its ironic bait or not
>All blacks are criminals
I'm a biological determinist who thinks blacks are ten times more likely to commit crimes than whites and Asians, and I don't even think this.
Neither does Varg. Asserting that race ties into neurobiology and that biological determinism is one of the most fundamental factors in determining the outcome of s genetic collective or individual does not mean that modality completely overwhelms the individual
Also , you had better believe that anthropologists accept biological determinism in a way that you would say makes them "racist"
He literally visited Euronymous to sing a contract, then Euronymous kicked him in the chest after they had an argument. This is also after Varg heard rumors about Euronymous wanting to kill Varg, and which Hellhammer told him about. Even the witness (the guy from Thorns who was their) knew about the conflict.
I wouldn't say Varg committed 1st degree, but definitely a form of manslaughter because he wanted to be given the opportunity to be put in a situation to kill him. Of course Varg probably has some out there concepts about the "Viking way" self defense worked. Kind of like how people used to challenge each other to duel.
I don't think he is insane, his cultural values are just that out of touch with the mainstream I think.
It would be. A bit stilted, but it would be okay to use.
I’m trying to remember the right Vice article about a guy who worships Odin by shoving his boyfriends fist up his ass.
Wasn't even a guy, it was a ftm tranny.
That makes it even better.
>definitely a form of manslaughter
Even according to Varg's version of the story, he escalated the fight (drew his knife and started stabbing Euronymous) based on an assumption, and purposefully kept attacking Euronymous because he wanted to kill him and thought he deserved death (as a punishment for being a coward and trying to run away).
He stabbed an unarmed man to death in the back, while he was running away, and has always admitted he wanted to kill him. That's not manslaughter. At best, it's second degree murder, but because he drove such a long distance to start an armed confrontation (and considering the details of the murder itself), it would be pretty easy to argue for first degree.
Like I said, I was replying to someone who implied that he agreed that all blacks are criminals.
Also, you're wrong to assume that I don't believe in biological determinism. Like I keep saying, I'm replying to someone who implied that he agreed all blacks are criminals.
How do we know Euronymous kicked him in the chest? The only witness is Varg.
Probably after he tried to fit a can of condensed milk in his anus.
>Be Euronymous
>Be Bipolar narcissist who brags about wanting to kill people and having anarchist goons beat people up you don't like , and that time you advocated your depressed band m8 to kill himself so you could have a dank album cover of his blown out brains
>Get stabbed by someone who you threaten
And nothing of value was lost. Also 13 times is not a lot of stab wounds when all you have is a small pocket knife. Maybe if you have a 9-10 inch blade, but you have to know where to aim to minimize the amounts of times needed to kill someone (major arteries, areas that would cripple someone, the trachea)
Varg escalated the fight because he wanted to kill him, fine, but Euronymous (according to almost everyone else) wanted to kill Varg too. The line between involuntary manslaughter and 2nd degree in this case is very fine, because Varg's intentions to kill Euronymous could just be chalked up to false bravado
>Varg is the only witness
Not sure where but i thought I read that it was confirmed by a bruise on his chest or something.
Oh, fair enough.
Even if all that is true, it doesn't make Varg seem any less insane.
Varg literally has a video where he says playing LARP is a symptom of reincarnation and his excuse for not citing anything in his books is "i read it in prison and don't remember" which means he LITERALLY just makes up history as he goes.
considering that he can explain his philosophical and political views rationally (even if you dont agree with him you must concede he does this) then it basically just means his views are very unusual but ultimately sound so long as you view them objectively
I mean, you realize we used to allow duel between people who were pissed off enough at each other, right? This is Veeky Forums ffs, you should be aware of this.
I don't think Varg is crazy for wanting to kill Euronymous (someone has to do it eventually), but I think he had some sort of pseudo LARP code he lived his life based on ancient duelling rights and the honor culture of Norse sagas. Would've been cooler if Euronymous and Varg had a full on illegal duelling match tho. Would've been kvlt as fvck
This, the actual legal definition for insanity is pretty strict, basically anything else other than extreme psychosis isn't legally insane.
It's the murder that makes me think he's insane.
Yes, but I see no reason to think Euronymous consented to having a duel.
you do know that humans killing each other is pretty common right? how do you not know this on Veeky Forums?
Sure. I mean, if him being a murderer doesn't make him technically insane, though, it at least makes him an animal who should have no place in society. The word "nuts", which OP used, is appropriate.
>implying he's wrong
i think he accepts that he has no place in our modern society and wants none. he advocates a different kind of society altogether
Wasn't saying that Euronymous consented to a duel, more that Varg had his own concepts of a moral code outside the view of popular moral codes today , thus he wasn't psychotic or psychopathic just different.
>People who kill people are all animals
Varg killed Euronymous, it's not like he murdered a small woman for her purse.
Doesn't he collect some sort of benefits from modern society?
>Anthropology is a meme study
>Egalitarianism have to attack the sources to make it seem like they have a a majority of academia on their side, which is literally arguing ad verecundium so you can make an argumentum ad populum
idk maybe
does anyone know if he pays insurance on his vehicle?
He said he took welfare once, also gets paid for his music still , then he has his tabletop RPG MYFAROG which has a small cult following (small).
He isn't completely off the grid. Then again, no one really is either. There are very few legit mountain men o in Europe. The most I can think of are a small amount of people in the Russian wilderness who live pretty far out there. Maybe a few northerners in Scandinavia as well
On his wiki page when I learned he was a murderer.
Wow varg
Since the beginning
>killing is bad mkay
I called him autistic and he got really fucking defensive.
lmao screencap?
Oh not quite as defensive as i remembered but i still think it's amusing.
>Name me one pagan heretic
You must've been pretty drunk or high during the cap m8, that is basically just varg going
>Well fuck you too then lol
Why would you reply to some random faggot calling you autistic? Taking time to tell someone how much you don't care is textbook anal pain.
He was probably just scrolling through the comments and saw this and wrote this little blurb in like 3 seconds.
It seems pretty nonchalant, thats like saomeome saying
>No u
After being called a name
It's not like Varg's famous. He probably just wanted feedback for his channel.
>Varg isn't famous
Meh, I mean he is amongst metalfags and musicians... and 4channers I guess, but outside of that he isn't very well known
I liked him better back in the 90's.
It was self defence. If he didn't start stabbing Euro Euro might have stabbed him and if he didn't stop Euro might have taken revenge. It was a self-defence situation.
Dude what is irrational is you people thinking you can just continue to pump out oil from the ground indefinitely. You realize every country's method of agriculture is based on industrialized fertilizer which is produced using fossile fuels? And there are other aspects of society that function this way. If you actually watched Varg's videos you'd realize this is his main focus and what he bases his opinions on. Sustainable agriculture can feed 10% of the current population maybe..
When he made a video about how we all need to start prepping for a transition to an ice age.
>murder spree
>killed 1 subhuman communist sami halfbreed in self defense
>burned cucked non-european middle eastern religion buildings with no casualties
>despite norwegian medias attempt to do so, was not deemed mentally ill or psychopathic in the least by clinical psychologists
shill detected
90% of the people in this thread are spouting /pol/-tier christian shilling rumors about this guy, watch his videos, he isn't insane at all, though he is misguided on some of the more objectiv scientific subjects
was this before or after he made the video about how autism is the natural state of the white man?
>in self defense
Sure thing buddy.
Ya know, normal non-crazy people go to the police when they legitimately need to defend themselves, unless the matter is urgent. Which this wasn't.