Why do catholics break the first two commandments?

Why do catholics break the first two commandments?

The Roman Catholic Church,is the cruel Roman Empire's version of Christianity,and is a blending of paganism with Christianity.

Because most of them were born into their shitty religion and don't even consider their own cognitive dissonance.

You don´t even know what is it.

Ten Commandments were in the Old Testament, which was made null and void when the Messiah came

They are praying to a statue of a woman that they worship as the sinless "mother of God" that was taken to the Heavens - how many layers of heresy are these folks on? Pastor Steven Anderson has a few good sermons on this issue.

Fucking Catholics I swear (and orthodox (same thing)).

so much butthutt topkek

>protties in charge of theology

How can orthodoxy and heterodoxies be real if no religions are actually right?

What is what?

It's not like Christians have a good track record with any of the others, regardless of denomination.

"Honor thy father and mother" seems to get glossed over in the big 10

And Keeping the sabbath is weird. "Hey, I know Jesus kept the sabbath on the same day the Jews did, BUT WE KNOW BETTER THAN HE DID!"

I meant in terms of perceived importance. Like we know blaspheming God is a big deal, murder and stealing are huge deals, not honoring the holiest of days is a big deal, but honoring your parents is a "meh", even though they all carry the same sentence if you break the commandment.

but jesus gave us a new day to celebrate

Solely to piss off Protestants

they don't. and only utter heathens don't honor the mother of the jesus.

You don't need to worship a graven image of her to honor her.


>It's not idolatry!
>We're not worshiping Mary and the Saints! We're petitioning them to pray WITH us!
>Tradition! Traditiiiioooon!


Why do protties break scriptural infallibility by removing books from the Bible?

It's not the first two, it's 2nd and 3rd.

It was a way of showing your allegiance to show Christian you were and prove that you weren't a heathen or a heretic like many other customs Cathodox have forced people to take up for centuries.

Us Muslims surely have our worldly problems but when it comes to theology the Christians really take the cake. Catholicism seems little more than blatant Roman paganism in a framework based on the Gospels of Jesus and ofther Jewish stuff. But only a little.

The giant cathedrals and statues? The shiny robes and guilded cups? The transubstantion or whatever it's called and even the early invention of the trinity are all completely in opposition of everything Jesus would have stood for. At least that would be my understanding as a Believer in God's Religion and what one would logically think if Jesus (peace be upon him) was a teacher & prophet from the Jewish tradition.

I don't think the existence of Protestantism can redeem this even a little because the line is so tainted. Fruit of the rotten tree. Although one can appreciate them for trying more or less to get rid of the crap. We know, of course, that there is only one Straight Path.

>restore original trilogy to its theatrical form

Jews around Jesus time where ISIS tier in their iconoclasm.

>Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth.

It looks like all Christians break the 2nd Commandment, particularly the ones posting images in this thread.

It’s a good rule. However the Jews took it and dialed it up to 11 with their own form of religious autism.

is this thread proof that success breeds jealousy? how do proddies and mudslimes even compete with the one true religion (Catholicism)?

To be fair, most Protestants do as well.

Also, honoring Mary as Theotokos is simply an affirmation of orthodox Christology. It's the statues, paintings, and prayers to her that needed to go.

Lutherans, Anglicans and some Presbyterians also consider her Theoktokos.

The issue is the Assumption of Mary which is unscriptural and not theological sound in any way. Also, veneration of her in the Roman Church is really more of worship among on the laity.

>Lutherans, Anglicans and some Presbyterians also consider her Theoktokos.
I know. That was kind of the point. I was raised Presbyterian, and went to a Lutheran school.

Nope. It's proof that Protestant's have forgotten to ignore the Roman Church. Anyone serious about the reformed faith should stop criticizing Rome and start learning about the incredible saving of the faith that was the Reformation.

My bad lad.

On that note, I'm out.

It's Paul.

Messianic Judaism is the true path.

Messianic Judaism is just Christianity without the title and ties to Jewish racial identity.

Not quite. Theologically they are pretty different. Messianic Jews lack a Law/Gospel distinction, they retain a more Jewish than Christian ecclesiology in which the Jews are still very much THE people of God, very often have weak or heretical views on the Trinity and Christology, do not believe that the ceremonial law has been abrogated but applies to the new covenant (if they even believe in a new covenant at all), many deny Christ by continuing to observe Jewish atonement ceremonies, observe the Jewish rather than the Christian Sabbath, and still circumcise despite baptism being the Christian sign of covenant initiation.

Fair 'nuff, I concede the point.


Not a single quality response in this thread.

Protestants are absolute cancer in every sense, scum of the earth responsible for the death of Europe. Hang yourselves the lot of you

>Catholic "Church" gets BTFO by an angry German dude pinning a piece of paper to a door.

Luther was the Anti-Christ himself

obese, disgusting, hypocritcal; essentially a proto-american.

>Luther was the Anti-Christ
But user, he was never the pope?

>cruel Roman Empire
no such thing

>The giant cathedrals and statues?
Kind of like the Arc of the Covenant and the Temple? Or was God lying to the Jews?

>The shiny robes and guilded cups?
Remember when Christ let a woman use a perfume on his feet that was worth more than a years wages?

>all completely in opposition of everything Jesus would have stood for. At least that would be my understanding as a Believer in God's Religion and what one would logically think if Jesus (peace be upon him) was a teacher & prophet from the Jewish tradition.

Only if you limit your understanding of Jesus and his teachings to the Talmud and Koran.

>Yes little lamb, it's the protestant who are wrong. Now don't forget to buy your indulgences and pray to statues.

Easy speaking for an heresy , who worship mohaméd as a god .

>Remember when Christ let a woman use a perfume on his feet that was worth more than a years wages?
Not him but I fail to see how that episode allows christians to engage in luxury instead of having a modest life.

>who worship mohaméd as a god
Muslims don't do that. The closest thing to it is the pbuh after saying the name of Mohammed.

lol fuck off sand nigger

>Kind of like the Arc of the Covenant and the Temple? Or was God lying to the Jews?
1. It's the Ark, not Arc. And the first Tabernacle was a simple tent.
2. Solomon, a known polytheist who flirted with foreign gods, built that gaudy piece of shit and it was sacked multiple times and ultimately destroyed

>>The shiny robes and guilded cups?
>Remember when Christ let a woman use a perfume on his feet that was worth more than a years wages?
I seem to recall Jesus saying, you will not have me for very long so this is okay. Using this to justify golden threaded sashes and jewel encrusted hats seems to be a 180 degree departure from Jesus's message of poverty and humility.

Then what do you care about representing his picture if it is not god .

What a disgusting image

This is de facto wrong, Matthew 5:17, John 7:19.

To avoid the temptation of Idolatry.

God don't real kid

>saving of the faith that was the Reformation
>Better a turk than a papist

>Better a Turk than a child rapist
Makes sense to me, also the Turks bring kebab and shawarma with them.

>not being Orthodox
I honestly don't even know why Protestants exist, it is just a totally inferior, fractured and mostly heretical Orthodoxy

be orthodox get turked

It's either that or get Jewed, at least the Turks weren't the ones that killed Jesus.

sure my [[[[friend]]]]

This is the cringiest pic I’ve seen this month. Congratulations

There there Michel, let the padre comfort you in his warm, naked embrace

Fake news

You are just jealous i can fuck a 16 year old if she consents and you dont you prude

>Turk and arab diásporas in protestant countries are somehow better than catholics

Catholics are cryptokikes

Catholics, who have championed the defense of Europe for centuries

versus Protestants who stabbed their brothers in the back for jewgold, and outright allied with the Muslims and Jews over Christians every time in history.

nice try cletus mcamerifat

what even is europe

when you talk about defending it what you really mean is all the sovereign peoples that the catholic church subjugated