Alright user what made this part of the world such a shitty conflictive place?
National borders that don't reflect ethnic boundaries.
Purposeful enfranchisement of minorities over oppressed majorities.
Saudi Salafi promotion
>National borders that don't reflect ethnic boundaries
can you elaborate this pls
YA read a book.
Short version is imperialist in Europe decided where countries were from their comfy Manor without ever going there. They said this river is border between shit hole a and shit hole b without regard to the fact that entire ethnic groups have been living on both sides for millenia.
Colonial powers carved up the middle east according to imperial objectives following the first world war. States like Transjordan were born which had no resources, no common ethnic solidarity, no historic or traditional unit of leadership.
States were forced into existence where there was little to no shared feeling, where there existed no viable economy except the export of cash crops to colonial powers.
Think about what a state needs to do to be successful;
Raise funds - almost no tax base among an impoverished population, and very little access to international capital, while key industries like oil were already owned and signed over to the colonial powers long after they'd left.
Education, health, military - colonial expertise had evacuated, no financial resources to provide this.
Political stability - Legitimacy had to be invented in these countries from scratch, there was so conception of routinized democracy to keep people from challenging authority.
These problems were compounded as the states developed by cold war intrusions e.g. Iranian PM Mossadeq overthrown by the CIA, and by the demographic crisis of millions more mouths to feed every year without the infrastructure or even the food to support them.
Don't put Arabs and Jews in the same country.
Don't put Arabs and Kurds in the same country.
Don't put different tribes of Arabs in the same country.
Don't put Arabs of different religions in the same country.
>natural borders
Before Bongistan took over most of it was under Turk or Persian rule.
Shitty people make shitty places.
You Arabs sure sound like a contentious bunch.
Actually I take that back, not really.
The Middle East has never had borders that "respected the ethnicity of peoples"
It only has a few conflicts. But one is large that it's causing destabilization all around the region (Iran). You can compare it to Japan in 1945, spreading its influence.
Israel Palestine, 1945
Iran Saudi, 1979 (bleeding to Lebanon 1984, Bahrain 2012, Yemen 2014)
Iraq, 1979
Syria, 2011
Most conflicts have started from outside forces.
Iraq was beautiful prior to Saddam. Iran was beautiful prior to the revolution. Lebanon and Syria were beautiful prior to Iran stepping in and the USA/ISIS in Syria.
It's only in the last 60 years it's been a mess because of foreign meddling, and it'll continue to be that way so long as the world needs the oil. As the USA gets more independent, that region will heavily fall into the control of an ever increasing power, whether it be the Iranians or Saudis (God forbid, or they hopefully fix their shit by that time because they don't benefit from ISIS ideology neither royalty would be toppled first thing)
Lmao Shia dominance is the best thing that could ever happen to the region. Salafis, zionists and neocons collectively BTFO
It's the Balkans Mohammedan edition. Diversity is quarrelsome
many arabs and other muslims will tell you its not islam but it was islam
foreign power even use islam against them
if ME was like ancient ME then it would one of the most advanced nations on earth and US or any western power wouldnt be fucking with them
Abrahamic religion.
I need to watch the simpson again
Imperialist Turks, Persians, Circassians and Arabs did the same. For most of history the Levant was ruled by outsiders. Even the arabs are 7th century invaders.
The explanation cannot be so simple.
Hello, Dominican, my old friend.
Islam is the problem, yes, but it's specifically Fundamentalist Islam that arose as a reaction to Western Intervention and an unwillingness of a deeply embedded religious political elite to give up their power to secular, central authorities.
The Muslim World didn't declare war on their own religion like the Enlightened Europeans did in the 18th and 19th centuries. A lot of people are very OK with religious leaders having political power, don't believe in a separation of church and state.
It began as part of an arab nationalist movement harking back to the days where the arabs and not persians, circassians, and turks formed the ruling elite, to the early days where islam was the dominant political force and wasnt simply an accessory to governance.
This key difference between the West and the Muslim World, combined with a widespread anger and shame at repeated Western Interventions, was more than enough to create the Islamic Revolution in Iran, which I believe is the antithesis to the Secular Liberal Imperialism of the USA.
ans guess what?
western powers supported the iran islamic revolution, khomeini stayed in france when he was exiled
In other words, remove arabs and the ME goes to saturn in 20 years top
Khomeini was an interesting man. Very enigmatic, people never truly understood his motives until he did what he did. The French and other Westerners kept a very close eye on him while he stayed there.
Civilizations peak and decline in cycles. You may see a Neo-Ottoman Turkey and/or a Neo-Safavid Iran soon. Prospects are looking good, as the West is a civilization in decline.
Sykes-Picott agreement
European country have a perfect ethnically country and culturally similar
Well in recent times it was he creation of Israel , it's never really been a peaceful place desu, even before the collapse of the Ottomans.
Why don't they just institute a policy of multiculturalism?
bcos that doesnt work, idiot
Turks abandoned faith and reason to start their own Napoleon/Hitler cycle for the region. I. S. being the Hitler.
Islam is the correct answer. It had such a big impact on the ME everything else pales in comparision.
Those weren't modern states. The Turks barely ruled anything outside coming around to beat up farmers for their taxes. A modern, democratic state cannot exist across such radical divisions as the jumble of middle eastern nations. The level of intrusive centralization of a modern state in general causes nationalist problems.
I mean that place has always been a conflict hotspot
Apart from French Algeria colonialism looked a lot like traditional imperial rule.
The West