The Ottoman Empire

Name one good thing/advancement in humanity that came out of their empire.

Pro-tip: You can't




they were known for having good cartographers
i guess it was important to know where you can spread some islam n shit

They closed off the eastern spice trade route which force Europeans to find another way to India, which results in discovery of America

green tea

They kept the hardcore Islamists in check.

A chunck of their language helped to create mine

Literally nothing. Roaches are useless.

ottoman history is pretty much loading up on coffee and obsessing over maps
That, of course, sounds comfy as fuck.

Creating the eternal butthurt among Greeks and Serbs that results in modern comedy

America was discovered decades before the ottomans conquered Syria

t. retard

Ottoman conquest of Syria was in 1516
America was discovered in 1492


By invading Eastern Europe before they did?

Turkish Delight

Keeping balkaniggers down.

Art? No
Literature? No
Philosophy? No
Music? No
Political movements? No
Advances in any field of science? No
Architecture? No
Infinite keks from eternally butthurt Balkans? Definately

The Hellenic Republic

cafes and marching bands
also middle-eastern/balkanite/caucasian food

>Political movements?
advances in all these fields were made during the ottoman period.

science not so much, only advancements in military engineering, astronomy and medicine were made which are often dwarved by the western european states

the did regular arab pogroms to keep wahhabi cancer at bay

Silence subhuman. OR else i will break your fucking neck and make your mother my rapeslave.
we killed lots of whites.
killing whites is positive.

Oy vey
You can shit talk all you want about art, literature, philosophy, music etc.

But don't you ever fucking dare say that the Ottoman Empire was behind in Architecture.
Sinan b. Abdülmenan was undoubtedly one of the most successful architects of the time. He was a self made man that shat on Michaelangelo.
They shit talked the Empire by saying that they would never build a bigger dome than Hagia Sophia's, in which Sinan replied with a bigger dome.

Not only was this man an architect, but also a civil engineer that connected the empire's water supply.
Before his advances towards construction, he was a maritime engineer responsible for creating Barbarossa's fleets, who was literally a Pirate king.

This guy was a savage as a military leader for Selim I. After that serving the sultans Suleiman, Selim II and Murad III as the royal head chief architect. While peasants in Europe died because of
>muh black death
This man lived to be 98 years old.

So, goy
Say whatever the fuck you want, but don't you fucking dare say architecture wasn't there. This man's apprentice went on to build the Taj Mahal, a world wonder.

Pic related, mausoleum of Mimar Sinan

exactly Mimar Sinan was a gangsta back in those days

just simply looking at the minarets would leave you in awe

Taj Mahal is overrated and so is your meme architect.
>muh dome
Literally just a copypaste of Hagia Sophia.

Pretty much nothing. They profited from geo political inatability and went on to create a big empire and subsequently ran the areas under their control into the ground, much like the Arabs during the Islamic conquests.

they were ally with french against the eternal teuton apart this virtually nothing

It is sad to see that the most developed country in the world was destroyed and never emmerge at cultural center after islamist conquest.

Islam litterally destroy everthing that they have in contact.

cry more punkass cracker we know what you call "developed"

Which country? Egypt and Iran remained as major cultural and economic powerhouses for centuries

yes but when they fall they did emerge again ?

Egypt , byzantine, syria , would the saddest part :(

in a way tanks to this europe began relevant . Then it is not to me to cry, but people currently living in these country .

Persia fell because of the Mongols. The vacuum from that is also what started Turkish rule of the Islamic world desu.


>what is the fall of constantinople in 1453
>what were the taxations and hostilities towards the venetians and genoese guilds in the eastern med?

I don't recall the ottomans having any particular hostility against the Italian merchant republics

Strong men, thats why there were so many good times.

You forgot that Iran was conquered by several Turkic people before the Mongols. Like the Seljuqs, Ghaznavids, Kharzemshahs, Ildeniz.


They didn`t but they couldn't profit as they used to do.

A lot of shitposting

Why can't Ottomans make a proper palace like Europe or China does? I mean look at this horrendous mess

>copying the Hagia Sophia literally AN ENTIRE MILLENIUM later

>calling this man some kind of architectural genius

Jeez, Turkey how low are you setting your bar?


b-but my meme architect Suleiman Abdulwhatshisface. He was like SO savage man

What do you mean? The Genoese quarter in Constantinople continued until the 1600's and the Venetian had been trading with Egypt and Syria directly for a long time.

If it is so special, then why didn't you fucking protect it?

>Why weren't you in a battle that happened six hundred years before your death?


When erdogan gets istanbul nuked don't come crying to Veeky Forums.

İstanbul would never get nuked

To be fair renaissance Europe at the time was literally copying Greco-Roman architecture from 1500 years ago
It's the era for larp revivalism

Turkish coffee...?

What are you on about?

Coffee's oldest origins are in Yemen. However, Ottomans popularized café culture and coffee's headway into Europe which is a pretty neat achievement.

No it was re-interpreting it. You cannot compare the great Italian churches of the Rennaissance to a Greco-Roman temple except in their facades and nothing else. Also Gothic architecture was a complete break from the past and unprecedented.

And these guys were building more than 100 years before the Turkmeme architect. He was building during the time of the Baroque...THE BAROQUE! The craziest and most impressive time in all of European architecture.

Just google 16th century architecture and see what was being built at the time. Incomparable.

Comparing European architecture with Ottoman and other oriental architecture styles is kinda meaningless, given that they come from different traditions and have different influences.

For point of illustration, the Florence Cathedral was built 300 years BEFORE him.

Ottoman architecture is not similar to other oriental styles because the imperial architecture of Istanbul and particularly that of Mimar Sinan had only one big tradition and influence, that of imperial Byzantine architecture that preceded them in Constantinople which itself had its roots in Greco-Roman architecture. All the great architects of the Renaissance were influenced by Roman and Late Roman architecture, with the interior of St. Mark's in Venice (a city with Byzantine heritage and a strong link to the ERE) being one of the best examples. The difference is they didn't copy, they just re-interpreted, have a look at the exterior of St. Mark's and you'll see a type of archtiecture utterly different to anything that preceeded it.

Built 500 years before any of Mimar Sinan's works

Bernini, a contemporary of Mimar was an actual genius

>Rennaissance to a Greco-Roman temple except in their facades and nothing else. Also Gothic architecture was a complete break from the past and unprecedented.
We have a brainlet and im not surprised

Ottoman architecture definitely had a massive Byzantine influence but there was still an input of other Islamo-Persian influences, particularly Iwans and striped arches

Google Romanesque architecture right now and put a picture of a Romanesque church right next to a Gothic one and tell me there is more than a passing similarity. Jesus Christ just use your eyes people.

>Islamo-Persian influences
We're talking about Mimar Shitface right now not the rest of the Ottoman Empire's stolen architecture and his entire source of influence was the ERE's architecture.

Look up the rustem pasha mosque
Also, calm down

I would agree if you compare them either by scale or technicality but comparing them by their decorative and ornaments is ridiculous since they both have very different visual tradition and standard, as said, Ottomans are decidedly more influenced by Persians in term of decoration, which obviously means more blue tiles and calligraphy rather than marble and statues

>rustem pasha mosque
Literally ANOTHER Hagia Sophia copy.

Only the interior has the blue tiling that is referring to. Also, we've gone from talking about Mimar Sinan as "one of the greatest architects of his time" and an "architectural genius" to debating what kind of detailing/decoration the Ottomans used in their mosques. Just because they copied some of their interior decoration from Persia, doesn't mean we somehow cannot compare them to contemporary architectural works of neighbouring states. Venice shared a land border with the Ottomans and you guys are acting like I'm trying to compare them to China.


Godlike architecture

Cool b8 m8.

I'm talking about the interior of the mosque, which had heavy Persian influences

Yes, they used blue calligraphy tiles and? What's your point here?

That they had Persian influences

Yes, we got that part. How is this significant to the discussion about Mimar Sinan or the alleged greatness of Ottoman culture?

I'm not talking about the "alleged greatness of Ottoman culture"
You implied that Sinan didn't have influences from Persia, which I showed was wrong

Sinan's architecture didn't draw influence from Persia, the interior decoration of his buildings did (if that was even his work).

I don't actually know how much of the interior is determined by the architect but the structural interior of the Rustem Pasha mosque is very much in the Islamo-Persian tradition, which I'm sure he had a say in

>structural interior
That's not really a thing. What are you referring to? This is really just a copy of the way the Hagia Sophia and other Byzantine churches were constructed. If I blur or remove the blue tiling on Photoshop perhaps this will become clearer to you.

Ottomans decline give a chance of rising to one of the greatest men ever walked on earth. Pic related.

>What are you referring to?
The arches on the bottom level, which have the pointy iwan shape

You're saying that Ottoman architecture was nothing original, then as proof you compare them to European buildings from the same era with roughly the same size, the same technical requirements, and even the same form as Ottoman buildings like St. Marco basilica but then call it innovative just because they have different ornaments and decoration to earlier buildings, but deny Ottomans being creative when they create their own visual language

Wow. Such innovation.

>and even the same form as Ottoman buildings like St. Marco basilica
Are you blind?

I was specifically referring to Mimar Sinan and how he did indeed copy every single building he made from the Hagia Sophia. Compare the buildings I reffered to with any of Sinan's work and then to the Hagia Sophia and then compare Sinan's work to the Hagia Sophia. If you are so visually impaired that you cannot tell the difference that's entirely your own problem.

> Ottomans being creative when they create their own visual language
It literally didn't happen at least not in Sinan's case. Sinan copied Persian decoration and byzantine architecture. Really, how can this be any more plainly obvious?

>Wow. Such innovation.
not my point

Oh and just to highlight how profoundly wrong you are, the Basilica of St. Mark was built 300 years before the Ottoman Empire was even founded.

Cafe culture comes from the coffee houses of austria.

Pathetic empire and people

Cafes were very prominent in the Ottoman Empire right from the introduction of the drink

Lmao you didn't do anything Roach, you're pathetic compared to your ancestors. And you got BTFO by whites at the end of World War 1.

This man is wasted on T*rks.

Theres little info about ottomans because the creation of new turkey burned down everything that was "eastern"
Most information is from european accounts

I think you mean that the Venetians had such a strong hold on Levantine trade that trying to find routes around Africa sounded promising.

The ottoman archives still exist and are a huge source of info

post link

They didn't expel the British from the subcontinent

Yeah, somehow

>neglect access to the silk road to wh*Tes
>make them travell around the seas to reach India
>they discover the Americas
are the TÜRKS the responsables for the discovery?

Why would the Ottomans be involved that far in Asia anyway?

>look ma, I’ve said it again!