
France without Alsace-Lorraine makes me scream internally

Other urls found in this thread:’un_pays_conquis,_scènes_de_l’émigration_en_Alsace-Lorraine

To solve the problem of Alsace-Lorraine. They should let Belgium annex it, along with Switerland, , Luxemburg, and the Dutch lands and create the Border Nation.

Makes me erect mane

Belgium not being split between the Netherlands and France makes me angery.

The Netherlands and Belgium not being annexed by Germany makes me angry.

This but with the Netherlands not being part of Germany.

>France and Germany not united


But thats not the historical border and i don't think it ever was

>no plantagenet english borders

>i don't think it ever was
Guess what it was before 1871 genius.

The same fucking border that it is today, i was talking about OPs stupid pic, the border never looked like that

I think it had the same effect on the French

Look at this great French architecture !!

Do not forget that half of the patriotic song were about Alsace Loraine , I never understand why german created an eternal enemy trough stealing Alsace Loraine . They could have lived much more peacefully facing only Russia .

You can find such architecture all over western/central Europe dumb shit memerican


Muh German minority lived there

Oh yeah, so you're telling me France doesn't have a unique, even slightly different, style? So France isn't different at all?

Fuck off, dummy

You can't read and you're retarded

So French

>medieval architecture is german architecture!!
What did the American mean by this?


I would agree but a border following the language divide would be very ugly.
The only acceptable solution would be for France and Germany to unite, absorbing Benelux in the process.

That border actually looked nice though

Oh but I didn't say that, did I?

France existing makes me scream externally.

>"huh hur medieval architecture is German huh hur hurrrr"
>huh stupid Ameritard

Even ( germanic people majority but wanted to be french ) , but why creating powerful ennemies when you are already facing a lot of opposition and ennemie

>"le medieval arch is German !!"
>"read a book Ameritard"

To justify the unification of the German states (except Austria) as a struggle against the French, it was a calculated decision to make the French an enemy

T'es complètement con mon pauvre

? Could they not create Germany whitout Alsace and Loraine . It is easy to see that they loose much more at the end .

>"I'm French and I'm such a arrogant dummy that I can't tell the difference between this"

>examples from a couple of latitudes down

All I'm trying to say is you can't pin it down to only being German.

It is easy to say that now after the results

That's not how the Alsace-Lorraine annexed by Germoney looked like, though

>"and this"


>Could they not create Germany whitout Alsace and Loraine
No, the entire point of the war was to create a situation where Wurttemburg, Bavaria and Saxony would join the North German Federation and create the German Empire and hey did that by kicking the shit out of the strongest power on the continent and appealing to the Pan-German liberals

In France, it was often called "Alsace-Moselle" and not "Alsace-Lorraine" due to how much of Lorraine was allowed to remain in French hands.

You're just as retarded as him, dumb faggot
No offense intended

Was it autism?

If you're cultured and care about the differences you can tell which country it is and even the region

Can you advice me book on this subject , the fact that other German country join volonturally , and this timeline ?

These French Veeky Forumstorians are just proving they either think so lowly of themselves that their style is no different from every Western/Central European style or they so highly of themselves that they'll just say it was all French all along like another thread previously


so generic

in other words... burgundy 2.0

>stealing your own land

HRE was not a country

No, but it did contain large swathes of Germans; Alsace-Lorraine being one of them. Just because le sun king nabbed it in the 17th century doesn't make it theirs forever.

Neither was France until maybe Louis xiv. Even in Napoleons time Occitan was still popular large populations refused to speak Parisian *cough* *cough* I mean """""French"""""

"France" is just as a meme country as Germany

Belgium not being BLACK and TÜRKish makes me deeply sad

I wonder how many people died for each step in this gif.

French people are violent, historically more violent than Germans ever were, so violent that the Catholic Church had to invent the concept of Chivalry to calm these savages down. Later on King Louis XIV expanded the military to be the largest in European history at the time (200,000) and proceeded to plunge Europe into endless, senseless wars that sought nothing more than to increase his holdings

Ah, here's the translation. French were always violent apes and Germans were know as laid back drunks

>Leben: den Krieg
>Ihr Leben ende: in Krieg

German propaganda is the beast place to have a neutral opinion of the French :(

>what is the U.N.
Nations are a thing of the past.

Bologna is fucking ugly

It's the truth and not German propaganda at all it's called history. What I said about Chivalry being a means to calm the French and King Louis XIV destroying Europe is absolutely true

so lothairingia

So much this. I really don't get why everyone is shitting on Germany when the French took it to another level

The fact that French created chievalry has nothing to do with the warlike tendencies of French people. Also I will add that Louis XIV only reigned seventy year while France existed since the bateme or Clovis . It does not represent a lot of time .

>The fact that French created chievalry
Can you read? I said the Catholic Church invented it or you mean to tell me its was French invention all along? That's like saying Nazi Germany created the EU not the people that actually took part to create it.
>The Peace and Truce of God was a movement in the Middle Ages led by the Catholic Church that applied spiritual sanctions to limit the violence of FEUDING. It began with very limited provisions in 989 due to the political and territorial upheaval in FRANCE caused by the FRANKISH nobility[1] and the movement survived in some form until the thirteenth century.

>"Oh race of the FRANKS, we learn that in some of your provinces no one can venture on the road by day or by night without injury or attack by highwaymen, and no one is secure even at home. Let us then re-enact the law of our ancestors known as the Truce of God. And now that you have promised to maintain the peace among yourselves you are obligated to succour your brethren in the East, menaced by an accursed race, utterly alienated from God. The Holy Sepulchre of our Lord is polluted by the filthiness of an unclean nation. Recall the greatness of Charlemagne. O most valiant soldiers, descendants of invincible ancestors, be not degenerate. Let all hatred depart from among you, all quarrels end, all wars cease. Start upon the road to the Holy Sepulchre to wrest that land from the wicked race and subject it to yourselves."[24]

And France was always at war with somebody whether it be Italians, Germans, British, etc throughout history. You don't garner the reputation for having the best military historically and being the most powerful region in Europe until 1815 without always feeling a need to prove yourself by war and conquest.

>The fact that French created chievalry.....
My God, this level of arrogance is astounding.



Where is Kleber? ... moment: Jean-Baptiste Kléber?

Being Alsacian, with a German family name and German ancestry, here's what I can tell you : yes Alsace has a more Germanic culture than the rest of France.
But you miss the point by using this culture as an argument to claim it as German, because The French Republic is not about culture or ancestry : it is the union of peoples under the banner of the Republic, no matter their origins.
People in Alsace won't deny they have Germanic elements in their culture (though it is still very different from other forms of Germanic culture). But still for most of them they feel French, because they are linked to this republic.
Now it might be because of state propaganda etc... But I think it sums up the situation.

The Alsacians are always laughing about my horrible french, so they´re mostly answering in german ... there is absolutely no problem to get there and have a good time - doesn´t matter if it was once german or is now french: I love Strassbourg!

Honestly it makes me scream to see Germany without it.


In which country chievalry was created ? Germany ? England ?

Yes of course , but you need to take in account her population . And the fact that most state did not exist when France was created ? It is more easy to have an higher number of war ´in comparison of Prussia when you are the major power from 476 to 1939.

>German and Germanic dialects: 1,492,347 (86.8%)[20]

Turns out Bismark wasn't actually all that smart

>strong and tall
>depicted as the shortest one of all
What did they mean by this?

At this time 20 percent of the population have french at their native language . France is not build on a culture but on a civilisation .

People in Alsace Loraine wanted to be french

It's Lieben not Leben

>Turk or Greek

well they could have done it without Alsace-Lorraine, annexation was not originally a war aim

BIsmark did not want annexation, the Kaiser did

That's because the Kaiser was a pseudo-liberal and liberals were the ones pushing the Pan-Germanic meme

>France is not build on a culture but on a civilisation
t. pseudo historian

The French nation is based on French culture, just like the German nation is based on German culture or the English on English culture. They all have the same levels of civilization.


What if Germany only annexed the German speaking parts? Or maybe just Alsace? Would the French still have been superautistic about it?

>Would the French still have been superautistic about it?

You fucked up. It was their's at Viena (Wien) when Napoleon got defeated, and the forefather of the Kaiser was a signatary, this was the reason the french didn't gave you a break after ww1 wanting to kick you down

>Amusement cheating
>Desease syphillis

Kek, those guys are the same meme ever since they came to be

Yes Brittany is a good expression of french culture . Honnestly there are a lot of different culture in French .’un_pays_conquis,_scènes_de_l’émigration_en_Alsace-Lorraine

Truly a lovely conquest in comparison of the reaction of alsacien when french army enter their region after ww1.

>French Republic is not about culture or ancestry : it is the union of peoples under the banner of the Republic, no matter their origins.
This is what leads to cities and areas which were once idyllic and beautiful to become destitute hellholes full of islamists.

Netherlands and France not being absorbed into Belgium makes me angery.

This as nothing to do with this idéologie , first because country like Germany as the same problem . Secondly because it is not about accepting every culture . It is in a belief of french icivilization were Islamist does not believe at all. The problem does not come to this view of an country with different culture , but more About the fact that every culture is equal and should be respected ( multicuralism) .

>The Republic which nearly abolished religion altogether at a time where positivism and rationalism were all the rage and strongly supported the spread of order and civilisation to the colonies is the reason that the complete antithesis of every Republican principle have infested the country.

Sure, and it certainly doesn't have anything to do with the post war communist intellectual and cultural movements coupled with the pro american ultra consumerist governments.

>French culture
Oui oui baguette. I hope you're not French because you'd be an embarrassment. There are and there has always been multiple cultures in France. Now if you're talking about le baguette fromage and wine meme please don't talk to me or my country ever again.

France's attachment to Alsace is pretty big, it was there when the Revolution happened, the anthem was composed in Strasbourg, and the Rhine is generally seen as the logical border with Germany.

>Alsace-Lorraine is German even though it was owned by France for the past 200 years
>The Danzig Corridor is clearly German even though it was owned by Poland until 200 years before WW2

Verdun is a german city.

>In which country chievalry was created ? Germany ? England ?

Italy, Rome. There.

Hans, please, you know perfectly how this will end.