If the Levant, Maghreb , and Anatolia had remained Christian, would they be more socially (as opposed to legally, since they already are) accepted as "white" people like Caucasus and Mediterranean peoples are? Such as the Armenians, Georgians, Greeks, Cyrpiots, and Spaniards. They don't actually look very different and in fact genetics tests show that Armenians/Georgians and Turks at least are nigh-identical. Additionally in the Ancient World the whole Mediterranean Basin was thought to be one world and everything north of Italy was thought to be another.
If the Levant, Maghreb , and Anatolia had remained Christian, would they be more socially (as opposed to legally...
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I in fact thought about this very question recently. Islam is the real dividing line between North Africa, Levant and Europe.
Well, more that Islam brought about the invasion of those areas and settlement by Arabs, and subsequent Turkic conquerors. I may be wrong on the genetics, but I figure Islam contributed quite a bit to genetic makeup of those areas. Though, I think you're right about non-arab muslims in Western Asia.
Average Turkic contribution to Turkish people is estimated at 10-15%, so not a lot. I'd bet the same is true for the Arabs.
Woah OP, it's almost like races are social constructs or something
Without me telling you, there's no way you'd be able to tell where these people are from. Meds tend to look the same. They could easily be Italians.
>Woah OP, it's almost like races are social constructs or something
Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race.
Isn't the concept of white mostly from america anyway? Christian meds are closer to muslim meds than northern christians.
>autism rally
>all women
>taking pictures
stop white washing history. The op pic is a black man
Are you an insecure MENA going through some racial identity crisis?
Because this behavior is so well-known online
The maghreb definitely not. There is no mediterranean race, and the populations around the mediterranean basin have different genetic histories. And contrary to what MENA anons think, they do look different.
I swear people feign color blindness and facial agnosia whenever this topic comes up.
they would also have less arab admixture without islam.
MENA are white.
Cast off the shackles of Islam, and join the white race.
There was far less Arab admixture before Islam.
Near easterners and north Africans of today are significantly swarthier than they would have been in antiquity.
I don't know about more white but they would definitely have a closer bond. You'd be surprised just how much some hicks from Alabama have better opinions about sub Saharan Africans than northern Africans just because they're viewed as "fellow christians"
Yes, this is only reason Iberians, southern Frenchman, and Italians are considered white anyways.
Op why did you whitewash that proud black man?
The Berber were already a semitic people so Arabs bringing different semitic genes doesn't change much, Anatolia is a different case though. I think the question is wrong though, they would be seen more as caucasians but even Greeks and Spaniards aren't always accepted as white, hell Slavs aren't always accepted as white.
Why would you say something as stupid as this on a history board?
what meme is this?
Is this another we wuz?
why would you post a single reply to two different posts that say two different things?
The Levant and small parts of Anatolia has remaining Christians. You also didn't mention Egypt which has remaining Christians.
Armenians and Spaniards are considered non-white by a significant number of people.
Mediterranean is not a race.
MENA is not a race.
Creeds don't affect the colors people see. And people saw the same ones before and after any changes.
Semites are NOT white people.
>say two different things?
Are you mentally challenged? Because if you are I'm certified to teach you tennis.
one of the posts claimed they were closer to europeans in the past and the other claimed they were significantly closer to europeans in the past. one of those statements is true and one isn't.
Romans didn't consider Berbers or Arabs non-white.
Berbers aren't Semitic
That is actually one of the main proofs why "white" is a meme term and that the the white race doesn't exist and never did
If white race is a meme then black race is a meme as well
Correct, both of them are memes
Arabs changed the genetic makeup in both regions. Your average Syrian does NOT look like Assad, who I would consider to be white.
Compare and contrast.
Judging the genetic makeup of a country just by photos of a group of people living in said country is a sign of intelectual laziness/dishonesty.
Ok is this better?
There is a large genetic distance.
Levant peoples cluster apart.
What am I looking at?
Genetic clusters
Funny, Zidane is a berber
yeah, but the ancient populations were only very slightly closer to europeans. they still would have looked like swarthy non-whites.
Did you literally just quote Mussolini?
Fucking faggot.
European is not a race, latin and greeks were different to germanics
don't talk to me.
>posting tired memes
Even among Arab-speaking Syrians/Iraqis their Arab genes are like 25% at most.
No. There is literally living proof for the contrary. The maronite, assyrian and armenian diasporas are definitely not accepted as white by europeans.
Not only are you correct, the black "race" is such a meme, that if you used genetics to define race, there would be more races in Africa than anywhere else.
Assad has british blood.
Was him wrong ?
Assad looks more like a Jew than he does white
He doesn’t, you are confusing him with Abdullah II, the king of Jordan
They are social constructs, that doesn't make the identity or group loyalty any less valid. It also depends on how you define race.
Levantine people can be classified as white, Maghreb not so much, apart from some select Berber tribes in Algeria they're all shitskins.
Lebanese. Easy
They're obviously Jewish
>comparing Syrians to Milanese is retarded. Areas closer to the Med sea like Neapolitans and Venetians should be used as the comparison, rather than Cisalpine people.
Assyrians are not really Levantine.
And Armenians are white, no idea where you're from. Armenians and Georgians are very similar to Turks genetically, and are generally accepted as white. Israelis are generally excepted as white, and share much in common genetically with other populations of the Levant. Syrian Jewish descendants like Paula Abdul and Steve Jobs are considered white. Even Maronite Lebanese are often thought of as white in the USA unless someone specifically puts their mind into thinking otherwise- ask the average guy on the street what race Ralph Nader or Darrel Issa or "that guy who played Antonio on Wings" are.
Armenians cluster really close to Assyrians. And Assyrians are not considered white
Steve Jobs isn't Syrian Jewish. But Jerry Seinfeld is
Why do MENA people want to be lumped into Mediterranean people so badly. The best way to categorize the people in Europe and MENA is by.
1) Aryan/white circle
This includes most of Northern Europe and Eastern Europe. This is a very tight genetic cluster.
2) European cluster.
Includes the Mediterranean and the Aryan cluster. Aforementioned is a rather spread out cluster that includes most of Southern Europe.
3) The caucasian group.
This includes the genetically similar Aryans, the more heterogenous Mediterraneans and the incredibly heterogenous MENA people.
Most Southern Europeans fall within the med cluster, yet the majority is still much much closer to the Aryan cluster. MENA people thinking they are the same as Spaniards or most Italians, especially considering modern maghrebis are literal octaroons nowadays, is wishful thinking.
>This pic
And he's rare looking for a berber which is why people are so obsessed with him. And why algerians insecure over how brown they are keep spamming him.
>why do people living around the mediteranean sea are callin themselves mediteraneans
Steve Jobs was a Syrian Arab
Mediterranean is a geographical term, mostly overlapping with each other in diet (olives, legumes and fish) but the culture is different, the people are different and the only ones who try to make some sort of pan-identity between Arabs and Southern Europeans are the first ones, the latter want nothing to do with them.
Why do south Europeans desperately want to deny their common heritage with MENA people?
No you idiot those guys got conquered so people would make up another reason to shit in them.
Wrong christianity
Not western
Diluted blood
Nobody deny it
I'm proud that my maghrebi brothers are conquering your shitholes, pigskin
Obviously Levantine
Why do Northern European people want to be lumped in with Aryans so badly?
Northern Europeans are probably the most pure modern form of the Corded Ware people, amongst them belongs the Indo-Aryan branch, the most archaic form of Indo-European is Baltic, and they have moved very little suggesting an Eastern European homeland for the Aryans.
Sorry to bring it to you my Dravidian friend.
This is what Aryans looked like. You are larping as hook-nosed, monobrowed, swarthy Iranic peoples.
You are dumb. Those "aryans" are J2 swarthy subhumans that got BTFO and cucked by the R1a Nordic invaders.
When did this happen?
Never heard of Medes and their conquest of what we call now "Iran"? They were Andronovo culture descendants.
Their language was of Indo-European origin, they were themselves descendants of Eastern European origin, and their original race was Nordic.
you are a fucking retard
>t. triggered gypsy
That vase is from the Sassanid era, so well after Medes but still before Arabs. They are obviously people of high rank. Why wouldn't they still look white?
Also, earlier art both depicts Medes in the same way and depicts other Persians as looking the same as the them. This is a Mede from the Achaemenid Empire.
Blond hair is a recessive gene, so the Nordid race was becoming less and less numerous every decade and nowadays, just like in the Sassanian era, but not like just after Nordic conquest, they are very rare.
But still the original Aryan phenotype can be spotted in Kurds, Persians, Tajiks, Afghans...
Pic rel: A Tajik phenotypical descendant of Proto-Iranians.
Not saying I support that line of thinking.
>literally ignorant of genetics
Protip, all people with blue eyes descend from a single common ancestor
>Protip, all people with blue eyes descend from a single common ancestor
The funniest thing about is that the people who use this "argument" ALWAYS give diffrent data on when did this mutation happen.
Also: so what... it doesn't change the fact that it is an Indo-European trait which was spread to ME, Central and South Asia by Indo-European Nordics.
He is inbreed and have mongoloid genes, just look at him
>You're wrong because uh... you're just wrong! Yeah!!!!
Stormfag geneticist arguments always make me chortle. Go back to pouring over your 19th century tomes because you have nothing else to live for. Go revive Lysenkoism while you're at it.
He isn't blond and his skull-shape is clearly not European
He is altered by some non-Nordic influence, but is still predominantly Iranian Nordoid.
Lol you didn't even prove that blue eyes come from "one ancestors". Also this argument is meaningless as fuck because Andronovo culture from which Nordid Iranian peoples invaded "Iran" were predominantly light-pigmented.
>a commoner from 2017 whose known background probably doesn't extend past his great grandparents looks white but a carving of a typical Mede from 486-465 BC looks like a literal gypsy
Hmmm, really makes me think.
It's different data because one study is out of date. The most recent one said it originated from Brown skinned HG on the baltic coast, so it's by definition a non Indo-European trait
t. biochemist
I still recognize this hair colour as a reddish blond.
Anyway, pic rel is a better example of a Proto-Iranian phenotype. This time it's a Kurd.
Lol, you literally said that this was from Sassanian era. Make a final decission you faggot.
But you do realize that R1a1, a Proto-Indo-European haplogroup developed near the Baltic sea?
And Andronovian Proto-Iranians were predominantly light pigmented and that's a fact.
A infographic you saved out of context doesn't mean anything user
And Y-linked haplogroups have nothing to do with the autosomal gene OCA2 which is linked to eye color you autist. I'm done wasting my time
>The most of Andronovo Proto-Iranians were either blue or green-eued
>o-out of context!!!
>d-doesn't say anything!!!
Lol, keep crying, my swarthy friend.
>And Y-linked haplogroups have nothing to do with the autosomal gene OCA2 which is linked to eye color you autist. I'm done wasting my time
Except that the members of R1a1 haplogroup mostly have, and probably always predominantly have had this gene.
Aftee arab invasion, many iranian tribes moved to the fertile crescent, those iranians migrating were called kurds
Many of them have mixed with turkics and arabs while others remained pure through inbreeding
Also, if Proto-Iranians were not Nordid, then explain the existance of these guys:
>inb4 russian rapebaby
>inb4 crusader DNA
Nice try, but now try to explain the existance of this Afghan man. The most of Nuristani people have R1a1 haplogroup btw.
The vase is from the the Sassanid era. The relief is from Persepolis. You seriously want to talk about Persian history but have never heard of Persepolis?