Guys I was thinking, unironically would a modern World War save society?
>Thin out the population
>People of nations around the world have something to unite them
>Technological advancement that comes with wartime
>Breaks the status quo
Guys I was thinking, unironically would a modern World War save society?
>Thin out the population
>People of nations around the world have something to unite them
>Technological advancement that comes with wartime
>Breaks the status quo
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are you retarded?
This is why I've given up trying to inform or correct anyone on the chons, the turnover of idiots is just too high
Well kinda but it depends how it develops at the end. On one side you could have actual reunification and sort of an economic rebirth but on the other side it could just make things worse.
I remember reading a paper about Italian cultural nationalists during the Italian unification in the 19th century. One of the army officers was very enthusiastic about a war, and he wrote that not only was it inevitable that they would take casualties in a revolution, but these would be good because they would harden and transform the others. He was exuberant, and said that even if /half/ of the Italian population should perish, it would still be a victory because the ones behind, hardened and ripped out of their decadence by the experience, would rebuild a new and flourishing society.
Which really raises the question, that if the thinkers who supposedly "love their nation" are exuberant about the possibility of killing half of their own population, what the fuck does the enemy intend for them that could be worse?
All a world war would do is kill a lot of people, slow down long term scientific advancement by blowing up useful productivity and killing future scientists and discoverers, rack up huge debts, and seed more hatred.
>All a world war would do is kill a lot of people, slow down long term scientific advancement
Nuclear power plants are still a thing you know.
>World War with 15,000 nuclear warheads still active worldwide
>Save society
Kindly remove yourself from the gene pool
Depends. Are you willing to sacrifice your life in order to "save society"?
No. What we need is a nice plague with high lethality that starts of in china. It would destroy the asian/indian horde mindset, and develop unity amongst the remaining countries.
What if it was a "World" war between african nations, India and maybe china?
Like, china fighting india for control of africa?
This solves any fears of overpopulation, since the two counties with the most people can just grind against each other.
Throw in the odd african nation for additional native manpower and she'll be sweet.
Also would be pretty damn entertaining from my seat on the other side of the Indian ocean
>Thin out the population
whoops now you have a reduced labour force and reduced consumer demand for goods and services, economy shrinks. Remember that all of Europe and Asia was basically bankrupt at the end of WW2, and the world economy only survived because America was completely untouched by war and kept the industry and economy needed to give Europe free money in Marshall aid. You think a new world war will leave America unscathed this time?
>Technological advancement that comes with wartime
Wow, so much technological advancement that's come out of the $2.4 trillion war in Iraq.
I want some big catastrophe to happen to the 1st World. It's too decadent and effeminate, teeming with greed and opulence. It deserves a good reality check.
overpopulation is an African problem
We don't need a worldwide war, just a pan-African one.
There won’t be a society after another world war
We've already had a couple. They just can't kill each other fast enough to match their hilarious birth rates.
Yes. Societys problem right now is weak men creating hard times. A war would create strong men and in turn good times.
>monkeys will be the sole survivors of nuclear war and humans will evolve from them a second time
Pretty sure that's not what the quote's saying
Radiation will evolve monkeys to become the master race
Still would have been developed regardless of war.
only if it wipes out everything, so we have to start again
>>Technological advancement that comes with wartime
We're really doing this again Veeky Forums?
We did, 5.4 million people died
Why do you think society needs saving?
Hard mode: no use of the word 'degeneracy'.