>killed JFK
>instituted the welfare state
>false flagged into Vietnam
Was there a worse US president?
>killed JFK
>instituted the welfare state
>false flagged into Vietnam
Was there a worse US president?
>Hey! Hey! LBJ!
t. dicklet
Did his Jumbo make you jealous?
>instituted the welfare state
Blame elements within his own party for shooting down the Moynihan report because it was a safer bet to lobby for federal funds indefinitely than address the problem directly.
The problem isn't something that can be easily "solved". Also welfare is erroneously blamed for some odd reason instead of the economic and global factors at the time.
Also the report was written by a sociologist so that has issues in it in regards to ignoring history or reaching weird conclusions.
>reaching weird conclusions.
Like "Negroes need to stop abandoning their families"?
You can't 'solve' poverty but you can ameliorate most of its negative effects like criminal propensity, privation, bad academics and a generally poorer lot in life. Moynihan argued that this could be done by focusing on and attempting to reverse the deterioration of the black family backed by conclusive statistical evidence of the pernicious effects across the board of single parenthood compared to traditional two parent households.
The Moynihan report hit the nail on the head when it pinned the breakdown of the family structure as the most significant issue of inter-generational poverty.
Woodrow wilson
>federal reserve
>income tax
>laws against dissent
>state propaganda
>thought police telling children to turn in their parents
>keep economy from recovering
>break washington's two term tradition(you know you messed up. when they pass an amendment just to prevent you from happening again)
>japanese concentration camp
>ww2. seriously he goaded the japanese into the attack and knew an attack was coming.
>abandoning tens of thousands of americans in the pacific to japanese pow/slave labor camps. so he could save the russians.
>gave away half of europe to the soviets.
>tried to add to the supreme court to stack it in his favor. got it anyways thanks to going on for more than 2 terms.
>won 4 presidential elections and ushered in the greatest period of world peace and american prosperity ever seen
"this guy was a bum!"
very little of which he had anything to do with. the rest of the industrial world decided to kill it self. leaving america as the only industrial power with all their resources, industrial base, and working age population intact. also holding a lot of european debt. which helped fund the US. the great depression didn't even truely end until 1947. the war and rationing just masked it.
I feel like you're the same type to hail Calvin Coolidge as a really underrated president.
>Calvin Coolidge
i'm ok with eisenhower, kennedy, carter, bush sr, andrew johnson, Teddy Roosevelt, washington, jefferson,
>Andrew Johnson
You mean Andrew Jackson? Andrew Johnson was a huge faggot.
>the greatest period of world peace and american prosperity
Imagine actually believing this, the New Deal caused the 1937 recession
>greatest period of world peace and american prosperity ever seen
yes. damn it.
fucking johnson. he ruined Reconstruction and basically caused every single race problem we have now, and the South's lack of development.
Statistically the period after the war is both the most prosperous and safe period in the history of the western world.
but FDR didn't cause it to happen. he probably hampered it somehow.
>bush sr
for what purpose
FDR is directly responsible for the post ww2 international order predicated on an American Superpower.
FDR died before the war was over.
by what measure? The Dow Jones was higher in early 1929 than in any year of FDR and only recovered in 1954. not to mention after a devastating world war, foreign investment is sure to boom in the untouched North America
FDR died before the war ended
didn't pursue the gulf war into regime change. knowing full well what would happen and what stabilizing iraq would entail.
raised taxes, going against campaign promise, because it was needed
put Yeltsin in power in russia.
probably ran things in the Reagan's later years.
his only negatives are losing to clinton, that dumb ass son Junior, and his gun import bans.
>put Yeltsin in power in russia
>this is somehow a good thing
Don't forget, his untrustworthiness killed plans for a joint US-USSR moon mission
while there would probably be better options. it kept the soviet hardliners that overthrew Gorbachev from holding onto power.
>Was there a worse US president?
He was pretty bad; turned Vietnam into a cluster fuck and his “Great Society” continues to be an utter disaster haunting America but I think his real failing, was that he was the first President to be wholly controlled by the Global Corporate-Government Nobility.
Earlier Presidents like Kennedy and Ike were constrained and forced into directions they didn’t want to follow and some like FDR straight up supported the Elite’s plans but from LBJ onward, all Presidents have been puppets to a greater or lesser degree.
Except Jimmy Carter, who slipped in under the radar and was quickly evicted from the White House.
Yeah, like Grant had nothing to do with Reconstruction... I've never figured out yet who he had a hard on for most; The South or the Indians
I agree with all three of these but let's not forget
Abe Lincoln
>Irreparably violated and broke the Constitution
>Split the Country in two to such a degree it still hurts today
>Committed genocode
>Threw Americans in prison for speaking out against the war
This ,
>Inb4 waves of butthurt yankeeboos
>>keep economy from recovering
Okay that just isn't true, and to be fair he didn't understand economics and had no idea what he was doing.
>>japanese concentration camp
Who really cares, though?
>>ww2. seriously he goaded the japanese into the attack and knew an attack was coming.
>abandoning tens of thousands of americans in the pacific to japanese pow/slave labor camps. so he could save the russians.
>gave away half of europe to the soviets.
Conspiracy-nut bullshit
>killed JFK
>instituted the welfare state
So did literally every developed country in the world
>false flagged into Vietnam
>it's a one half of the gulf of tonkin incident didn't happen so that means the entire thing didn't happen episode
Not an argument
>So did literally every developed country in the world
Every developed country that isn't America sucks
>Every developed country that isn't America sucks
America is a continent, dickskin
>tfw President Johnson took meetings upon the john
There isn't a country on either American continents that is even remotely as relevant as America, to be mistaken for America.
>the western world.
You mean America, Europe was rekt. And America did so well BECAUSE Europe was rekt, not because of FDR.
Don't forget signed the civil rights act.
that turned out well.... not
Reminder that professional historians almost always list James Buchanan as the most destructive president, for very obvious reasons.
Worse than Delano and King Nigger.
He probably didn't even do as much conspiracy stuff as Bush Sr so he was just a cuck and all around loser.
>Committed genocode
When did he do this?
White Southerners soon succeeded in re-establishing legal and political dominance over blacks through violence, intimidation and discrimination.
Did Johnson but Haterade in the water faggot you faggot?
>completed a full term
>quickly evicted.
Wilson and Obama, at least.
The Civil War was an act of auto-genocide.
Just like Pol Pot in Cambodia.
That shit caused by a several factors, like history, the economy, and discrimination, the quality of institutions, trends in demographics, social changes.
The report makes the errors that single parent hood is a thing that pops up suddenly when it's a thing that is caused by those issues I mentioned and many more.
Forcing together people won't work either (since that leads to arguably even more dysfunctional families)
>How many kids did you kill today!
Nope. Bastards ruin societies.
To simply put it as sociologist moynihan forgot to look at shit through a historical and economical viewpoint intensively enough. It blamed the family for the issues of society rather then the reverse in which it's the society that causes dysfunction in a family.
The Bushes, father and son.
Buchanan is the obvious bottom slot and nothing more needs to be said of it. LBJ is pretty down there though. Rotten public image, rotten president. Hated by liberals for stonewalling civil rights and conservatives for the Great Society.
white democrat southerns were disenfranchised en masse. which lead to negro republicans gaining huge amounts of political power in the immediately aftermath of the war.
that is reason for the white democrat south's disenfranchisement and jim crow laws.
last year of his term. suddnely a speculator caused oil crisis, the iranian revolution, and the iranian hostage crisis. it is not out of the realm of plausibility that forces opposed to carter, orchestrated all of that. To cause him to loose the election to someone like Reagan.
term limits are bad akshuly
Making people marry won't change the other bigger issues and the fact that divorces exist and are socially acceptable.
The reprot said that maraigge woudl change stuff because There's no real political cost to telling people to get married. (Everyone loves a wedding.). Telling them that there should be a jobs program that makes more men marriage-material is different.
tell me more about how we supposedly need career politicians that have been there forever to drive legislative agenda.
>Carter wasn't bad, 'they' just did it!
Iran could have been forseen for years. Carter did nothing to stop it while he had the power to do so.
eisenhower and the british not overthrowing the democratic government of Persia would have been the only way to stop it.
the British and their BP oil interests were keeping the Shah in power. the only thing carter could have done is thrown a dying shah back to the Iranians in exchange for the hostages.
>elect good politician
>they can stay until they fuk up
implying people are reelected based on people being happy with their performance. congress' approval rating has been below 50% for over a decade and has reached 11% at times. people stay in office because most of the seats are safe for a particular party, incumbent advantage, and lack of serious opposition.
FDR was a pseudo-fascist in that his New Deal was influenced at least in part by fascist Italy.
No, because at least he knew how to get shit done. Carter was worse, for a recent example. Too early to judge the current one.
>I feel like you're the same type to hail Calvin Coolidge as a really underrated president.
He would almost have to be.
Andrew Jackson was an awful President though. Good on him for not putting up with secessionist shit but that doesn't make up for the other negatives.
They also put Harding near the bottom (or at the bottom) for reasons that have zero to do with what he actually did as President. They're trying to rehab Grant whose friends' corruption was far worse (and Grant knew about it but was too passive to do anything) as they directly led to huge recessions compared to what Harding's buddies were doing behind his back. They also take his personal failings (adultery; bastard child) to.
None of that is related to what he did while President and his Presidency was pretty good when looked at objectively.
>>Split the Country in two to such a degree it still hurts today
It's not his fault the south chimped out and decided to start a civil war just because their favorite candidate lost the election.
Wasn't there basically a deal in place with the Revolutionaries and Reagan/his campaign worked to stall it so it'd look bad on Carter going into the election and Reagan could look like a hero for freeing them. He and his administration were fucking scum and despite being on the right myself I hate how he's deified by the right-wing/conservatives in this country. He doesn't even express their "values" for small government and the like; he was nothing but a tool of the AEI and Heritage Foundation.
you mean treason. yes, reagan and his cronies committed treason.
found the injun or the (((banker)))
Champagne Socialist.
he was some rich man's son that never had to work for this. Since his dad's connections and money got him everything and everywhere. yet he though he, as part of the northeast elite, just knew better and what was right for america.
It blows my mind that anyone could criticize FDR the way you kids criticize him these days. The man was a hero and escorted this nation through one of its darkest hours. Even Conservatives cooperated with the man.
I just don't have the words.
Teddy would have done a better job than Franklin.
Jimmy Carter was scum and betray the Shah + supported Khomeini:
The Shah was a Western puppet and the only reason a radical like Khomeini got in was because of decades of manipulation in Iran prior, going all the way back to Truman's creation of the CIA
>Calvin Coolidge
>not underrated
Not his fault the Federal Reserve was still wet behind the ears
>"Was there a worse US president?"
Is that even a fucking question?
>fdr was socialist
>fdr fascist
there is SLIGHT plausibility to "fascist" but fucking socialist is retarded
>Even Conservatives cooperated with the man.
wat. they literally killed the New Deal from 1937 onward
>90% top tax rates
>massive public works programs
>total control over most private industries, particularly production of food
>not a socialist
Teddy was populist garbage and the entire reason we had Wilson
>hurrr durrr socialism is big gubbbment and spending lots of duh money n debts n shieet
>90% top tax rates
even FDR knew this was a fucking joke and a PR stunt. It was essentially toothless gesture meant to rile up conservatives and ended up hurting him politically cause he hated businessmen
>massive public works programs
over, what, like two years before the courts halted it?
>total control over most private industries, particularly production of food
this didn't happen. the food part did though but plenty of governments have subsidized agriculture, its hardly a socialist innovation. see british corn laws, french kickbacks to agriculture in the 19th century.
>conservative Supreme Court stopped or overturned most of his socialism, therefore he wasn't a socialist
you still have yet to prove that public works are inherently socialist. if you say that you're a fucking brainlet
They aren't inherently socialist, but he created an unprecedented level of them. Thanks to FDR raping the Commerce Clause, the government has the power to regulate virtually anything now.
>They aren't inherently socialist
exactly. it's not socialist and ironically FDR detested socialism and even welfare cause he believed it undermined the individual spirit. even his so-called socialist programs like social security and medicare reflected this by how it was paid for through payroll taxes. it was also pretty fucking rudimentary compared to later welfare reforms
>Thanks to FDR raping the Commerce Clause
that was inevitable. even Hoover was inching toward a similar solution to FDR
Wrong, he tried multiple times to enact a welfare state but a conservative SC + WW2 + death prevented that. And what does being paid through payroll taxes have to do with it? He still introduced a tax code much more progressive and conducive to socialism than anything in the USA prior.
Yeah and Hoover was probably among the most left-leaning of the Republicans and a statist fuck himself.
>federal reserve
>income tax
What about them?
Maybe the Germans shouldn't have started sinking any American ship that approached Britain.
>laws against dissent
>state propaganda
Part of war. There was a significant German minority in the US.
>thought police telling children to turn in their parents
>keep economy from recovering
Hoover had a full term to fix the problem with muh free market. Didn't work.
What about it?
>break washington's two term tradition(you know you messed up. when they pass an amendment just to prevent you from happening again)
A tradition is not the same as a law. Those were hard times for America, and I believe this was justified.
>japanese concentration camp
The same as with Wilson. Also, compared to the practices of other warring nations, the internment camps were downright humane.
>ww2. seriously he goaded the japanese into the attack and knew an attack was coming.
*tips fedora*
If you don't want your oil supply to be cut by America , don't start wars that they disapprove.
>abandoning tens of thousands of americans in the pacific to japanese pow/slave labor camps. so he could save the russians.
And France, and Britain...
>gave away half of europe to the soviets.
So FDR is bad for going to war with Japan after they attacked first, but also bad for not starting a war of aggression against the USSR?
>tried to add to the supreme court to stack it in his favor. got it anyways thanks to going on for more than 2 terms.
I agree that was a bad decision.
>keep economy from recovering
Because Hoover did such a great job with that, right?
>reddit spacing
>you mean treason. yes, reagan and his cronies committed treason.
So did Andrew Jackson
>bad academics
My nibba how is a 85iq population going to do "well" academically? Hell, how are the 15% of white people with an iq under 85 going to do well at intellectual pursuits?
IQ positively correlates with a traditional 2 parent household and a stable family life. Having parents who care about their child's future goes a long way even despite whatever their genetic predispositions are. This doesn't always mean 'academic success' but it matters greatly in the healthy socialization and development of a child into an adult.
Bush Sr's economic policies along with Reagan helped usher in the boom years of the 90's. He was a great president, definitely underrated.
Shut the fuck up, Jew.
Veeky Forums read this.
> The man was a hero and escorted this nation through one of its darkest hours.
FDR was the very picture of a champagne socialist and the media hid it and his polio legs from the public to get him elected in the crisis times when the speculative crash was hitting every country with financial ties to the london and ny banks.
If the average voter who gave FDR their votes in that time of crisis had the hindsight of even Truman's era, they would have shot that cousin' fuckin' commie cripple and his dyke wife before he even ran for office.
Isn't it partly JFK's fault for trusting Johnson in the first place?
>LBJ signed civil rights, which was a bad thing
>LBJ stonewalled civil rights, which were a good thing