Whilst living in South Africa...

Whilst living in South Africa, Gandhi was upset that the British colonialists would treat Indians living in South Africa as second class citizens; ultimately on the same scale as Africans themselves. Gandhi disagreed with this and thought Indians should be respected more at the very least, be treated with respect as if they were Englishmen themselves.

He thought that the Africans on the African continent should have been genocided and Indians should have repopulate the population.

Was he onto something? Would Africa be better today if what he envisioned came true as to what we see now in Africa?

some say he was a puppet

To whom?

All racism is based on an inferiority complex.

Im a white south African and I feel indians were treated unfairly.
Although since apartheids dissolution they have been vastly more successful then blacks so I guess it doesn't really matter.

How do Blacks treat Indians and other non-Black non-Whites in SA? Here in America our Blacks violently despise all other non-Whites.

varies, For the most part Indians (and indeed all racial groups) are quite insular, so there isnt much overlap. When talking about blacks in SA you sort of have to think of them as 2 separate populations, Rural and Urban. Rural blacks (which make up a huge part of the overall pop.) are so often sub-human in-terms of intelligence that i wont address them. As for Urban I'd say its one of moderate animosity. No real hatred (as with whites) but they will resent anyone who is more successful then them.

Indians on the other hand are definitely more racist to blacks.

it would be just as shitty if not shittier

>Here in America our Blacks violently despise all other non-Whites.
Um excuse me?

t. Blackman great friends with other non-whites

>Im a white south African and I feel indians were treated unfairly.

They aren't white they don't get treated right. Simple as that. Only reason you say they were treated unfairly is because you are failing to see Gainsaid in the lens of white Saffers back then

Indians not Gainsaid lol.

Poor blacks and poor whites do not like any other races. Successful blacks are usually in middle and upper class residential areas that are predominantly white. Unsuccessful whites are sequestered to rural white or urban black areas. The hispanics have whole fucking towns to themselves in some parts. It blows my mind.

It's stuff liek this were you see that people tend ot insert the stuff into now into the history of the past.

In South Africa the colonial state before independent SA put up discriminatory laws (and constantly shifting the enfranchisement qualifications higher to exclude more non-whites) because they feared that economic and educational empowerment that came with development would mean that the privileged position of whites in South African society would be lost to the Black and Coloured masses.

Rhodesia banned Indians because Indians would swamp Rhodesia if it accepted Indian migration and instantly become a minority (several pre-South African states banned Indians before) because of the small number of whites there. Looking at British East Africa (BEA) Indians did amazing in comparison with whites BECAUSE the laws that shat on Blacks didn't apply to Indians or were nerfed in intensity and impact if it targeted them. Indians were the ones that travelled deeper into BEA and did commerce with Africans which in turn led to more of them adopting wage labour to be able to purchase Indian goods (turns out giving Africans a reason to earn wages beats forcing them to work for it just like every other people in the world...who knew). Indians who were banned from owning land meant that they had to go into other fields. Fields that paid more in the long run and could expand farther rather then whites who got land then went into cash crops and fooled around because Blacks were barred from competing vs whites in any way with farming so they had a monopoly.

Basically the BEA colonies accidentally turned Indians into a group that could contest Europeans in the 1920's!

>Poor blacks and poor whites do not like any other races.

Not really the case. Middle/upper class whites were the ones that sperged out on Blacks.

Well he was right evidently.

>He thought that the Africans on the African continent should have been genocided and Indians should have repopulate the population.

Psot the quote.


Ghandi never advocated for the killing of anyone.


And compared to whites Disdain are richer and more well off then white Kenyans who mostly just really on are comparable due to the legacy of the colonial state .

The only good thing about the British puppet Gandhi had was that even he hated niggers

>dude I'm a pedophile lmao
>dude the jews should have went into the ovens willingly lmao
>dude I hate black people lmao
Why is this guy loved again?

fuck """india""" hopefully PAK cleanses these dirty pagans with atomic fire, God (PBUH) willing



Ah, holocaust advocate here.

do you have real quote on discourse ?

He's loved much more by orientalist liberals than by the average Indian especially now that the BJP is in power