Can you guys remember there was so much FUD for a 50m MAC coin?

neither can I!

Actually I think there was for BAT on here at least. But same circumstances pretty much. People were very salty they missed out on the token sale so they tried their hardest to fud the tokens lower. Same thing happening here and it actually brings me great joy as a 75-76er

>Scam ICO
>1 Dev
>RoR (kek)
>Confirmed never going on new exchanges
>Below ICO by 17%
>"muh oracle problem"

You LINK tards are honestly the most pathetic bunch on Veeky Forums. Has your depression not spun you out of control yet? Those bags are only going to get heavier.

i always laugh at the dumbfucks shilling and fudding on Veeky Forums. as if it would make an significant impact on the market. literally underage retards circlejerking all the time. there are some gems tho but 1 out of 100 threads maybe

what I find so amazing is the cohesiveness of LINK's market cap. it's why I just bought 100k.

Yes yes we heard the "only 2 Devs" meme lol.

i have 15k link. but look. I watched that youtube video of sergey talking in SF. And honestly it sucked. watch the end with him answering questions, he couldnt answer a single one. he sounded like a dumbass actually. It just seems like we're all following sci fi losers into these coins. Hope im wrong but shit, it just wasnt good

>Below ICO by 17%

wait... do people think the price that it hit EtherDelta at was the ICO price? LOOOOL

nice copy pasta FUD, faggot

link. now

I totally agree man, I had to sell all of my LINK after realizing that they will never release a product.

They also said they will not be adding LINK to any new exchanges because this is not what Chain Link is intended for. Total scam coin getting pumped by Veeky Forums pajeet shills.

kys fudders.

>Can you guys remember there was so much FUD for a 50m MAC coin?

That's actually a good point. You'd only bother if you were a saltmaster upset about the ICO or a fag trying to buy in lower.

This 100%

People act for reasons. When I read the FUD I ask myself WHY, and WHAT motivates someone to dedicate so much time to shitting on a coin that by all measures has a very modest marketcap. I don't see any other explanation than 1) jealousy that they didnt get the ICO which leads to bitterness or 2) wanting to get in but at a lower price before it trades on more than EtherDelta.

Just my 2cents

I'm waiting for LINK to plummet as soon as the initial hype buy train wears off. Look at what happened when BAT went public on Bittrex, went straight to 11k SATs and dropped down to 3.5k sats over time. Hasn't gotten back to that 11 high again since.

BAT and LINK have a similar marketcap and a both have quite the development path ahead.

So bat is around 230M Market Cap?
Confirmed x4 left? I take that every day. Stay poor faggy

It is funny, but I think a lot of newer people do buy into it. It's hard not to let it invade your subconscious if you look at it long enough. Oh well, most of us know better and fuck the new guys, they gotta learn somehow.

BAT was sold for like $0.03 in ICO. Then it went up to around ~$0.30 then settled around $0.10-0.15. Now it's at $0.20 or around 6.6x ICO price. Are you saying 660% in 3 months is bad?

And yes I measure in USD because when I pay my fucking mortgage I pay in USD. When I go to the grocery store to buy food I pay in USD. USD is what matters. USD is love USD is life.

I've never felt so fucking alive

Are you that nigger from yesterday that said he was gonna start spamming the word 'cohesiveness'?

You are wrong user. It's adoption matters not really the tech.

Nobody uses Brave browser. I actually tried using it for months and I'm sick of it crashing constantly on my new 3k laptop. The one good thing about it is that it allegedly stops advertising spam and now you are telling me marketers can now buy BAT to bypass the only good feature of the Brave browser!? Just LOL.

On the other hand you have an international banking organisation that is such a big player it is literally used to put sanctions on other countries and chainlink is already confirmed to be actively collaboratinf with them, none of that OmiseGO pretend shit with corporate logos on skateboard shit.

Adoption matters, adoption by the right corporations, not BS ones like fucking Firefox.

Oh it's def whales coming in here and fudding. I put a buy order at the too of the book on etherdelta and in 5 seconds a better buy order came in above me for .0003 ETH. Like total suppression until it moves to bigger exchanges. I'm so fucking hard thinking about it. The more they fud the more I precum.


>203m market cap
>52m market cap
Absolutely kill yourself.

It's a decentralized Ripple that has the potential to change contract law as we know it.

There's going to be some resistance on the way to the top, a lot of people have a vested interest in inferior products.

The price was even 0.00032 for the presale.

But you trade in btc. Trading while thinking in dollar value is going to hurt you

I fud just to fuck with newcoiners and pussies. Weak hands deserve to be poor.