>After watching the "Lives of Others"
Pinochet was right.
After watching the "Lives of Others"
Other urls found in this thread:
that milf is too hot, the commies are too fucking rude :(
>yet another Pinochet thread
No serious person thinks that communist barbarity is a good thing, we just don't think right-wing barbarity is any better.
Communists are not human. Not saying that the Nazis or the right wing were better or that they aren't fucked up either but just proves that they aren't even human. Fucking commies ruining someone's acting career. One of the few communists ruined by the Stasi that I would try to convince Pinochet not to give him a helicopter ride because he already suffered enough under the inhumane communist regime.
> Communists are not human. Not saying that the Nazis or the right wing were better or that they aren't fucked up either but just proves that they aren't even human. Fucking commies ruining someone's acting career. One of the few communists ruined by the Stasi that I would try to convince Pinochet not to give him a helicopter ride because he already suffered enough under the inhumane communist regime.
>Loves getting cucked by both the Stasi and now by Islam!
Pinochet did the exact same thing that this movie depicts you /pol/ retard
You could have had a nice thread about East Germany but you had to shit it up with your alt-autism
t. Augusto
DINA also sent death threats to a US congressman and blew up a car bomb in Sheridan circle.
Why are people here so obsessed with Pinochet?
It's /pol/ autism flooding the board again.
He put commies in their place
Because Chile is No1 HDI on their continent and Venezuela is No 2 from the bottom.
Thats because of communism
>Lower HDI than fucking Poland
>Lower GDP per capita than fucking Poland
>Africa-tier social inequality
I still don't see a reason for the dictator-worship.
So this is the power of libertarian economics...
>when commies are reduced to quoting Wikipedia weasel words for their non argument
>weasel words
but where are the proofs???
Was Pinochet white?
>economic policy is weasel words.
Latin American dictators are pretty shit tier desu. At least be obsessed with Franco and Petain or something.
It's not the richest nor the safest that chart is some major bullshit
t. chilean
He was of Basque descent iirc.
I kind of disagree on Pinochet being 'shittier' as if we are going to compare Pinochet to Jose Videla or to Alfredo Strossener or the dictators that ruled in El Salvador or Rios Montt. Pinochet didn't commit whole scale genocide with Rios Montt did in Guatemala during his short but bloody reign.