>You will hear from us by the end of the week, we assure you. We will definitely call you back.
You will hear from us by the end of the week, we assure you. We will definitely call you back
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually just had one today where he said he will call me back middle of next week. I feel like it went well though because it lasted a really long time. Please kek let me work this job and show my worth.
Kek will not allow this to pass. Check em'.
nice, now make a 3rd post NEET
That's shitty of them, user, I'm sorry. You'll find something soon. Don't get too down.
Dubs say you ain't getting the job.
Thank you user. Are you a girl?
I'll bet you $10,000 or 1 LINK token I do get it.
i had a guy just see my resume (i'm severely overqualified for most positions within my field but have been NEET) today and immediately hire me. no interview, no application. it was wonderful. i start next week. feels good honestly
I'm sorry user. If it makes you feel better, and trust me it should, the job I have is severely strenuous physically and mentally for little compensation. Enjoy yourself while you can.
>apply at Sonic for a part time summer job
>manager tells me to my face, "You have the job. Expect a call soon for details about training."
>one week passes by
>no call
>two weeks pass by
>no call
>one month passes by
>still no call
I've never eaten at a Sonic since. Luckily I got a job elsewhere that summer but that incident still pisses me off.
It's pure suffering. I want a job where I can learn things and have a purpose.
Join the military or if you want all the hardship for none of the fringe benefits or social capital, join a conservation corps
I'm in Canada and it's much more selective than the US though I wouldn't get in
you have so many opportunities if you arent weak. tree planting and firefighting
. what type of job are you going for?
Wagecückold jobs. This one in particular was data entry.
> military
> selective
There is not a country on earth whose military doesn't take fuck ups. The military is precisely the institution that does two things: takes acute fuckups and turns them into functional human beings, or gives chronic fuckups a place where they can be put to work permanently.
Yes yes, I've heard it all before. I'm in australia and they try on the same "we only want quality candidates" bullshit, which is completely the opposite of material reality where the ranks of infantry and tank drivers are full of *literal* high school drop outs.
They have what amounts to an IQ test. You do the IQ test, and the little list of jobs you get at the end is what they will consider you for. Of that list, there is probably at least 2-3 jobs at any given time that are "high priority" of which if you stick your hand up for, you will be a shoe in for. The rest they will still accept, but you might go on a waiting list.
It is that simple, there is no such thing as a selective military when it comes to entry level jobs, it simply does not work that way. To get rejected from the military you have to be an actual fucking retard, blatant mental illness or a criminal record, and they are usually willing to overlook at least one of these.
It pays well, provides a shittons of benefits, free tuition etc. We also dont have too much of a military budget so we don't just accept literally anyone like the US.
Based on that I understand it's very selective
Next time:
Call back before Friday
Say that you enjoyed the interview process, and were very keen to work with them. Also ask if there is anything you can do to improve your chances to get the job.
Most jobs go to friends/existing staff, and interviewers see so many people and don't care, they just want to impress their own boss. If they think you will make them look good, you're in... so that is what you need to do. Be a bit pro-active.
yes, that is to a T the same bullshit that is proscribed in Australia.
I am telling you, it is patent bullshit. There is not a functioning military on earth that is "selective" about filling it's enlisted ranks for jobs that QUITE LITERALLY only require a year 9 education.
This would be different if you were actually trying to get a job in the military that requires some level of prestige or has extremely limited slots (such as a direct entry SF program), but if you are in the position you describe yourself as being in, this is not you.
You are giving yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy, you don't "understand" anything, you assume much but have no actual idea. Just go fucking contact a recruitment center already. If you manage to put aside your "im special and have special considerations" bullshit for long enough, you might be shocked when you turn up and are surrounded by actual fucking losers who are also getting jobs in the military
This sounds like a good idea thank you I will incorporate it into my routine
Man I went to a recruitment centre when I was 17. The woman there was so rude with me that it left a horrible taste in my mouth. She basically ignored my questions and made the most disinterested face possible to anything I said. Maybe it was a bad recruitment centre but it was the worse experience I've had at any interview ever and this was merely suppose to be a cheerful and encouraging event.
>Man I went to a recruitment centre when I was 17. The woman there was so rude with me that it left a horrible taste in my mouth. She basically ignored my questions and made the most disinterested face possible to anything I said. Maybe it was a bad recruitment centre but it was the worse experience I've had at any interview ever and this was merely suppose to be a cheerful and encouraging event.
oh jesus, and so what? This is a skill you have to learn to be a functioning adult; dealing with cunty people, dealing with mean people, dealing with people who just don't fucking like you
The military is either hiring for a position or it isn't. The chances are overwhelming in your favor for the vast majority of listed positions, and if they are indeed hiring, you will be hired, irrespective of what any interviewer or secretary's attitude is, or even if she personally thinks you're an ugly hapless useless cunt. Her opinion does not matter, a secretary is a secretary, a recruiter is a recruiter and a psychologist is a psychologist.
I've been through this process, so its not like im blowing smoke up your ass. I went to join the military 5 years ago, i was a fuck up just like you. Psychologist gave me a bunch of shit about my spotty employment history and tried to rattle me. Big deal, I still made it through because of what i said above, her personal opinion of me is simply not considered, nor my feelings about her or how ive been made to feel, for that matter.
I didn't end up joining because i found other things, but point of fact, I made it through and I was sold the same bullshit you have been sold "its hard to get in these days" "we're very selective" "the army is a great job with great benefits, tax free pay, healthcare and tuition benefits, we will only accept the best" bzzzt infantry has and always will be filled with high school dropouts with a penchant for violence. bzzt tank drivers are literal mouthbreathers. Bzzt, mechanics are 95 iq monkeys, etc
Well okay then user I guess I'll give it another try then.
yes, just do it man. You have literally nothing to lose by applying (except your freedom if you get in, kek) and any entry level position in the military is significantly better than any entry level job on the market available to someone with no experience and no education
It just also seems like everyone is old AF in the forces too. I looked at the subreddit for Canadian Forces for a while and apparently average age in basic training is like 30 srs
Got an interview today and spilled spaghetti, too bad it was easy work for 15$/hr