Taxed when you earn,
Taxed when you spend
Taxed when you earn
Other urls found in this thread:
>Taxed when you don't even earn but just move your money from one asset to another
>Taxed on things that are required by law for you to have
>Taxed for being taxed
Merchant memes inc
>get taxed
>get shot
>get bullet tax
you dont have to do this senpai
That's one for you 19 for me...
>taxed when you die and pass on whatever wealth you accumulated to your children
>taxed when you own a car (licensing stickers)
the list goes on.
>buy food at the store to surive
>loaded with sugar and poison
>pay kosher tax
>get taxed for giving myself cancer
>go bankrupt
Fuck I hate tax.
>Oh you earn more money?
>Gimme dat.
>Your parents died and left you money they already paid taxes on?
>Gimme dat.
>You are successful and earn more than €60000?
>Gimme fucking 55% of dat.
>I'm entitled to someone's money just because I came from their cum
I'm going to owe like $10k in unpaid taxes at the end of this year if I don't make anymore money from this point :[
>I'm entitled to someone's dead parent's money because the state stole it from them and gave it to me while calling it "welfare"
>Buy mars bar.
>Pay 21% vat on mars bar.
>Not hungry anymore.
>Bob you want a mars bar?
>Government demands 50% inheritance tax from Bob.
It's retarded. And no I am not entitled to anything. It's called a will, they chose to leave it to me. And they already paid taxes out of the ass.
They only tax you, if you file taxes.
And then you pay court n lawyer fees fighting it when they audit you.
Ya buddy let me get that freedom.
If they didn't do all that, then people could take advantage of the system to not pay taxes by moving money around in stupid ways. It's just closing loopholes.
How about just don't tax stupid amounts
They will find out and it's creepy as fuck.
My girlfriend knew she owed taxes. But tried to avoid it by not filing taxes in April. Then she got a letter. It wasn't like it said you owe us $500, It was like some mafia threat. It basically stated "we know you owe us so you better file your taxes if you know what is good for you"
nope its more than that fucko, it's about lineage, family name, genetics.
don't reduce it down to just cum and an egg the size of a grain of sand.
the jews have brainwashed you into thinking there is no meaning in this empty void.
Explain in detail your reasoning for why the amounts are stupid. Why are the numbers wrong, according to you, other than "I feel like they're too high"
>Benefiting from the existence of roads when you sell your product to anyone
>Benefiting from the existence of welfare when you sell your product to anyone who earned the money they used to buy your product through an industry supported by the welfare money of welfare recipients
>Benefiting from the existence of government regulations when you can safely purchase business building supplies from other companies and know that you will get a decent quality part or else there are ways to be compensated through court to make up from it
they can only audit you if you don't file and they see a discrepancy, or if you do file and they still find a discrepancy.
the key is to get paid in cash but rarely will employers or clients allow this.
you would need to own a business that accepts cash only. this is what chinese and vietnamese do in the usa with their noodle shops and nail salons. then they under report their earnings but not in a major way that would raise red flags.
so you only get audited if you don't find crafty jewy ways to reduce your tax liability.
zog believes in survival of the fittest, and the jews want you to be as smart as them in being able to get around taxes, but if they catch you then you aren't "fit" and smart like them so you are punished with fines.
>i worked hard to provide for my children but i deserve to have half taken by the government even though my income was already taxed when i made it
>forces you to pay for services you never asked for or agreed to on the grounds that they somehow benefit you
>will imprison you if you don't pay
at last i truly see
Thank goodness I live in a state without sales tax. That's some bullshit. Can't buy a product that's advertised for .99 cents with a dollar. You have to bring 2 dollars or a dollar and change.
>taxed when you live
>taxed when you die