Was Muhammad a pedophile?

Was Muhammad a pedophile?

By modern standards yes

Ibn kathir has wrote in the Sirah (which is a stronger source than the hadith) that Aisha was married at 19, so no.

>Ibn Kathir
14th century Islamic writer.


Everyone was a pedophile until 20th century.

Do we really need this thread every single day?

Do we really butthurt muslims and leftists defending their pedo-prophet?


really need*

It was a political marriage

Still considered more accurate by most scholars.

Look they skin. We

Age of consent is completely arbitrary anyway. How do you define when a child becomes an adult?

Age of consent age of adulthood

>which is a stronger source than the hadith
Blatant lie.

Also, she was married to him when she was 9 according to Ibn Kathir. GTFO you lying cunt.


He likes lolis

Yes, he was a pedophile
Also, you can't judge anyone else in history by modern conceptions, especially americans

You son of a whore delet this or u will b kill

Muhammad was a strong man. the weak man feared him.

All men were in those times pretty much.
pedophilia is a new age concept. And only imposed on the normal men while the elites get off from snorting coke of 10 year olds behind etc.


name 5 things wrong with having a loli wife

>have nine wives including a loli wife that you fuck every night
>get your followers to do whatever you say because you tell them god said so
>be a famed warlord and conquer vast territories
I'm not even a muslim and I still think he lived a perfect life.


Yes. Ahe fucked kiddies. He is a pedophile.

Of course.

By our standards, yes. Then again, it was common practice until the 20th century in many parts of the world.

Tired meme

We need to crush the stigma around pedophilia. Pedophilia is a social construct and love is love

Sahih al bukhari 5158 and 3896

>Google it and look it up


>I'm not even a muslim and I still think he lived a perfect life.

i am not sure there are a lot of prophet which god find a solution to break rule to make mohamet happy all the time.

>By modern standards

Nonsense, he may have been powerful enough to get away with it but even by the standards of the time, he was a pedo.

Hadiths aren't reliable historical records, they often contradict both empirical datas and commandments preached by the Quran. Abandon the Hadiths.

Delete this before I give you a taste of my shoe

All men are pedophiles, so what does it matter?

You shouldn't judge anyone in history by modern standards.

Coming from someone who thinks the middle east would be better of if everyone there was gone.

he actually had a thing for old ladies
The loli was mostly a political marriage

Until they admit it.

The thing you retards forget that is that Muslims still think he was a paragon of virtue, therefore pedophilia is A-OK in their eyes.

His first wife who stayed with for more than 20 years was 40 years old when he married her and he was 25. How was he a pedo?
That marriage was political

He still consummated at 9

He had to.
You know in Muslim countries you have to show a cloth stained with blood from the hymen as proof of a pure marriage?

And where did this muslim practice originate from.

Probably not.
There is no solid evidence for Aisha's age as 6 at marriage and 9 at consummation. We don't really know hold she is, but some estimates put her in her teens during marriage and consummation.
It was politically useful for later hadith writers to make Aisha a loli, since it confirmed her virginity. Muhammad's first wife was a widow.