This guy walks into the club and strips away all your rights, treats you like a third class citizen, and taxes you

This guy walks into the club and strips away all your rights, treats you like a third class citizen, and taxes you.
What do?

Continue to be the wealthiest people on earth.

>literally just make money for you like doge coin on steroids
>join freemasonry
>overthrow Britain by Alliance with France lmao
>cause French Revolution lol

laugh at his pathetic attempt to become me

But that's George III. He was quite chill and willing to seek dialogue. Not that British monarchs could do much after the Glorious Revolution anyway.
Also tea act made the tea in the 13 colonies cheaper. I just want to point it out because a couple months ago I saw a meme that apparently became quite popular that implied that people were taxed too much. It was about principles.

Revolution was never about taxes.

It was about how colonists were being denied basic rights that British citizens were supposed to be guaranteed.

Tea was just a meme

So instead of talking things out and bringing their issues to the parliament they rebelled and killed innocents. What a bunch of cunts.

parliament refused to hear them and dissolved the colonial assemblies in return. so....

Yeah British rights like being subject to the laws the crown had authorised pass through both houses

Shoot him, of course.


Slip the Prince Regent a pound of tobacco to make sure he has an "accident."



Don't blame the King, he had very little say in the matter.

If anyone's to blame it's Lord Frederick North, PM from 1770-1782

>Britbong education

I'd be a lot more in awe of him if he wasn't so fucking ugly

Buy a guillotine.

The petitioned both the king and Parliament. The king refused to read their letter and declared them rebels

They're still anglo at heart and cannot defy their savage nature

Take his nigger slaves for myself

>strips away all your rights, treats you like a third class citizen

But King George never did that

>and taxes you
Imagine that, civilized people paying taxes. What a crime.

Just as not a thing should exist there should be nothing but black and nothingness the simple fact that we are here proves anything is possible so therefore I pray and ask any higher intelligence in any realm of existence to let me have the power to rule over the people who have ruled over me all my life and I do so solemnly pledge to make the Devil look like a Sunday school teacher or God or even everything good known to exist combined because no one in the entire known existence has thought of the things that I will put these cuck sucking mother fuckers through although one thing is certain if I get my wish or prayer granted they will sure as we are here wished that they would have treated me better

He would not do such a thing to anyone even if he had to deal with the worst kind of colonial scum

>People still think that George III was some crazed despot when he was in reality a good King who loved and was loved by his people

Thanks America

>region across the fucking ocean has been running autonomously since pretty much day one
>try to assert direct control
>get incensed when it doesn't work
>keep trying and failing anyway
>ignore calls for peace and negotiation
>try to stomp the peasants and get Frenched in the ass instead
>btfo by a bunch of farmers
>whine about it two centuries after
What a glorious empire it was.

Here we go again...

>try to assert direct control

>George III
>Ultimate Weak man
>ends up creating good times for america, not the uk

Pretty much what I'd be spouting if I was a monarch.

Because he had told them he backed parliament

Taxing people, shutting down their harbors, and stationing an army in their homes is not asserting direct control? No wonder Brits are so cucked.

>Colonists start a war that costs thousands
>end of war Britain has less debt than France but harder to pay it back
>decide taxes on the colonies should be increased as those not smuggling stuff in are surely loyal subjects
>oh they destroy private property because of the increased tax to artificially lower the price to pre tax levels
>say they are subjects of the crown not of parliament
>crown says parliament passes laws with his consent, ergo parliaments laws are his laws
>give up this protest and just declare independence, using your former enemies, the French, who killed thousands of your people, as a buffer
>inability to pay debts leads to an end of the war
>creation of this nation increases the shelf life of slavery by many a year
>hundreds of years later the descendants of your black bastards claim this revolution was beautiful and glorious

>is king through napeolonic era thus ensuring Britain's rise to world power
That's not direct control, direct control would be British ministers replacing all of your elected officials, you had increased garrisons not martial law

The Boston Tea Party was literally a protest over a tax cut for a state-sanctioned monopoly which was totally going to screw over local markets.

Don’t let Teapiglicans teach you history, they don’t know shit

Explain how Brits restricting colonial trade, fucking up their livelihoods, and using colonists as pawns in European wars they have no stake in is okay. I mean, sure, tax them, but the moment you fuck with someone's ability to make money through artificial contrivances, you are asking for a bad time.

Garrisons against what? The colonists already fought and won King Philip's War with almost no help from Britain. The French were removed from North America after the Seven Years War. The army stationed in the America's was an occupation force.

>restricting colonial trade
OH NO they couldn't buy from other states, almost like that was the era of mercantilism not free trade
>pawns in European wars
Just no
>no stake in
Besides British goods being cheaper and more land, less tax and other things
>fuck with someone's ability to make money
But mercantilism had been the thing since day 1
Look at the original charters they were given
Garrisons to fight rebels and other ner'do'wells, and yes possibly the French if the conquered Québécois rose up

>t. Nigel al-Londoni

Has an American ever explained why their revolution was a cause for good

Has a Brit ever explained why their perfidy was ever a cause for good

"btfo by a bunch of farmers " and two national army :)

After the Glorious revolution supremacy of Parliament became commonly accepted in England.

the principle was never commonly accepted in the colonies.

>Colonists start a war
Already wrong, Brits ignored or rejected all attempts to avert conflict that the colonial leaders sent their way.

The British did try to install their own governers and customs officials. who they intended to have all the real power.

Yes it kept European culture separate and not one grey blob thus allowing works of art to take inspiration from all
And three national navies
WRONG, the king had to answer to parliament but he was still supreme, the Whig junta showed the king could continue with unceasing war
I'm talking about the 7 years war you knob, which led Britain to the sad state of taxing its colonists, and far more so to its subjects on the mainland
>all the real power
Yes because once parliament had installed them they could never be swapped out, it was never going to be long term only once the colonies understood why they must abide by these terms

>It was about how colonists were being denied basic rights that British citizens were supposed to be guaranteed.