ITT: Shit that normies say wrong about history.
>Nobody was crueler than the Nazis in WWII
>Serbs are decendants of Alexander the great
>Guy Fawkes was a hero as he stood up for what he believed in
ITT: Shit that normies say wrong about history.
>Nobody was crueler than the Nazis in WWII
>Serbs are decendants of Alexander the great
>Guy Fawkes was a hero as he stood up for what he believed in
Other urls found in this thread:
>french revolutionaries fought for freedom
>the protestant reformation was a good thing
>nazis killed everyone who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes
>the american was of independence was justified
>classical liberalism is good but contemporary liberalism is bad
>most negative things about spain (they murdered a gorrilion natives and heretics, etc.)
>>Nobody was crueler than the Nazis in WWII
Replace that with
>The nazis were pretty bad but the soviets were even worse
Why do wehraboos love whataboutism so much when communists wrote the book on it? I thought they hated communism
Learn ro read you fucking retard
thats not what normies say, they dont care about those things, angry manlet virgin
I know I shouldnt by into the bait, but if I see 1 more retard on pol talking about how much better Germanys technology was, Im gunna lose it.
Germany in WW2 I meant
They say that when history is somehow relevant in between talks of how much weed and beer they can chug down at once and how many cocks they sucked last night.
They weren't worse.
>that communism works, it just hasnt been tried properly yet
Actually kill yourself
They don't seem to understand war economy at all
>hitler just needed more time
No, the reason he was an imperialist asshole was because it was either A) annex resources or B) fall back into another recession. I don't have a sauce so please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Germany's debt like 60% of its GDP right before the war?
Literally nobody says Serbs are descendent of Exander
Literally everything he posted is a valid response
Fuck off scum
>Guy Fawkes was a hero as he stood up for what he believed in
What sort of disgusting Papists are you associating with that you actually here this?
Its a very normie thing to portray GF as a hero who was executed fpr what he belived in. Personally i blame things like V for Vendetta and such.
>The United States won the Mexican-American war
Soon the Gringos will see our true power.
Maybe the Nazis method weren't so curel as Japs in Asia but their Ideology
>You are not born as German so you have no right for live
was really fucked up
what did he mean by this?
>classical liberalism is good but contemporary liberalism is bad
this one is right. generally the philosophies of the enlightenment are GOAT
>>Serbs are decendants of Alexander the great
Never seen this being written or heard being said by any normies ever.
OP is probably from Serbia/ some other balkan hole
People who say that most things in history aren't caused by
>weak men create hard times
>hard times create strong men
>strong men create good times
>good times create weak men
>Gandhi was a humanist hero
>Gandhi didn't have a weird sex thing with women
>>classical liberalism is good but contemporary liberalism is bad
What the fuck are you talking about? Classical liberalism is pro free-market and most normies are against that because "muh ebul corporations"
These aren't about history but are just opinions. And they're shit opinions at that.
60% isn't a big deal at all, the US has a deeper debt today.
Belgium at the time had a close 90% debt and was doing fine.
>Columbus was evil.
>Colonialism exploited America.
>British Empire was bloody, evil and a terrible place to live.
>White Americans were genociding Indians the same way Hitler was killing jews.
>Hitler was defeated because of the USA
>Hitler was defeated only thanks to Russians (alternatively)
>Eastern Europe is poor because muh communism
>America is evil because of participance in the Gulf Wars/America destabilized MENA region
>Colonialism exploited America
>Hitler was killing jews
>Ancient Egyptians were White/Black
>Athenians "invented" democracy
>Attila brought down the Roman Empire
>The Church prevented scientific progress in the Middle Ages
>Japan was always more prosperous than China
>Native Americans had no writing system
>Africans had no writing system
>Everybody believed the Earth was flat before the Rennaissance
>Latin America owes its independence to the USA
>Hitler was a brilliant tactician
>Tsarist Russia was doomed to collapse
>Marx/Lenin was a good guy, Stalin corrupted his ideals
>WW1 Germany was stabbed in the back by traitors
>Stalin was one of the good guys
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes
>Gorbachev was a good leader
>democracy is good
>the falklands are rightfully argentinian
>monarchy is tyranny
>the french deserve to live
>the Irish are human
>The term "democracy" first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-state of Athens during classical antiquity.[23][24] The word comes from demos, "common people" and kratos, strength.[25] Led by Cleisthenes, Athenians established what is generally held as the first democracy in 508–507 BC. Cleisthenes is referred to as "the father of Athenian democracy."[26]
>This is a list of the Greek democracies for which there is some evidence in the Archaic period, following Eric Robinson's book "The First Democracies" (Stuttgart, 1997). Note that most of them probably pre-date the establishment of democracy in Athens by Cleisthenes in 508/7 BC.
Polis/ area Date
Achaea At some point between c. 650 and c. 500 BC
Chios Probably a democracy sometime between c. 600-550 BC
Megara Probably a democracy sometime in the 6th century BC
Chalkis Possibly a short-lived democracy sometime in the 6th century BC
Mantinea Possibly a democracy sometime in the 6th century BC
Cnidus A democracy either in the 6th century or the 4th century BC
Heraclea Pontica A democracy by c. 560 BC
Cyrene A democracy from c. 550 BC
Naxos A democracy from c. 550 to 490 BC
Ambracia Probably a democracy by c. 550 BC
Argos A democracy possibly from c. 550, and definitely from 494 BC
Elis Possibly a democracy in the 6th century, and definitely in the 5th century BC
Samos Possibly a democracy in the late 6th century BC
Kos A democracy from the 490s BC
Akragas Possibly a democracy before 488, and definitely one after 472 BC
I see the eternal one dares show his face around these parts. Begone heathen, we aren't looking for trouble.
>>Japan was always more prosperous than China
who says this? i refuse to believe anyone could be that dense
>britain's wealth is built off slavery
>the world was a peaceful place until european colonialism/imperialism
>africa is poor because of slavery
>the first europeans were africans
>the first europeans were black
>chinese civilisation is 5,000 years old
>china was more advanced than europe until the 16th century
>china contributed greatly to science and technology
>maori have lived in new zealand for thousands of years
>rome adopted christianity in the first century
>st george was turkish
>nobody outside the borders of modern greece is descended from ancient greeks
>italians are all descended from romans but nobody else is
>the english are celtic
>the english are anglo-saxon
>australian aborigines are human
God save the queen
Well said.
>Stalin was worse than Hitler and communist dictators always are the worst
le epik meme XDDD!!!
>hard times are not created by weak men.
>le aborigines aren't le human meme
Let me guess, you just read babby's first AmRen article and consider yourself a "race realist" who's "redpilled" on "politically incorrect" """truths"""?
but user
I'm sorry m8, but I know a few. They're knowledge of Japan and China is almost exclusively post Pearl Harbor. They watch anime and while whilling to admit that China is surperior militarily and economically now, they refuse to awknowlege it as a cultural powerhouse and counteract claims with "muh samurai"
Wait just a damn second, could it be...
He was probably hinting that """"macedonian"""" shithole country (FYROM). A lot of them seem to be aware that they aren't really kangz but some of them were just raised from a young age by subhuman parents that brainwashed their children into thinking they are their own race and all descendants of Alexander. Propaganda and brainwash are god tier in that country.
>WW1 Germany was stabbed in the back by traitors
This is true.
>550 before 508
>Hitler was a brilliant tactician
Exactly how fucking retarded are normies?
>>the american was of independence was justified
t. Nigel
Kill yourself
I'll be waiting. Thanks for cleaning my house btw, my room looks great but I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop stealing all the quarters out of my change jar.
>most people thought the earth was flat until columbus proved them wrong
>the pilgrims were the first europeans to come to the americas
>the french have never won a war
>constantine the great compiled the bible and made christianity the roman state religion
That's true though.
fuck off to reddit
ebin :^)
>>Serbs are decendants of Alexander the great
normies don't know serbs exist.