Did Nazi Germany really cause an irreparable damage on the reputation of any right-wing movements after WWII?
Did Nazi Germany really cause an irreparable damage on the reputation of any right-wing movements after WWII?
Yes. Being considered an unironic nazi is barely a step up from being a pedophile.
Not irreparable since the US republicans are now openly proclaiming support for both the Nazis and the Russian commies.
Hitler and the nazis were an inside job to ruin right-wing movements in the western world. Hitler was actually a Marxist.
Why do edgy kids find Nazism interesting ?
Yes nazis were strong men
Nowadays we mostly have weak men who try to tarnish the strong man's reputation
>nazis were strong
>gets defeated and killed
>their supporters raped and hunted
Cult of personality, and the what if's
It's worse in most people eyes, a lot of people consider Pedophilia to be a mental issue and have sympathy or some shit.
That dosen't extend to convicted child molesters, no one felt any sympathy for Jimmy Sav
The nazis lived in a time of strong men yet they created a society of weak men by accident
why people keep spouting off this whole "strong men, weak men" bullshit?
>The whole world wages war against germany again because they are too cowardly to risk loses, once they win they become savage barbarians and force the remaining germans into complete emasculation.
>"nazus wer nutt strunk becuase they lost kwk"
Fits their dumbass narrative
Because it is? Nobody chooses to be a pedophile. Once you actually harm children, it is another story though.
I have seen this narrative being used for some other group before
>strong men
>subverted and defeated by weak men
Nazis is the most demonized ideology.
You've got it backwards.
The right's continuing obsession with the criminal prole-socialist regimes of the Interwar period is the main thing holding it back today. If you want effective pro-White government, go further into the past than the 1930s.
For good reason.
>they are too cowardly to risk loses
Or maybe the Nazis shouldn't have started shit with so many nations in the first place?
Nope. That's the working of the leftist Commies that prevailed in Europe post war.
Nazi's aren't even right wing. It's just the leftist narrative. "If they are our enemies they are on the right."
>Anime girl
Everything checks out
>Nazis were strong men
They were weak men who tarnished their own reputation
>Nazi's aren't even right wing.
Someone's trying to force a meme
The allies weren't weak men. They just created them.
Easy way to attentionwhore.
Yet champaigne communism is on the rise... Hmm
>all right wing movements are nazi movements
are all left wing movements communist movements?
sure why not
>Nazi's aren't even right wing
just stop
as Xavier would say, being reductionist helps no one.
>Nazis aren't even right wing
This is why his is partly shit, a lot of right wing disinformation and garbage
No, the US and western block were still pretty right wing post war. It wasn't until the hippie movement that everyone on the right was literally Hitler.
>The whole world wages war against germany again because they are too cowardly to risk loses,
What does this even mean?
Polanski admit of drugging and raping at least one young girl, there's still lots of people with sympathy for him (that's because many men did just the same but still).
>The whole world wages war against germany
Almost all of Europe waged war against France after the French revolution. The difference is that France won the war of the first coalition because unlike Germans they aren't terrible at warfare.
>Using the Napoleonic Wars as an example of victory
How'd those next 6 coalition wars turn out, Pierre?
I'm realizing that American leaders and the founding fathers were better at being white nationalist NatSocs than Hitler. Whether you're right or wrong is irrelevant if you can get away with it, see: the Turks. Hitler was right in theory but was a dipshit in implementing it, the hardcore American leaders advocating an ethno state and breaking up the (((banks))) were able watch their nation prosper during their reign.
>The weak must fear the str-
national SOCIALIST party
it's all lies
nazis are LEFT wing
>The whole world wages war on one power after that power declares its intent to conquer the fucking planet
>Bawwww Nazis wuz good bois we dindu nuffin
This. Hitler and the Nazis were leftist SJW's.
>implying fascism isn't the greatest form of government in history
forgot pic
Is that Captain America?
Nazi Germany has given birth to many cancerous things like white guilt, neo nazism and /pol/...More particularly, you can't badmouth a Jew without people call you a Nazi.
>try to go after the 1%
>they call you an anti-semite
>ordered by all leftists and neocons to commit seppuku on the spot
Great timeline.
everything is transient, people don't know/care jack shit about taboo opinions from 100 years ago and soon enough the Nazis will fall into obscurity
5/7 of the coalition wars were won by France, which is pretty embarrassing for the coalition considering it was literally all of Europe against France.
Anti-semitism is for brainlets anyway.
You seeing the new Holocaust movie this year?
I mean that this character's face look literally like face of an actor that played Cpt. America
difference is gay sex isnt harmful to either party involved whereas child molestation/rape is
And that dumbass destroyed American demographics. Smashing the kikes is something that has to be done once every 50 years at a minimum or else they become the 1% and gradually destroy the society they leeched off of.
No, liberal atrocity propoganda was just that effective in controlling the masses. This is why governance decided ad populum is a mistake - there is an invested interest in thought control because plebs don't know how to question the narrative handed down to them.
>declares its intent to conquer the fucking planet
>This is what liberals actually believe
Stop playing video games faggot
Except gay sex is harmful to either party because they aren't being in a straight relationship , producing children, upholding the family unit, and doing what is best for the community.
Instead they choose a life of sodomy which gives them no benefit but an increased risk of rectal cancer and catching AIDS, which they then spread amongst the community because gay people rarely enter into monogomous relationships
>family unit
They won most of them.
>anything else
It doesn't really matter if you're winning the first 5/7ths of a race if the other guy passes you and wins at the end. Germany was winning pretty largely against uneven odds in the beginning too, so I don't see your point. In the end both wars were total failures that resulted in regime change and directly led to the ultimate decline of their respective nations.
>60 million
So when this meme will die?
Stalin killed less than 5 million people
Wow what a great rebuttal
>Fuck you Mom and Dad, it's 2017 okay and that means what feels good is good
>Now if you excuse me im going to go poz some negholes in the Tenderloin district
Ikr? It's even worse when people say that Hitler killed more than 200,000. Most of which were just accidental deaths due to disease or the einzatsgruppen putting down communist terrorists trying to hurt the war effort
Republicans aren’t. Far-right Trumpanzees are, though
Drumpftards sold us out to Putin and people on Veeky Forums ask if right-wing movements have been damaged...
>I can't make an argument without relying on regurgitated memes
>My existence is such a waste, please kill me fast
Yeah right, Hitler ordered the hall of cost
>Complaining about the merit of someone's argument when your argument is
How delusionally insane are you? I mean I assume you're defending homosexuality based on a naturalistic fallacy therefore trying to refute the concept of the family unit with pseud thought, so it's pretty high up there.
Then again, I can't know that because you haven't given me an argument
>top-down dictatorship where the dictator can kill you on a whim
>subordinates kill millions over the course of decades by being retarded
Stalin did order them but your argument would still be shit otherwise.
>Everyone in Veeky Forums is the same person
>Poster counter? lol what's that my phone can't shitpost fast enough
>I still have no arguments
>Because "the other guy" is a moron too I'm right by default! LOL! Check this wikipedia fallacy I misapplied because it's actually appeal to nature not naturalistic fallacy you fucking retard
Is this the height of Veeky Forums?
Ever tried to micro manage millions of people before?
>because they aren't being in a straight relationship , producing children, upholding the family unit, and doing what is best for the community.
Neither are right wing incels who spend all day spanking their monkeys to anime trap porn. Should they be “repatriated” too?
Neonazis are desperate to cannibalize all right wing movements as they have no legitimacy in the public sphere and hope to piggyback on more appealing groups. You can hear it in their phrases like "You can't be a white nationalist without being a Nazi" or "No 14 without 88". In recent years this has intensified with them trying to subvert alt right groups, which is why Nazism and the alt right are associated so often with eachother when in reality they are separate entities.
You are just taking deaths and place them on Stalin
Historians that arent butthurt or arent anti commies say that stalin killed less than 5 million people
It's synonymous you fucking moron
>The term "naturalistic fallacy" or "appeal to nature" may also be used to characterize inferences of the form "Something is natural; therefore, it is morally acceptable" or "This property is unnatural; therefore, this property is undesirable." Such inferences are common in discussions of homosexuality, environmentalism, and veganism.[2]
Which is according to the guy who coined the term.
>Imagine being such a butthurt super autists that instead of arguing points you have to call someone a newfag and engage in pure ad hominem
We are reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible. Downy? Aspie? Just dropped a lot.as a kid? I can't figure it out.
No, that's just identity politics going "right wing = nazi"
Yes, fuck off and get a wife you mgtow autists. They're vitriolic cancer who do nothing for anyone else and intellectualize their own issues. Same with homosexuals , except homosexuals are far worse.
Why do people post such shitty.b8
>I'm quoting Wikipedia to serve my non-argument
>>I still think I have self-respect
>Which is according to the guy who coined the term.
Steven Pinker is not the man who coined naturalistic fallacy. Try again.
No, mass media did.
People hated the nazis because they were fascist imperialists, not because they were le right wing.
Well, yes.
I think Hitlerism should be an entirely specific branch of National Socialism as Stalinidm was of any form of socialism.
You don't have an argument, right now we are arguing over retarded semantics even though
>You know exactly.my implications
It doesn't matter if homosexuality occurs in nature, it still isn't right. You dance around the semantics of naturalistic fallacy vs appeal to nature fallacy and call me a newfag all you want.
It doesn't make faggotry acceptable
Why don't people hate the Turks?
Oy vey but you're not allowed to have both nationalism and socialism at the same time.
>spotted the jackboot.
Must be hard going through life wishing that all the tough decisions were issued to you by he government.
>I am retreating from my failed point and entrenching in rehashed ground because I have no real argument and I'm wrong :(
At least you can admit it.
Because asia minor isn't relevant to the western world as hasn't been since the ottoman empire fell.
>Respecting authority and hierarchy is ad verecundium
Nope , everyone has a duty to uphold even the rich. If they fail that duty and betray the people then they don't get off with a slap on the wrists.
Then again, I wouldn't expect a deracinated consumers and egalitarian who has bought into neo-liberal propoganda to understand concepts like "empathy" and "duty"
What a retarded post
But they're imperialist fascists who actually genocided people and conquered land from native people.
>has a duty
>this moral Platonism
Alright you can stop the (You) farming now or you can provide and argument against why homosexuality is wrong.
Murder occurs in nature, cannibalism occurs in nature, incest occurs in nature, all manner of things occur in nature. That doesn't make them moral.
>nuh! I'm still right
Are you one of those sperglords who NEEDS the last word to fulfill his obsessive tendencies?