How will historians / pop culture in the future view ISIS? Will they replace the Nazis as the ultimate symbol of evil in the general public's imagination, or will they be more or less forgotten, like the Khmer Rouge?
How will historians / pop culture in the future view ISIS...
As long as US live, nazis will never be replaced
>Will they replace the Nazis
Lmao no
only if there would have been an ISIS caliphate stretching from Lybia to mesopotania, encompassing arabia and waging war against europe and westnorth africans.
Al Qaeda will be more remembered than ISIS, but even Al Qaeda will at best be remembered as much as the Vietcong.
ISIS might not even be in the history books. Outside of the middle East
This is retarded.
The only element of the US that talks about Nazis is when it is directly relevant to a topic, military history (since WW2 is the most relevant modern war), or Hollywood (because it sells)
Once people stop buying it, Hollywood will stop producing it.
Even that wouldn't make them replace the Nazis, they'd only replace them if they managed to become a thousand times more powerful, and that large.
Mossad/CIA Psyop to destabilize Syria, Iran, Europe, Lebanon and Turkey.
Little more than a footnote, probably not even worth a chapter in a book on the history of modern terrorism fifty years from now.
Hitler's going to remain the go to you're-worse-than until someone supplants him.
Yeah, that was what I was getting at.
10 million infidels beheaded in the desertcamps, a capable technological sector and elitesoldiers singing nasheeds while being airdropped into european capitals and we would have new Nazis.
They werent capable tho.
>Hitler's going to remain the go to you're-worse-than until someone supplants him.
Basically this
Hitler is the only leader who has committed large scale modern genocide. So until someone else does it he'll be the worse.
they are not cranking out rockets and tanks and overrunning all of their neighbors
tell that to Iraq
Commis killed stupefying amounts too but their organisation wasnt as good as that it could be compared to nazi germanys.
committing genocide against your own people has always not been considered as bad as against another group
As long as every race continues to be jealous of white people - Nazis will not be replaced
JV squad not even Muslim why do I have a boner?
Obama pls
they take their abrams?
fuck no, those sand people still don't know how to properly align the front and rear sight posts on their slavshit guns.
most of them are soviet ahah
>your own
>The Khmer Rouge targeted ethnic minorities like Chinese, Thai, Lao, Vietnamese and Cham people, with the Chinese suffering the biggest death toll (over 200,000) among the ethnic minorities, followed by the Cham, and then the Thai. The Cham suffered the biggest death toll overall. Around 100,000 Cham out of a total Cham population of 250,000 died in the genocide.
I was more implying how nobody considers Stalin or Mao worse, despite the fact that they killed significantly more.
Probably should've clarified that.
ISIS is not going away anytime soon though. In a few months they'll have to switch to a full insurgency mode, but their position in Iraq will remain quite adequate. They will be around for years to come.
damn they still have so much energy i take back what i said
Whatevee keep you sleep, bodi
it's wrong to view ISIS as a distinct entity. ISIS was the logical manifestation of processes that are ongoing to this day. There will be an ISIS 2.0 within the next 15 years and beyond if oil money keeps being poured into radical Islam
These guys don’t even have an air force or a fleet, they will definitely not be remembered as much as Nazis. How many people have they managed to kill anyway, less than 10 thousand? The number of Americans who annually die because of gun violence is larger than that.
Pol Pot’s victims were not Jewish so he is irrelevant
As overrated clowns who got BTFO.
Most people have already forgotten Taliban.
yes also there are not the problem , while islam exist these attack would never cease to happen.
Taliban are not terrorists in the same way ISIS and AQ are
Honestly their big sin was protecting Bin Laden, not for being awful people when they ruled Afghanistan
>he thinks ISIS is finished
We're only entering to a far more dangerous world, now that their "state" has been evaporated.
ISIS is to Radical Islam what a Romania would be to the whole of Nazi Germany, or even less than that.
Radical Islam will be a good contender for the new Nazi's
>ISIS is to Radical Islam what a Romania would be to the whole of Nazi Germany