> Be 30 > No college degree > Work as a contract writer > Go to the gym 5 days a week > Still live with parents > Trying to do dropshipping but no sales yet > Did the "coding bootcamp" meme > Applied to over 500 jobs for front end development > Applying now to more contract writing work > Parents and best friend say to literally get "any job" > Don't get out much > Don't network
Any older or more experienced anons ever been in a bad situation like this? I am just wondering what I could do better
> INB4 "get a job", kys, or condescending schmuckery
Grayson Peterson
by any job they mean go to the fucking local mcdonalds and start your career in the restaurant service industry
Jack Morgan
We are not meant to work a job user. Our only hope is to daytrade crypto
Hunter Gomez
What's your squat, bench and deadlift? Also you should be going 3x a week, 5x is a meme.
Elijah King
How much do you lift? You need that chad look to get a job with a coding bootcamp
Landon Sanders
Another mentor just said to focus on the tech industry and getting any job there. No one is above any job
I have about $1,000 sitting in it and not touch it for God know's how long until accidental millionaire (I remember BTC @ $200)
Bench is 275. Deadlift is 300. I usually just do lighter with more reps though.
Julian Smith
Coding bootcamps are just massive frauds with false promises. Major BS. Surprised there's no crackdowns here in CA. You'd think a more regulated state would look out for these things
Joseph Moore
You should stop going to the gym entirely. You'll never be happy while you continue putting yourself around those kinds of people. Weight lifters are some of the worst people our society has to offer. They're narcissistic, superficial, dishonest people, and often they work on their exterior to hide their broken interiors. They're shitty to the people around them, and it leads them to a place where they have no people around them who aren't shitty. My two cents. I fucking hate weight lifters and athletes in general.
Kayden Torres
>bench is almost the same as deadlift >he doesn't squat You need to fix your shit. How much do you weigh.
Colton King
Lol wew buddy. You don't sound like a salty, bitter, skinny, loser at all..
Thomas Hernandez
See, it's always about that. You value yourself and the others around you by how heavy of things you can move. You're one of them, and you'll probably never see it.
Carson Edwards
>Being healthy and strong is bad.
You should kys. Get it over with.
Andrew Cox
You mean I'm a well adjusted chad? Oh no, the horror.
Lincoln Sullivan
>all these (You)s
Grayson James
That's like going to college for 4 years and getting a common job that isn't hard to snag which pays 60k and above then laughing at neets who never did anything for themselves. Of course the neets would be butthurt. They're mad and jellouse because they could've done that But chose not to. Lifting and keeping up with your body is a healthy improvement and if you don't do anything at all not even cardio you should feel bad accordingly. Grow up.
Josiah Sanders
>3 (you)'s and you're jizzing yourself This the most attention you've got all year, huh?
Gabriel Thomas
Dude I got like 5 onscreen all at once. This thread is now about me.
Ayden Bell
>h-h-ha I was just trolling.
Austin Bailey
where do you live
i might be able to offer you a seasonal job
Gavin Cooper
It's extra juicy because one of the reasons I'm getting so many replies is you meatheads aren't used to being challenged, becuase you usually just swing around your big stupid leg arms and people shut up. But no, not here, not this time.
Robert James
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Qaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Tyler Taylor
Lol. Making his last stand in a random thread on a korean noodle recipe guestbook. This shit is sad.
Jonathan Rivera
>tfw nocoiner and fat
Jayden Edwards
I've been defeated, dude memed me out of commission. I'm gone, have your sad meaty thread.
Jacob Hughes
I've been through that except that I was 22.
>be me >2 years ago, age 22 >didn't finish college (until now) >search on how to get quick bucks over the internet >learn forex trading >doing forex started with $300 >got bored with $6/day trading forex >search more ways to earn money >read about crypto, discovered bitcoin and darkcoin (dash now) >bought 340 btc and 40200 darkcoin >bought 200 monero >bought 8000 eth for the laughs, but now realize money skele was serious >from my forex payout savings The only retarded thing I did was I didn't hold btc because I read an article (now gone) in businessinsider on why Monero will outdo btc. Only have 6btc now and 4000 monero...fuck me
Justin Roberts
Didn't he fuck some kids?
Aaron Carter
I was in the exact same situation. Except I also had a degree. >30 >no one hired me in my field >did teach myself how to code in my spare time Eventually I just decided to start my own business.
Just finding clients yourself is often easier than finding a job it seems.
Julian Stewart
>340 btc $1,291,796 USD
Carter Moore
OP sorry to hear that
your best bet might be to enlist in the army/navy
Hudson Wood
Actually i have a better idea
idc how degrading it is every night stream yourself live on chaturbate jerking off it doesnt matter who watches you as long as they pay you.
do this long enough to get a substantial amount of money to invest in cryptocurrency (the right ones not the shitcoins)
Jonathan Gray
Putting your face all over the interest masturbating for pennies is better than just enlisting, getting paid well and getting lifelong veterans benefits. Really made me think.
Lincoln Gomez
I was there. My solution was: I bought some cheese, some ham, breed and some vegetables. I made some sandwich and sell it at lunch time near some offices. The profit was good enough to keep me alive while finding a better job. A friend of mine did the same and he is now making some decent money.
That being said, that worked in my country, but I'm sure you can find an equivalent.
Cheer up, user.
Jackson Sullivan
>he thinks Chad can ever be or would ever want to be well adjusted, that Chad doesn't adjust the world to his liking I can smell the beta from here
Kayden Anderson
This is just pathetic.
Isaac Hughes
I'd tell you to get a college degree but you're too old now. Fucks sake dude you're 30, how could you let that happen? I dunno what to say to you anyway, it was pretty easy for me to find a decent job. Just, you know, get good.