Is this type of architecture ok? What does /pol think about it? This building was built recently in my hometown. I have mixed feelings about it.
Is this type of architecture ok? What does /pol think about it? This building was built recently in my hometown...
Whenever you have the time, destroy it.
It's 100 times better than anything built during the socialist era.
Context (i.e. the architecture around it) matters but I quite like that design desu senpai
What is written on that road sign? You don't get a free parking place for your car if you own an apartment in this house?
Awful. I thought you were better than this, Poland.
it could be worse but it's not good
Poland could learn to use more exposed brick while building sure, but those look really dumb. Some sort of minimalist shit that doesn't even look that good.
I love the freedom of the open road but your ignorance is showing if you think the rest of the world is even 10% as reliant on cars as America.
>I love the freedom
>mfw a subject of emu overlords is talking about loving freedom
I have mixed feelings as well, op. It's not the worst I've seen, and at least it's not a complete abomination, so I guess we'll have to be satisfied with that. At least they didn't give us the weird postmodern color palette, which makes immediate demolition the only responsible course.
it's ugly.
It looks shit but it will look really shit in 20 years from now
Dear mod, please do not bring more /pol/tards here by moving threads.
It is best if they do no know our board exists.
Pointed roofs are very important to creating good looking buildings. They're what most hideous modern architecture lack.
The kind of building weak men create
>What does /pol think about it?
Why don't you ask them?
>What does /pol think about it?
So how is this thread not deleted?
>some faggot is literally asking his imageboard for opinions on a fucking building
Why is modern architecture so boring? Every city around the world looks the same. Maybe they should take inspiration from the traditional architectural styles of the region.
I actually don't mind it. The walls look rather good, considering the weirdness, fits together well.
The roof is abominable tho, and the chimneys look like they were added after completion by using refuse shack materials.
>What does /pol think about it?
Go ask them.
The rooves are too slanty. Why is there so much space? What is it even used for? Raise the roof and it'd be better.