22 MIL USD was just bought of OMG in a flash buy. Inside trading? News will be out today?
Its happening
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Get ready
Lemme see screenshots of candles orelse I don't believe
Up 14%.
volume on bittrex was only 1792 btc
I would look more like this
sorry guys I was larping
I'm happy to tell you that the time has finally come.
All I can say is, strap yourselves in because the feeling in your gut as we leave the stratosphere can be terrifying for some.
Rip to those who sold yesterday, I'm strapped in and ready to go
You are the One, aren't you.. The bringer of information.
How was .. the train ride to Kyoto?
it didn't happen bud so don't get excited lol
just a short question,
OMG is building a own blockchain, right? Where can I find their github project and source code or something to look into?
Let's just say that a Japanese bullet train is much slower than the vehicle you are now riding in my friend.
Will I see wondrous, mythical worlds, Sensei! Will the great Wisdom of the Ancients be bestowed upon me, so that I may see before me the radiant Plasma of the Universe?
only got 360omg,
how far will i make it?
Holy shit its really fizzled out
Buy elix cucks
thanks, that I already found.
But its only the Omise-API to integrate there current payment solution not the blockchain.
I wonder if anyone searched for that before !??? Isnt it that there own blockchain omg-s value is based on.
WTF is goein on here?
Not only will the deepest wonders of this world explode into clarity before your eyes, but so too will your coffers swell and surge like The Great Ocean on the eve of a full moon.
Wisdom can not be bought, but the riches you are about to receive will bring you very close.
there was no 22 mil buy lol