Alt History Thread


Other urls found in this thread:

What happens if Carthage wins the Punic Wars?

>Russia without finland or the baltics but with almost worthless turko mongol clay
>That giant tumor in NA
>Russo-Philippine culture

I can't stop vomiting. Just end it!

How's this blob

My friend made an alt-his of that a few years ago, and it's really weird. Honestly, the further back an event is changed in an alt-his, the more room there is for divergence between then and the present day.

>Current year
>Snow niggers rapefuges invading followers of some thundershit religoin invade Christian North Africa
>The Pope in Carthage calls for helping the snowniggers
>Alexandria is literally OTL Berlin.

Define "win".

>Christianity without Rome killing Jesus
The middle eastern greeks would have become a neoatnist/buddhist fusion. No sassanid/byzantine clusterfuck so the Arabs wouldn't roll in.

>Rome killing Jesus
Jews would still exists.

But without Roman occupation and the Roman empire, it wouldn't have started and if it did, it wouldn't have spread how it did.

Lincoln survives the assassination attempt

Relationship with the south is still very strained but at least less so
Blacks are emigrated to liberia
Racial aspect of the Civil rights movement never happens just the woman vote

What do you all think of alternate I have an account and I don't really post much in terms of alt-history (mostly maps and PMs with someone I know from the site), but I was wondering what do you think of the site? I think its pretty neat. I just stay clear of their chat forums on politics/current events.

>Russian Somalia


he loved his african brothers so much he couldn't bear to see them leave

>Blacks are emigrated to liberia
How do I know you've never read anything other than an out of context quote about this

If the central powers won quickly and easily, would Austria get a slice of the colonial pie? Maybe a part of Libya?

You forgot
>white women flee the country en masse to Africa to experience culture and what a real man is like
Whitebois thinking they can ever be free from the BBC dominating their every waking moment is laughable to me and my fellow black gods, but frankly we grow tired of your antics whiteboi. Enjoy the sight of us inseminating your white bitches before we kill all y'all.

Anything that leads to a very pregnant Anne Frank

Because he was a jew

Alt version of Kaiserreich

what if every man was a king?
This might suit your fancy

>ancap utopia

Nothing really, it just becomes richer.

Anything with Habsburg survival?

Libya would go to the Ottomans with Egypt. Austria-Hungary would receive former territories in northern Italy and strategic islands in the Adriatic and Mediterranean.
Habsburgs don't survive far into the 20th century without adoption of Franz Ferdinand's federal system. I don't think victory and its spoils would keep ethnic tensions from boiling over for long.

>without adoption of Franz Ferdinand's federal system.

This is a cool idea though.

>Russian Somaliland
Real shit?

Russians know how to whip their subjects into total obedience, look at Tatarstan, Chechnia, etc. Meanwhile the Anglos couldn't control shit and got kicked out of every colony that wasn't populated almost exclusively by Anglos, like Canada and Australia.

the Germans captured the British at Dunkirk
What's next?

lol why the fuck would the spanish exchange the philippines for california. the philippines was more accessible and had better natural resources than california. and besides, the russians had no claim to some shitty southeast asian island chain, they'd be the LAST to have any interest in those islands. change it to Japan or China or the Netherlands and it makes it just a little more believable

One change that would have had far reaching effects
>Marmont doesn't betray Napoleon by giving up his forces, which was the pivotal event that made the Tsar decide to exile Napoleon rather than just force peace and allow him to maintain the throne

>the Phillipines had better natural resources than California

Lol no. More accessible and more strategically valuable at the time? Sure, definitely. But richer in the grand scheme of things? Fuck no.

Not much in the long run. The RAF still protects Britain from invasion.

what could the spanish empire have any use for boron, oil and natural gas during the fucking 19th century? coconuts, bananas, fish, crops, grain, lumber, bamboo and every other asiatic resource would have been far more useful to them especially in southeast asian trade

The Philippines' penultimate value to Spain was the China/Asian trade. Tropical products and planting American crops like Tobacco in the Philippines was a bonus.

>gold, lumber (redwoods), crops (some of the most fertile soils in the world) and a climate where they won't of malaria?

Really CA has a much better climate for most non-tropical crops, including grains, and can easily match the Phillipines for things you listed like fish and lumber, not that I think the Spanish were go8jg around the world for those. But that GOLD, man. That was what the earlier Spanish empire in the Americas was built on. Plus that gives them access to Nevada silver as well, not to mention the for trade in the north of the state. I won't deny the Phillipines as a good source for the Asian trade in the 19th century though, which was where the real money was at. The Phillipines were probably a better investment for Spain given the situation at the time. But they were not "richer" than California in any absolute natural resources sense.

I don't like samefagging and I will get some flak for this but again, what do people think of



poster of the post you replied to, agreed

Could have had peace, that's a big blow

Germany didn't want Britain


ok but why is russia divided like on the risk map

>Jagiellon Lithuanians succeed in having a heir
>they don't give in to Poland anymore
>they don't convert anymore
>in the situation of scattered Russian states, Lithuania thrives over Muscovy
>by 1500 it defeats and annexes Ryazan, Polotsk, Novgorod
>it holds out against Poland, in the same time it releases Prussia as a puppet state
>Old Prussian is being revived while ethnic Germans are being discriminated
>1600, Lithuania already is a great player in Europe
>1650, Muscovy no longer exists
>Lithuania is already conquering the Uralic Komi peoples and vanquishes the Golden Horde repeatedly
>Lithuania releases Latgalia as a mark so as to defend against Sweden
>1700, Crimeans are brought into submission and Lithuania sends Cossack hosts to invade the Ottoman Balkans
>Orthodoxy is allowed in the Lithuanian Empire, however higher taxes are levied for them
>Catholics are shunned and made to convert to Romuva
>almost the whole eastern Europe bows to Perkūnas
>1750, Moldavia and Wallachia are released from the Ottoman yoke and Romania is now formed. They are given full state rights with the condition they renounce Orthodoxy for Romuva paganism
>Poland is teased on a regular basis and there are skirmishes along the border
>1795. Poland disappears completely, being shared between Lithuania, Austria and Prūsija
>1848. Lithuania is shattered from within by uprisings, the Finnic peoples in the northeast being especially tough. Finland is released, sprawling from the Gulf of Bothnia all the way to Urals
>by 1870 Lithuania has colonised the whole Siberia, reaching the Pacific ocean
>they begin fighting against Japan over north pacific islands
>in 1905, a nazbol movement gains huge momentum stirring up revolutions all over the country
>the monarchy doesn't give in to nazbol until 1917
>by 1950, nazbol is a widespread ideology spreading all over eastern Europe

Please sincerely rate my first elaborate alt-his WorldA
It's all yours to save and spread my boi


That doesn't even make sense. The only reason Lithuanian Dutchy survived for so long is because they were under Polish protection and law.

Until 1380 (their christianisation) they were not.

By XVII century Poles and Lithuanians merged into one, Polish culture, and the differences where only administrative

Does anyone have this fine, 5-post long pasta about Trajan's conquest od America? It was first published this summer, I think.

Nvm, got it

>It's 105 AD, a lonely Roman merchant ship got lost after a storm off Atlantic coast of Iberia, their return voygae is untypically long. The ship crew manages to survive thanks to food and water as their merchandise
>After it lands, crewmen are suprised. The flora is untypical
>2 years later
>A curious Roman general in Carthago Nova hears a story of a local mad sailor, who swears he escaped a hell on Earth. He claims he and his crew landed on an unknown shore after the storm, where some demons kidnapped them, and took them to the most magnificent city he ever saw, as prisioners. His comrades were gruesomely killed in a sort of public ritual, he managed to escape, collect as much food and sweet water as possibile in the forest, build a raft and get back, using sun as navigation, after realising he was far to the west

>The general got intrgued by sailor's tale. He thought westwards from Iberia there is nothing to be found. Altough being a veteran of Dacian campaign, the general hadn't earned the fame he always wanted. If there really is a land in the west, he decided it is worth to go and take a chance of earning inmortal glory.
>The governor of Iberia was suprised by general's proposition. He asked for a ship requiring small crew, yet big enough to fit supplies for half year of journey. General was influential, so influential that the word about his extraordinary request got to emperor Trajan himself. Altough governor had doubts, he got personal order from emperor to let the general go. Trajan always seized opportunity, and life of one general, some sailors and one ship were enough to be risked for a journey that can prove do revolutionary.

>After a long journey and almost lost hope the crew came across multiple small islands. Ship sailed further west, until the sailors found a far piece of land. The mad sailor trembled in fear everytime he looked on the shore, but the general decided to go along the coast.
>Finally, they spot a sort of seaside village, and decided to explore it. From the ship they saw some people running away to a forest, deep in the mainland. They armed themselves and entered the abandoned village. What they saw inside, schocked them. The houses stored more gold than the general saw his entire life. This wasn't their only discovery. The found a teenage boy, hiding in one of the houses. There was no way to communicate with him. He shouted a lot, but the Romans never heard similar language. His looks were also strange. He had dark complection, yet his face was similar to these of merchants from the far east.
>Sailors took as much as gold as possible, and the boy as a gift for emperor. On the way back 1/4 of the crew died, including the mad sailor.
>Still, they were greeted in Iberia like heroes. They were personally received by the governor. When Trajan heard about the great return, he immadetly left for Hispalis, to meet the explorers, leaving his most important tasks behind.
>2 months later
>Emperor Trajan called 5 legions to the ports in Lusitania. What he heard from the captured boy was enough to start planning the most ambitious campaign in Roman history. The boy managed to learn basic Latin and share as much knowledge as he could, before one month after return he died from such simple sickness as flu. Apparently gold was so common in this "new world", that even slaves wore it. But gold rush wasn't the biggest factor in emperor's decision. There was a city much bigger and much powerful than Rome. It questioned the world greatness of eternal capital of Empire
>The name of this city was Teotihuacan

>Trajan summons the most brilliant engineers of the empire to make up a new ship model, that will make transport of soldiers through Atlantic much easier. Altough they show bitter rivalry to each other at start, they manager to project a new, innovative model of ship, similiar to caravel from real history
>year later ships are built, deployed, and soldiers wait in Lusitanian camps. But Trajan has one more, and the most important decision to make.
>Stay on the continent, to make sure the empire will run smoothly, or take a risk and take personally part in the most glorious war on history of Rome. He has to ask gods. And so, the sign from guts of sacrifical lamb leave no doubts. Conquest of the new world will make the emperor the most famous Roman in history

>The new land is named Quietania, after Lucius Quietus - the general that organised the first expedition there
>In 109 AD, the voyage starts. Trajan leaves the burden of running the empire to his most trusted advisors
>5 legions arrive to Quietanian coast later this year, and set a camp beat the shore. Trajan is sure that he is close to Teotihuacan, Quietus recognised the shore.
>On the landing day Romans capture few natives and interrogate them. First by officers, about the army of Olmecs, as they find their name, and the distance to the city. After gathering info. They are interrogated by common soldiers about gold. The first night there are many incidents. Most patrols sent to mainland forest disappear without a trace. Trajan knows he needs as much knowledge of the region as possible. He doesn't want Teutoburg forest to happen again. Everything changes when to the camp comes a small group of armed locals, giving signs they want to talk


>After exchange of language, Romans learn that their visitors are a small tribe harrased by powerful Olmec state with capital in Teotihuacan. Olmecs use to kidnap their people and sacrifice them to their gods. They are willing to serve Trajan if it means liberation. Romans present them to Roman art of war, to make them imperial auxilliaries. Romans also learn secrets of Mesoamerican warfare. With this knowledge, they are ready to advance. A long, jungle war begins, yet Romans manage to make progress.
>Unfortunately, in 111 AD, Trajan dies from local sickness, same as 1/8 of his army until that time.
>When he died, a regular Atlantic communication route was already established. Soldiers and colonists move to Quietania, while to Europe are brought tremendous numbers of gold. They make empire richer than ever before. Rome can afford powerful defence of its every border line. Roman empire is introduced to new foods, potatoes become a big hit. New predators, such as jaguars and pumas, together with Olmec prisioners receive an honour to fight in Colosseum itself

>Altough the new emperor, Hadrian, is willing to continue the conquest of Quietania, he knows that previous emperor left too many unfinished buisnessess back home. He stays, yet sends to the new world another wave of legions. Before 116 AD, Teotihuacan falls, and when Romans overrun whole Mexico, they are ready to expand southward and northward.
>Roman empire becomes the greatest achievementent of humanity. With Quietanian resources, it manages to conquer whole Europe. For hundreds of years it is a world haegemon. It's troubles start only 1000 years later, when Quietania wins the war for own independence.

Yeah, but there were like half a million Lithuanians having to fight some 10-15 million Muscovites. Nah mate, independent Lithuania wouldn't have worked.

stormniggers spam "Hitler wanted peace because he didn't have every member of the BEF summarily executed as soon as Dunkirk fell" every time someone brings up WW2

>the Marshall Plan is killed in the US congress
>the delay in European economic recovery this causes leads to successful communist revolutions in France and Austria, and a revolution in the American and British occupation zones that is supported by the French and Soviets but eventually crushed, causing the problems in Europe to spiral completely out of control, resulting in the British and American militaries leaving West Germany to be torn apart by France, Austria and East Germany

What about the East? And Africa? Does Rome conquer those, too?

The way it should have ended up.

>no criticism

Well NO SHIT that’s just time travel 101

>willingly grant colonies independence
>kicked out

You probably mean France my dude who were kicked out of both Algeria and Vietnam. Or the Spanish who were kicked out of the entire South American continent

Finally someone fixed Europe

Yeah, no.

England Ireland? Don't you mean the former Yugoslav republic of the pale

Why is carthage incapable of occupying the holy land?

If only we had you back in 1814.

Carthage never showed interest in expanding Eastward, at least from what I have read. Unless you want to imagine some "Retake our mother city" attitude. I don't seem them expanding into Italy or the Eastern Mediterranean. They would have mainly focused on Sicily, Spain, and Northern Africa I would imagine.

>tfw trying to write an alt-history novel
>tfw can't figure this writing shit out

I had a lot of fun doing the outline but truth is I don't have the first clue on how to write a book, feels bad, I even pitched it on Veeky Forums and everyone seemed to like it and the plebs in /pol/ hated the shit out of it so I now it was a good idea.

I'm sorry, I can't accept any kaissereich scenario that doesn't include 5-way ideological civil wars engulfing every major power (except my beloved deutschland~~~~), please redo this map immediately

Focus on the stories within the book you have figured out. Write those events out. Then focus on linking them after. It doesn't matter the chronology.

The worst enemy of carthage was carthage elite, they are the ones that destroyed carthage, carthage had their own army and scored victories against greeks but carthage changed that to mercenaries and with that started their decline


My biggest issue right now is actually trying to figure out how the events of the novel gets started. Its basically this

>US never enters war in Europe, still getting over the Depression in the early 40s
>Germany wins the war in Europe
>Germany invades the US
this is where I can't think of a reason why they would outside of muh ebul nazzies
>Germany wakes a lot of gains during initial invasion
>War stalls and turns into protracted, brutal and bloody insurgency
>tl;dr Invasion of the US turns into Germany's Vietnam

So far all I've been able to cook up with the help of some Veeky Forumstorians is that the governments of England and France are in exile in Canada, turning the Canadian coast into a fortress. So Germany decides to invade what they perceive to be a weak US to occupy and build up a force to invade Canada and take out England and France once and for all.

I enjoy this one

The Chinese or Japanese actually go across the Pacific Pre-Columbus and make contact with the native tribes. Obviously they wouldn't set up colonies because that still way too far and North America wouldn't have much to offer,but lets say they still had a moderate sustained contact.

Figure out what way you want to write it. There are many ways to build a world.
If you are a writefag, maybe write a novel set in this world. Maybe make it a compilation of documents/news snippets/letters set in the world.
Do all that to build the world and believe it.

I wonder what would have happened if the US never gave a shit about California? I know that neither Spain nor Mexico ever really gave a shit about the province so it probably would have been a less relevant backwater, though the fact that the Bay Area is an amazing deep water port makes me wonder about how it would have turned out.

I should clarify that I'm referring to the possibility that the US never tried to take the territory.

This is stupid but I appreciate that someone remembers how Russia tried to colonize Hawaii

They still deployed both, the whole notion that they only used mercenaries is incorrect. They just deployed a relatively high amlunt, and mercs were good to have at that time. They were only an issue when they weren't paid. . The Carthaginian merchant class definitely fucked over Carthage, but more because of their hesitancy to commit to wars.

Don't worry about how it starts. Just focus on what you already have laid out and go from there.

For your case, some ideas to consider the huge support German citizens in the US gave, or maybe some USS Maine type fiasco where a German ship is sunk near the US coast and it appears to be tied to US involvement. But honestly I wouldn't focus on that part until you come up with something that works for you. Just focus on what you have.

>Rhodesia surviving up to 2010
muh dick
But by "territories", does this mean that the areas are directly under CSA administration? If so, for 2010, it seems like this would be overextending their reach quite far, with the CSA holding nearly the entirety of the Americas. Or would they be more like puppet governments?

Lol I've completely fleshed out some parts of the story, there are many fronts of the war. There are many fronts in the American Theater, the most devastating to the German War effort is the Dixie Front where they have to deal with a massive insurgency led by a beefed up KKK and Neo-Confederate aristocracy and the Texan Front where the remnants of the Federal Gov't/US Army is pulling itself together with the Texan National Guard/Militia and Rangers to stop the final German Offensive of their last stronghold.

Here, have some map autism

>After the disaster of losing Egypt and the Levant to the Muslim Invasions, the Eastern Roman mentality changes drastically.
>the Byzantine-Sasanian War of 602-628 and the Muslim Conquests drastically depopulated and laid waste to important swaths of the Empire
>with the armies weakened and the politicians fearful, the Emperor's power is ascendant
>given the Emperor is strong, he sees this weakness in the Empire as an opportunity to secure his lineage and stabilize his Empire.
>sweeping bureaucratic, hereditary, military, and economic reforms are made, using the fear of Muslim invasion to ratify legislation he normally would have been killed for.
>the Muslims invade, but are repelled at Constantinople with the help of Greek Fire as usual
>the constant Muslim threat continually allow the Emperor to continue to remold the Eastern Roman Empire
>Once the Ummayads retreat, The Emperor immediately begins to divert resources into securing the mountain ranges by building a system of great fortifications to keep the Caliphates at bay
>the fortifications are a resounding success, no matter how fierce the Caliphate offenses were, the Ummayads could not break into Anatolia and instead suffered decisive losses
>As confidence returns to the Eastern Roman politicians and generals, they realize the Emperor had already used their fears to neutralize them from influencing the state-- by implementing a system of checks and balances, the Emperor had the senate and the army's efforts were directed against each other rather than the throne
>He has a son, and is active in the upbringing of his child. His son turns out to be every bit as cunning as his father.
>The old Emperor passes, having secured the borders of Eastern Rome and created a stable internal realm. He is posthumously given the title "The Lawgiver" and "Shield of the Romans"
>His son continues in his father's path, creating a tradition of well-educated Emperors that ensure the survival of East Rome into the post-modern era

This should have happaned after the WWI. Would have prevented the mess with the plebiscites and the Czechoslovak-Polish conflicts.

What a shame this didn't happen.
They South have freed the slaves eventually anyways, even if with a couple decades of delay..


I thought the confederate constitution explicitly stated that there would be no modifying, repealing, etc of the right for a man to own negro slaves?

What the fuck is this shit I'm reading?

>the middle of America and west Canada are all one blob
>haha lol those flyovers are all basically the same of course there would be no cultural differences dividing far west Canada and the midwest

Well do you really believe they would hae slavery forever? Legality aside, it was becoming less and less profitable and efficient.

Can you please have the people of Bangor Maine be brave lumberjacks fighting off the Nazi's. My city needs something other than fucking Stephen King.