NEET here. I'm wondering what it's like wearing a Veeky Forumsiness suit everyday in public. Is it comfy or does it get annoying? Do people treat you differently? Do you get more attention/approaches from women?
NEET here. I'm wondering what it's like wearing a Veeky Forumsiness suit everyday in public...
>Do people treat you differently?
We're in a new paradigm user. Neets will rule the world and so will their casual attire. Also sutis are super un/comfy/
You simply look like you belong in a coffin.
I work in policy and wear suits almost all the time. It's comfy as fuck, but we're talking €1000 suits here. Nothing comes close to the feeling of power I get when walking confidently down the street. Only my crypto gains get me harder.
>Do people treat you differently?
If I see one in public I would pity him for being a wagecuck and dead inside. Only politicians should wear business suits anyway. What moron would wear a business suit everyday to work?
Someone who works in business?
wearing a suit to work mean you are a serious person who does serious work
I wouldn't expect the clowns on this board to understand respecting your profession and yourself
The richest guys wear Hawaii shirt and cargo shorts .
Suits for poor or semi-rich vain fags
Whenever I wear a suit, female strangers approach me and then just start sucking my cock.
>Is it comfy or does it get annoying?
it's comfy if your suit fits
>Do people treat you differently?
I get good treatment in whichever style I'm dressed because hygiene, grooming and general taste
>Do you get more attention/approaches from women?
women don't approach but they may turn you down less if they percieve you as higher value
considering that one hangs out at certain places with a similar kind of people it's kinda irrelevant what one wears
>tfw licensed in personal finance and in business for myself
Full on suit not everyday but most of the time at least a sport coat or blazer and a tie. It's uncomfortable at first physically and mentally (if you're a self-conscious person) because you do stand out. After a while it feels great, you have pmuch instant credibility and respect a lot of the time and people are extra pleasant if you're nice to them. I do it because I never know when I'll run into someone who could be important and first impressions are key.
Good luck user (btw chicas will give you the eye so much if you pull it off well)
not true. I'm a banker, I get paid 36k CAD per year. I feel like an idiot wearing a suit.
That doesn't make any sense. I can do the same amount of work without a suit as i can with a suit, in fact, probably better without because i wouldn't constantly be trying to get comfy. You sound like one of those faggots that spend 30 grand on a fucking watch.
it disgusts me poor undriven people post on Veeky Forums
not necessarily
shit wrapped in gold is still shit
Im a poor undriven person because i don't spend 30 grand on a watch and wear a suit? Or maby it's because im not a mindless jew controlled drone than upsets you?
Of course clothing may be important for any shallow or vain human and it just displays this person protects his image and tells absolutely nothing about how his monetary status is
you speak like an uneducated animal
People will talk to you more positively and women will look in your direction assuming its fitted and you don't look like a manchild in it or you look out of place. If you're a NEET you probably won't look good in a suit.
Some bootlicker types will try to kiss your ass too.
Anyone who wears business suits outside the congress/senate/white house is a clown. Even CEOs rarely wear a clown. My father who is an assistant CEO in a car company here goes to work in collar shirt and jeans because there's no point in except end of the month meetings. Pretentious faggot.
Who knows, I might be.
On a first glance, suits looks wealthy, serious and knowledgeable. However, it decives. It's just a look in the end.
My father who was wealthy always told me "remember the deception a smile carries".
>Even CEOs rarely wear a clown.
*rarely wear a business suit
Suits are annoying. I don't wear one anymore, but I used to have to. They're hot. I hate pleated slacks. I hate having to wear a tie (although occasionally it's ok). If you wear a suit every day, you need like five of them, because people will know what's up if you show up every day wearing the same pants.
If you want the benefits of a suit with no downsides, just wear some well fitting chinos, button down shirt, and a sport coat. People will assume you have a good job but you're not a tie wearing faggot.
>Someone who works in business?
Buy this $15,000 business suit! By wearing it, you will look rich, powerful, and intelligent. Girls start sucking your dicks just by looking at your business suit! It's a deal goy!
>girl sucks your dick
>sues you for sexual harassment
>lose job
>lose money
>wife leaves you
>wife takes kids and half your assets
>dog dies
All because you decided to wear a jewsuit
>"remember the deception a smile carries".
Reminder that money skeleton never wore a business suit because for him it was an idiotic dress code. He owns 1 mil eth (around $280 million)
Corporate lawyer here. Wear a suit and tie 5 days a week. It fucking sucks. Very uncomfortable.
Yes, people treat you differently, but it's not worth it.
This proves my point well. Thank you.
People treat you differently
Women smile / stare at you more
You feel fucking great
Anyone saying otherwise doesn't have to wear a suit in public, or looks too much like shit to have a chance.
This is the truth.
People who shit on suits probably bought a cheap nigger suit that doesn't fit properly. A good suit will get you laid and earn you more money, people will take you more seriously and in general you will be superior to those around you.
Plus since people assume your doing some shit right or are fucking rich you get treated better when you do things. I got my phone repaired the other day and I lost my invoice/slip ..normally you would need ID to pick up my repaired phone since I lost it. Nope not in a fucking suit you pleb trash they just give it to me because I'm basically a demi-god to them.
Fuck all you dress-down smelly NEETs. You couldn't even look me in the eye with your skinny jeans and ethereum hoody. I'd grab your cock and force you to whisper your private keys in my ear and you would do it because of the overwhelming aroma of my virgin wool suit..I'll let you imagine how i obtained such a suit.
>is it comfy?
You get used to it after a while. Tailors and custom suits make a huge difference. It's hot as fuck in the summer(especially if you live in the humid south) but nice in the winter/fall
>do people treat you differently?
Yes depending on where you live. You are more commonly seen as a priority and people usually don't waste as much of your time. When I went to bars and stuff in my suit I literally never got carded. However if you are in a warmer area (Miami, LA, etc) literally nobody wealthy wears a suit unless they're like a lawyer or some shit. All the rich people walk around wearing shorts and a t-shirt with the only distinguishing feature being their watch
If you generally look like a fat shit a suit won't make you look any better and will be uncomfortable.
If you're in at least OK shape then a suit looks great and you feel great wearing it and yes people treat you better.
THIS. The very first thing you smelly, nasty NEETs should do with your crypto gains is to stop being such an eyesore and improve the way you present yourselves. Meaning, hit the gym, fix your terrible hygiene, and upgrade your wardrobe, faggots.