How would you explain this phenomenon, Veeky Forums?
How would you explain this phenomenon, Veeky Forums?
Seems like the Nordic race are naturally good rulers, in comparison to swarthy Mediterrenean Iberians.
Spanish nobility aren't spanish?
Germanic(Gothic) ruling class ruling over brown people
Being a irl person allows me to interact with people.
Thanks to that I know what childhood blodism is.
Sadly, most /int/his/ bots will never learn.
Spanish royal family is french
French are swarthy people too, at least to some extent.
Good answer. Or Frankish, because of French influence.
This is the current Spanish king. What the fuck are you about?
>grey-blue eyes
Thanks for proving my point.
Most French people besides those living on the Mediterranean coast are indistinguishable from Brits and Germans
For your example, I'd say upper-class aristocrats are less likely to be MEHMED'd than defenseless farmer fernando's daughter.
If you mean for the other countries, there's the factor of less sun exposure for the rich, and also the ruling class often being of different ethnic origin than the general populace (so norman/angevins ruling over England) although in that case neither group should be noticeably paler or darker than the other, disregarding sun exposure.
Just like most Spaniards do you mean?
>House of Bourbon
Your point is that Spanish royal family are some Nordic demigods ruling over masses of swarthy people. Don't move goalposts.
He is still racially half-Nordic.
Which shows how little do you know.
Not really. The guy looks like an average Spaniard.
back to your board, polnigger.
user, you do realize that blue eyes and light skin isn't some ultra-rare phenotype in Spain, right? Plus their nobility is of French extract, too.
>blue-eyed and fair skinned
>looks like an average Spaniard
lol nice try Juan
Why not the Bronze Age? This was the most Nordic race dominated period in Europe though.
>in Europe
And in Iran, India, Anatolia, Central Asia, Western China, Egypt, et cetera...
No, Juan, you are wrong.
literally one person is blue-eyed on this photo, lol
Spaniards are swarthy except the Nordic minority mostly of Germanic origin.
I wonder who keeps making these malinformed race bait threads
>Not a single swarthy spaniard even shown
>Spaniards are unlike me swarthy i swear
I'm not amerifat lol. I'm a Polish patrilineal and phenotypical Corded Ware descendant.
>I'm not amerifat lol. I'm a Polish patrilineal and phenotypical Corded Ware descendant.
You're an autist.
From left to right : French,Jew,Catalan,Spanish.
I'd say the French aren't too swarthy.
Kurwa mać, szkoda że nie ma tu flag z geolokacją jak na /pol/u... ehh.
USA IMPERIUM ZŁA. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Nordyckich braci z Polski :)
So what? Autism is a European trait.
Catalonia is literally Goth-Alania. And both the Goths and Alans are originally Nordic.
Visigoths invasion. Lad
>Kurwa mać, szkoda że nie ma tu flag z geolokacją jak na /pol/u... ehh.
>USA IMPERIUM ZŁA. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Nordyckich braci z Polski :)
Jew is not a race, imbecile
She isnt semitic, she iberian or greek
I dont know why you animals cant grasp this
And several more have light skin. What's your point? Like I said, it isn't some mythical feature in Spain.
She's a polish jew..
The Spanish guy could pass as French desu
She still can be celtic or even armenian
Aaaa pierdol się niedowiarku. Chłodni Nordycy, zimnoocy, jasnowłosi, wysocy tworzyciele cywilizacji i tak zawsze będą lepsi od was :)
My point is that Spanish population is predominantly swarthy, but the elite is much more Nordid-influenced.
You used my name just to post this, its hilarious
Germanic doesnt mean german
Leticia is a commoner from Asturias. Spaniards are paler than most people think
In Europe the most developed places during the bronze age were all South European
Define "developed".
>You used my name
Stop using my name
Lol nice, im very loved here
Borbons were more Spanish genetically than French. They were more Navarrese than French genetically and then Lpuis XIV married a Spanish princes
Letizia is a commoner. Your argument is still pretty fucking dull
Spanish and french is not a race, lad
Visigoths left their mark on iberia
just creat e a trip if this becmomes a problem
OP is an american mongrel doesn't understand Europe, you can even find blonde hair in fucking Iran and Berbers in Morocco.
Oh no, i dont need that, it make me laugh that users use my username
Most of the genetic stock from Spain comes from neolitic farmers. The same applies to most of Europe
>OP is an american mongrel doesn't understand Europe
Three lies in one sentence.
>you can even find blonde hair in fucking Iran and Berbers in Morocco.
Yes, because of Nordic expansion. But it doesn't change the fact that they are in minority.
What is Nordic to you, moron?
>Berbers are nordic
>Visigoths made an impact
>Suebi made an impact
Spanish are predominantly unchanged, user.
A race. A race of light-pigmented tall dolicho-mesocephals who created Europe, India, Iran, et cetera as we know it.
What about the savages that came from the north?
This is your brain on Aryanism
>The same applies to most of Europe
Wrong. The North is more Aryan than farmerfaggish.
spanish women are gross
This man is "germanic" created Europe
That is impossible to say because romans said Iberians were swarthy and and now you pale people with light eyes in iberia and all thanks to germanic invasion
You think those germanics were 4000-5000 people?
They were 100k, they raped and killed people when they invaded
I said most. Migrations made an impact but they were absorbed into the genepool. That is why all people in the peninsula from Portuguese to Basques can