Constantine caused islam
>chooses Byzantion as his new Christian capital
>fast forward 300 years
>the Sassanids besiege the capital
>its quality as a site prevents an easy capture, forcing the war to continue and exhausting the two empires to create the space into which islam would expand
>if Constantinople was never founded, the Achaemenid Empire would have been reconquered and islam would've gone down as a minor revolt of some unimportant tribes
Constantine caused islam
Constantine did nothing wrong.
t. muhammad
It all went wrong the moment the Republic ended.
t. Bargala Barbara Julian
Constantius II was too nice to pagans
the knights templar caused islam and I have the facts to prove it.
Amalaric, king of jerusalem had managed to convert a group of "Assassins" whom possessed 10 castles and a the surrounding villages. He was on good terms and was going to convert and Baptize the "Old Man" who ruled the aforementioned castles.
the fucking homo ass knights templar fucking killed the emissary sealing the deal on his was back to the old man.
the Templars destroyed outeremer
wtf I love Constantine now
>dude let's trust these drugees who founded their own religion after swapping twice
>sounds baller
The hospitallers led the templars to fall and thus outremer for good
An infidel about to convert is still an infidel
Christianity destroyed the roman empire prove me wrong
t. Maximinus II
Christians destroyed the Library of Alexandria prove me wrong
It was justified
Christians caused the Justian plague. Prove me wrong.
God's punishment to heretics
Constantine caused Hitler.
>Turkic tribes eventually adopt islam Constantine caused and conquer Constantinople
>Ottoman empire conquers the entire Balkans
>Russia wanting to re-establish Orthodox rule in the Balkans, repeatedly wages war against the Ottomans
>a congress in Berlin is presided over by Otto von Bismarck, trying to divide the former Ottoman posessions
>Austria-Hungary gets to annex Bosnia with German support
>this alienates Russia and Austria-Hungary/Germany, who were traditional allies before
>Yugoslav nationalism arises in Bosnia, culminating in a Serb assassinating the heir to the Austrian throne
>Russia and Austria-Hungary/Germany go to war
>Germany and Austria lose the war, Russia technically wins but is gutted by the war and a bunch of communists take over
>the German defeat as well as communist jews taking over Russia form Hitler's beliefs, causing Hitler to become what we know him as
Are these pakis or afghans?
And Sulla caused all that to begin with
Pakis, afghanis aren’t that dark
>If Constantinople was never founded, the Achaemenid Empire would have been reconquered and Islam would've gone down as a minor revolt of some unimportant tribes
Achaemenids fell already about a good 600+ years before Romans were every remotely relevant and secondly, how would this have been a domino effect given the Romans still held most of Anatolia and still couldn't make any real headway into Iranian homelands? On top of that, the reason Islam rose was because of the Persians and Romans battering each other senseless over centuries of warfare, intrigue, and socio-political beliefs and dominance.
No, that is Adam
>not Eve
why do roasties always get away with it