Satoshis vision

>Satoshis vision
1.05% of all wallets have 87.88% of all BTC.

I.e. a few thousand early adopters own 55 billion $.

How can anyone be a bank bashing reactionary anarchio-capatilist in light of this?

The bitcoin experiment fucking failed.

go back to germany and vote for merkel, cuck

That's just the nature of wealth, qt. At least there's no middleman standing between the wealthy buttfucking poor with crypto. Baby steps

Yeah bud big scam stay away don't buy

i love OP, nice sauce

This girl is not only asian girls , thats the rule here.



Kill yourself

This is the painful truth cryptards never want to talk about.

you heard me

dude.. no asian girl will EVER match this godess

please stop posting asian girls and only post pretty girls like her!!

You're a fucking jealous communist piece of shit. You envy their wealth, just because you're incompetent . Anybody could be an early adopter, but not many had the guts to invest in it.
Die poor you trash

Who's that semen princess?

>broader distribution of wealth than the rest of the world
>somehow this is a problem

you're not making a lot of sense OP

Satoshi's vision wasn't communism you tard. Now go find your carer before I give you a free helicopter ride.

isnt that a better wealth distribution than with fiat money?

>1.05% of all wallets have 87.88% of all BTC.

Wow, better than the wealth distribution of any country on Earth.

Except America.

Literally only America, huh

What, what what the fuck happened in America in the last 300 years different from, say, Soviet countries?

Was it all the immigrants?

>that filename


fuck your degenerate chink fetish

There are less than 20 millions BTC wallets that have ever been used.
Money will circulate easier when there will be more things to buy with bitcoins and so more adopters.

Right now people don't spend their BTC because there is very little to buy with and when they can it's more tedious than simply use traditionnal currencies, also since it's a market in full expansion it's more intelligent to hold than to spend it (which is exactly why everyone want one and why more and more commerces will adopt it).

So is this without exchange addresses or what?

>1.05% of all wallets have 87.88% of all BTC.

about 1mil BTC are believed to be mined by Satoshi and have not been touched since they were mined.

whos this demon semen

>that ID

Only a German mod could be *this* drawn to the word SHIT

because anarchists want totally equal distribution of wealth now, lol

>waaah people who took tremendous risk by buying bitcoin in 2010 when everyone condescendingly told them it was a scam shouldn't be allowed to keep all of it to themselves
>waaah capitalism is not fair, everyone should pay their fair share
Did you not have the opportunity to buy thousands of bitcoins for a few dollars in 2009? Would you have bailed these people out if btc went to 0? Fuck off commie leeches.

>about 1mil BTC are believed to be mined by Satoshi and have not been touched since they were mined.

That includes this estimation of the initial mining (which was necessary to bring mining speed up to a reasonable minimum with this model) which is probably inaccurate anyway, probably closer to 2mil, so the distribution across actual users is actually even better.

That will change in October with Amazon accepting BTC.

OP here, why are you so assfucking mad.

I don't have to be a socialist or communist to find a 1% 90% distribution problematic.

A ridiculous new "graph" is making the rounds on Twitter and elsewhere

You might have seen it

It's a sort of pie chart where all the slices are different sizes and colors

And not radially distributed

And all the slices have indicators pointing to them with weird stats like, 0.023% own 1.16% of all BTC

There is no attribution

There is no reference

There is no corraboration

There is no publication

It's totally incoherent

It was created to FUD bitcoin, and it's promulgated by shills with active short positions

>get told to buy BTC

You shouldn't care at all because it's none of your business

Make your own coin and keep 99% of it for yourself see if you can generate a billion dollars

aye, and i guess you want to redistribute the wealth hey? filthy commie.

>someone is richer than you because of his choices
>it happens so that there's only few thousand people who were genius/lucky enough to see BTC become what it is today
>that's somehow bad
lmao, are you for real?

do people honestly believe it's good if a few sociopaths control the means of controlling others?

>rich people have more money

makes you think

>a few sociopaths
Nice straw man you built there, way to knock him down. Since when are early adopters sociopaths?

All we need is $75,000,000,000,000,000

to give everyone in the world $1,000,000 each

"the bitcoin experiment"

we have other cryptos, shill.
LTC should replace BTC. not premined or any of that shit. it's the most "for the people" and decentralized

> a few sociopaths

nah man you were just too stupid to adopt early.

I agree but LTC would lose all value if Charlie Lee died... he doesn't really have an independent team who works on the coins or to keep updates and stuff if he passed away.

I wonder what would happen to ETH if Vitalik died. Would it die with him?

When you think about it.. Bitcoin will be around forever long after we're dead. WIll ETH or LTC?

if BTC doesn't need a leader neither does LTC. no one cares about Charlie Lee, someone else can update the chain.

I wonder...

Is this what anime girls look like in real life?

a lot of coins are satoshis and another wallets are cold wallets from Coinbase, Poloniex, Bittrex ETC.

A lot of people BTC's are concentrated in a couple of addresses

I mean, most of those wallets are probably Bittrex, Coinbase, and other exchanges holding everyone elses coins, right?

>holding coins

Redpill: When you deposit money on an exchange, they don't actually hold your coins. They sell 99% of them for fiat or other coins so they can profit. It's called fractional reserve coining. In other words your coins don't exist until you withdraw. But if an exchange run happens, it's possible that they'll run out of coins so they can't give them back to you.


who is this cum plum?

sauce for the love of god PLEASE

Do you think she would hold my hand if I asked nicely?

1 address =/= 1 person


isnt it the same with fiat?


I have not been able to secure definite proof but all clues are pointing to that girl being Saxon Sharbino

>sadoshi's bision

>de fudoor

That fucking image almost induced an acid flashback, what the fuck user

Wallets != People. There are literally millions of wallets not in use. This is a bullshit statistic and doesn't give an idea of wealth distribution.