its not fair bros
Its not fair bros
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Shouldn't have betrayed Russia. Don't kick a bear unless you can deal with his claws.
Deserved every bit taken
Fuck hungary
Why did Austria nick shit from them too though? They also lost the war.
Was 1867 fair to you?
Has there ever been a systematic dismantling of a kingdom based on demographics other than Hungary?
The justifications for it, demographics, doesn't even make sense. They said that there were more czechs there, so they had to make a new country, and there were more romanians there, so they had to give it away, etc.
But that doesn't talk about who was there during the founding of Hungary in 1000 AD. For one, we don't know the total percentage of magyars in the romanian/chezch/etc parts of the kingdom until the early 20th century. It could have been majority magyar for 900 years.
It's like America losing a war and giving Texas back to Mexico because of demographics. It really doesn't make sense and sometimes I feel like the only reason they split up the 1000 year Kingdom of Hungary is because they feared the Magyar warrior
>It's like America losing a war and giving Texas back to Mexico
It's actually even more retarded than that, it's like America losing a war and then slicing Texas into 4 entirely new countries, with old texas being relegated to just the panhandle or some shit
The dismantling of the German Empire as well as Kingdom of Austria?
>They said that there were more czechs there
Slovaks not Czechs you dolt.
>But that doesn't talk about who was there during the founding of Hungary in 1000 AD.
Why would they give a shit what the demographics were 900 years earlier?
>For one, we don't know the total percentage of magyars in the romanian/chezch/etc parts of the kingdom until the early 20th century
Somehow every single thing about this post happens to be wrong. Are you American?
>Why would they give a shit what the demographics were 900 years earlier?
Because they built the fucking country and are entitled to it? Life is not merely demographics and if the beasts of the field multiply against you, that doesn't mean the beasts get free reign over your country.
>beasts of the field
>unironically falling for Entente propaganda
>be magyars
>found hungary
>have kingdom for 1000 years
>romanians move into your kingdom under the grace of the king
>romanians shit out more babies than magyars
>therefore they get to take 1/3rd of your land after ww1
when are you burgers going to give texas back?
The borders are so beautiful, too. So snug, with the Carpathian mountains at the back and Adriatic at the front. 1920 was absolutely one of the cruelest fates a country could have suffered in the last 1.000 years
Yep. Although Russia with communism is pretty on par.
What a beautiful country.
The (((people))) who were the architects behind Versailles/Trianon did this shit on purpose. Their goal was to sow the seeds of division and conflict between white europeans for generations to come. Divide et impera basically
source? prove your claim, cuck
kill yourself yid
>hurrrf proofs
Look at the fucking map you bolshevist troglodyte, to any non-mentally handicapped person (which excludes you obviously) it's fucking readily apparent what the intentions behind these ""borders"" were
Considering they tried to pull the same shit again in WW2 I'd say Hungary did not suffer enough
I'm not even a jew, I just want you to tell me how the fuck you know this
what same shit?
Yep. Instead of Germany being focused on just France, they had them focused on Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Sow division between Hungarians, Slovaks, Czechs, Romanians etc in order to force some countries to ally themselves to Britain and France. Et cetera.
This hungary map is such a meme. They never controlled the Croatian part, nor the Transylwanian
its not FUCKING fair bros
Friendly reminder that Germany and Italy managed the impossible and brought their axis allies Hungary and Romania to a post-Trianon understanding prior to WW2 but then the allied powers reversed the border changes again after starting WW2 and declared them void for no reason
Look at how fair these borders are! Fuck the allies
Why base the borders on ethnicity and not just make it a single country again just with autonomous cantons?
>It's like America losing a war and giving Texas back to Mexico because of demographics
Except it's not like that at all because Texas's population is 70%+ native English speaking. Meanwhile the majority of people in all the ceded lands of the kingdom had nothing in common culturally with Hungary and had their own distinct languages and culture. Mexican-Americans past the first generation on the other hand, like pretty much all Americans, share nothing in common with their 'home' country besides genetics. Despite their autistic muh ancestors ranting a la plastic paddies.
When Mexico can take it
Alternatively; when the GDP of Mexico surpasses that of Texas
yeah mexicans are soooooooooooo americanized right
these savages would pull a trianon if they could
Too bad they can’t because the USA is more likely to give Wisconsin to Canada then let one of its largest moneymakers ever leave the Union
That's also a very fair and agreeable solution
somebody from an intelligence agency actually wrote a book about how if too many spics populate texas he predicts around 2100 there will be an unironic secessionist movement that will have to be squashed by the army and turn real messy
I think it's called "the next 100 years" or something
the problem with mexicans is they cant leave their culture behind because its not an ocean away like it was for the europeans, its just a road trip away
Meanwhile in reality the majority of Mexican-Texans speak English as their first language (hence don't have conversations like this) and don't give a fuck about the shithole their parents or grandparents came from.
The prison of nations deserved to be destroyed. But it's such a shame that it lost such aesthetic borders. Shit, those are basically the same borders it held in the Middle Ages, and they were just aesthetic then.
>have kingdom for 1000 years
Oh I get it, you're a retard.
Well he's both right and wrong, the kingdom of Hungary was indeed an entity for almost 1000 years, it's just that it often looked like this or had non-Hungarian rulers.
>within the next 100 years
Eh, that’s a stupidly vague prediction that’s dependent on too many variables to accurately depict.
Within the next 100 years the question of nationality could become moot, it’s neither here nor there.
The problem with Texas is it’s culture is literally linked to Mexican culture as people might forget it started as a colony of Mexico that rebelled and gained independence before being annexed by the USA. Similar to how the USA’s Atlantic area contains many cultural traces of the original colonists nationalities so does Texas with Mexico
Signed, Texan
This is irrelevant. Most Jews used to speak a dialect of German for most centuries, they were still able to create a nationalist movement.
Beaners will secede the moment American economy goes to the toilet, which could be pretty soon.
The Kingdom of Hungary ceased its existence in 1540 and only became a thing again in 1867 because the Habsburgs were too cowardly to enact decisive reform in their crumbling empire.
>prison of nations
Are you an anarchist or something? Or is the below what you're referring to?
>kingdoms or countries cant come back from the grave
if israel can have a 2000 year hiatus hungary can have a 200 year one
>annexed by the USA
Texas willingly joined. There wasn't an anschluss
Wrong. Kingdom of Hungary existed, the Habsburgs were just considered the kings and the kingdom was completely subordinate to them.
What battle is that painting of?
What an apt comparison my educated American friend. One must also applaud your excellent mathematical skills.
>everybody I dont like is american
gas these australians
I just can't get past the Hungarian dick plunging into Romania's ass. It looks weird, but i guess its fair.
True, Romania should've gotten everything east of the Tisza
Did it hold a Diet? Have an assembly of some sort? Special laws to differentiate it? Oh, so it was treated much the same as the Kingdoms of Bohemia and Lombardia? Shocker.
>Did it hold a Diet?
Of course it did.
So fair they had to come begging to uncle Dolphie to get it. And then beg him not to allow the Romanian army to turn back after taking Odessa and finish what they started in 1919.
>Search Google for Image
Battle of Tannenberg 1914. A painting by Averyanov Alexander of a division of Russian cavalry attacking a German artillery position.
What does Russia have to do with Trianon? Russia didn't even exist as a country anymore by the time Trianon was signed.
Trianon was so fair that the rumanians had to come begging to Clemenceau to get it. Fuck off
pic related, in 1916
>Implying Hispanic Texans want to be associated with the failed state to their south.
Honestly, flag waving at some immigration protests aside, most Hispanic Americans are actually pretty damn patriotic towards the USA. They/their ancestors came here for a reason, and when you have a literal Mad Max style crazy wasteland in places like Ciudad Juarez the desire for any sort of "reconquista" is negligible. The rhetoroc you see online really is negligible irl. Besides, most northern Mexicans actually aren't huge fans of the government anyways. If anything it's more likely Baja Cal/Sonora would come over to the US. (I mean that's realistically not going to happen either but it's more fucking likely than Texas going back.)
Clemenceau had to beg them to leave the poor Hungarians alone after they got raped so hard the Romanian army provided bread for the people of Budapest so they don't starve. Let's not forget they were commies either. Fuck off LARPer.
>Implying Hispanic Texans want to be associated with the failed state to their south.
Well they keep overwhelmingly voting in a shitty welfare state and pro-socialist democrats
As it stands the only latin people I respect are the Cubans. They came from a place of leftist oppression, and vowed to not bring that over here.
The ones who hop the fence are literally retarded in comparison. They flee leftist oppression and failed leftist policies and then vote for them here. I have no respect for them.
>Mad Max style crazy wasteland
Meanwhile in reality Mexicans are turning Tucson and El Paso into Juarez 2.0
Doesn't mean shit, those weak fucking shit-flingers wouldn't have even gotten to the Tisza without help from the stronger powers
>lose fair and square
Fair means fuck-all in this context, the rumanians were weak fucking bitches and they needed help from France, that's all that matters.
Didin't the Romanians want to expand their borders west to the Tisza river? And if so what reason did they have to do that?
Defensive option, greed, etc
Where was it implied otherwise..?
Besides the Croatia part everything is quite unfair.
t. romanian
Are you mentally ill?
Transilvania was dacian land LONG before Hungary was even a thing